ITU's 160 anniversary

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Regional Training on the Use of Drones, Satellite Imagery and GIS for Agriculture

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The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) in partnership with the Geoinformatics Centre, Asian Institute of Technology organized a five-day training on the use of drones, satellite imagery and GIS from agriculture. The training held from 4-8 June 2018 at Asian Institute of Technology, Pathumthani, Thailand.

​FAO and ITU have been promoting the use of sustainable information and communication technologies for agriculture and the recent publication titled "E-agriculture in Action: Drones for Agriculture" is a step in that direction. To further build capacity among member countries in using these technologies to address some of the challenges in agriculture, FAO and ITU together with partners are conducting a regional training which also including hands-on training and experience sharing from FAO projects on the use of these technologies for disaster risk reduction. Download training concept note​. ​​​​​

Day 1 (4 June)

​Opening ceremony

- Mr. Kavinda Gunasekara, GIC
- Mr. Ashish Narayan, ITU
- Dr. Ravi Khetarpal, APAARI
- Mr Xaviour Bouan, FAO
- Mr. Gerard Sylvester, FAO
- Mr. Surendra Shreshta, AIT

Training sessions

Introduction to drones, remote sensing and GIS, Frank Yrle, GIC

Drone regulations, policies and privacy, Gerard Sylvester, FAO

Photogrammetry and computer vision, Sasanka Madawalagama, GIC             

Hands on session - basic manoeuvres of drone​ [Tutorial​​​]

Hands-on basic drone flight control

Day 2 (5 June)

Training sessions

UAV applications in agriculture: Experiences from Myanmar, Roberto Sandoval, FAO

Advanced flight planning

GNSS for ground control establishmentFrank Yrle, GIC

Introduction to GPS

Hands on session – Flight planning

Photogrammetric Processing

Drones for Agriculture in Africa​, Giacomo Rambaldi, CTA

Day 5 (8 June)

Training sessions

Mini project

Participant presentations

Hands-on satellite imagery processing​​,Sasanka Madawalagama, GIC 

Strategic UAS implementation for agriculture

Open discussion session

Closing ceremony

- Mr Gerard Sylvester, FAO
- Dr Manzul Hazarika, GIC

Day 3 (6 June)

Training sessions

Drone based sensor platformsGopi Kandaswamy,TCS Research and Innovation

Interpretation of remote sensing data Gopi Kandaswamy,TCS Research and Innovation

UAV applications in agriculture: Experience from Laos​, Xavier Bouan, FAO

Machine learning techniques for crop identification, classification, pest and disease detection, for agriculture and forestry​Gopi Kandaswamy,TCS Research and Innovation

Field visit (6 June)

(Rice Research Center, Ayuthaya, Thailand)

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