ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

Presentations: ITU Workshop on Managing Spectrum in the age of wireless communication

​​​​​ITU regional workshop on Managing Spectrum in the age of wireless communication​

Session 1 : Digital Broadcasting and Spectrum Masterplans
• Digital Broadcasting – ITU-D Activities, Mr Istvan Bozsoki - ITU [Short bio]  [Presentation]
• Implementation of Digital Broadcasting Services in Thailand, Ms Orasri SRIRASA, NBTC Thailand  
  [Short bio​]   [Presentation​​]
• Spectrum Management Master-plans – ITU-D Activities, ITU [Presentation]

 Mr Dan Craft, Managing Director, Forum Global
 Mr Ioane KOROIVUKI, ITU Regional Director for Asia and the Pacific 

Session 2: Cross Border Interference Management
Moderator: Mr Ioane KOROIVUKI, ITU Regional Director for Asia and the Pacific
• Cross Broder RF Interference Management, Mr. Aamir Riaz - ITU [Short bio]  [Presentation]
• Country Experience: Mr Leng KY,MPT - Cambodia  ​[Short bio]  [Presentation​]
• Country Experience: Mr Somphone SYHALATH, MPT – Lao P.D.R  [Short bio]  [Presentation]
• Introduction to HCM and HCM4A, Mr Istvan Bozsoki - ITU [Presentation]

Group Photo and Coffee Break

Session 3: Trends in Spectrum Management: Spectrum Economics and Estimation
Moderator: Mr. Brad Partridge, Manager Technical, Compliance, Competition and Universal Access,  Telecommunication and Radiocommunications Regulator of Vanuatu
• Spectrum Pricing: What it is and OCP in Australia, Dr. Ben Freyens - UC Australia  
• Spectrum Forecasting for Future use: Methods and Techniques , Mr. Aamir Riaz - ITU  [Presentation​]
• Country Experience: Mr Mohammad Farhan ALAM – BTRC - Bangladesh​  [Short bio]  [Presentation​​]
• Country Experience: Mr Xuan Truong LUONG, ARFM - Vietnam ​ [Short bio]  [Presentation]

Session 4: Trends in Spectrum Management: Spectrum planning
Moderator: Mr. Ruo Ting Chang, Director Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT), China 
• Market Methods in Spectrum Reallocation, Mr. Pavel Mamchenkov, Megafone - Russia​  [Short bio​] 
• Country Experience: Mr Pema Dhendup and Mr Pema Rinzin - Bhutan [Short bio]  [Presentation​]
• Country Experience: Mr. Amgalan Zandraa, CRC - Mongolia [Short bio​]  [Presentation​]

Session 5: Trends in Spectrum Management: Trading & Automation of Spectrum Management Systems
Moderator: Mr. Syed Aamir Riaz, Programme Officer- ITU
• Spectrum trading: Main issues and Australian Experience, Dr. Ben Freyens - UC Australia 
  [Short bio​] [Presentation]
• Country Experience, Mr. Pio Clemente, ANC - Timor-Leste  [Short bio]  [Presentation​]
Country Experience: Mr Rommel R. Natividad, DICT - Philippines​  [Short bio​]  [Presentation​]