ITU's 160 anniversary

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ITU-APT-PITA Sub-regional Workshop on Enabling policies and regulations for Catalyzing e-application in the Pacific

​​30 November 2018, Apia, Samoa


The Sub-regional Workshop on “Enabling policies and regulations for catalyzing e-application in the Pacific" held on 30 November 2018 at Apia, Samoa. This workshop organized jointly by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), Pacific Islands Telecommunication Association (PITA) and the Asia-Pacific Telecommunity (APT) held back to back with the 11th APT Policy and Regulation Forum for Pacific (PRFP-11​) at the TATTE Convention Centre, Apia, Samoa. It is hosted by the Government of Samoa and supported by the Department of Communications and the Arts (Government of Australia).

The workshop aimed to discuss the enabling policies and regulatory framework for catalyzing e-application in the Pacific with focus on practical cases of e-application in the Pacific.

30 Nov

Opening Session:

Ms. Unutoa Fonoti, Office of the Regulator, Government of Samoa
Ms. Areewan Haorangsi, Secretary General, APT
Mr. Fred Christopher, Manager, PITA
Mr. Ashish Narayan, Programme Coordinator, ITU

Group Photo

Session 1: Introduction to the workshop and objectives

Objective: To introduce the background of the workshop and its objectives

Moderator: Dr. Jongbong Park, Director Project Development, APT

Mr. Ashish Narayan, Programme Coordinator, ITU​ Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific [Presentation​]

Session 2: E-application in the Pacific – Practical use cases (1)

Objective: To provide a practical use case of e-application in the Pacific and its implementation mechanism.

Moderator: Dr. Jongbong Park, Director, APT

Mr. Shane Dobson, Senior Account Manager, Global Wholesale Sales – Asia & Pacific Telstra​ [Presentation]

Ms. Iris Kissiti, Financial Inclusion Coordinator, UNCDF [Presentation​]

30 Nov

​​Session 2:  E-application in the Pacific – Practical use cases (2)

Objective: To provide a practical use case of e-application in the Pacific and its implementation mechanism.

Moderator: Mr. Douglas Creevey, Group CEO, BlueSky Samoa

Mr. Ravinesh Swamy, Vodafone

Mr. Alex Abraham, Country Manager, Bluesky Samoa​


Session 3:  Roundtable Table discussion on policy and regulatory issues, and the way forward

Objective: To discuss the policy and regulatory issues in the Pacific pertaining to supporting e-applications in the Pacific in general with greater discussion on the specific use cases.

To identify the way forward to foster the enabling environment that will support e-applications in the Pacific.​

Moderator: Mr. Ashish Narayan, Programme Coordinator, ITU​ Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific