ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

ITU Asia-Pacific CoE Program on Conformity and Interoperability


17-21 October 2016, Chongqing, P.R.China


The face-to-face training on “Conformity and Interoperability” is organized jointly by the International Telecommunication Union and the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology as part of the Conformity and Interoperability programme under the auspices of the ITU Centres of Excellence for Asia-Pacific region. The training will be held in Chongqing, P. R. China from 17-21 October 2016 and will be delivered in English.

The training course is designed to enhance strategic understanding of participants on ITU’s Conformity and Interoperability Programme, implementation mechanism, Conformity Assessment Principles and to develop greater understanding of typical global certification system, and country experiences on C&I implementation and assessment. 

This training is targeted at ICT professional managers and engineers interested in learning conformity and interoperability of their test equipment to relevant standards with focus on IMS and 4G-LTE. It is also targeted at ICT decision makers, managers, technical work for consumers, suppliers and operators. It is also of interest to anyone seeking to understand and exploit the benefits of Conformity and Interoperability, IMS, 4G-LTE. Basic knowledge of computer operating system and virtualization is required.


​Registration for the training should be made by completing the registration form (Annex 3) and online (Annex 1) before 10 September 2016.

The training course is offered free of charge.

ITU Contact: Mr. Sameer Sharma (, Senior Advisor, ITU Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, Bangkok.

CAICT Contact: Mrs. Lin Wang, CAICT ( and Mr. Li Zhi (

Invitation Details

Invitation Letter
Annex1 Training Outline and Draft Agenda
Annex 2 Information for Participants
Annex 3 Registration Form

ITU Conformity and Interoperability Resources
-Reference Material for ITU CI ASP COE Training
-Report of the Rapporteur Group Meeting 

ITU Academy
Course Link



Day 1 (17 October)

ITU Conformity and Interoperability, Programme, Strategy and Implementation​​​​​​​​, Sameer Sharma

Introduction of Telecommunications Equipment Network Access License(NAL)​Jian Wang

Introduction of CCSA​,  Shizhuo Zhao

Policy and supervision system for CI in India​, Vineet Verma

Country experiences

Bangladesh, Md. MehfuzBin Khaled & Mohammed Ashraful Alam
India, Vineet Verma
Nepal, Binod Chandra Shreshtha
Papua New Guinea, Benny Baiyupe
Singapore,  Lim Wei Li

Day 2 (18 October)

Telecommunication development in China, CAICT

Framework of IMS, Yuan Zhang

Introducing IMS Standradization, Wang Xinlong

Critical technologies in IMS, Yuan Zhang

Services and applications in IMS, Yang Hongmei

Brief introduction to application in IMS, Yachen Wang


​Day 3 (19 October)

Hands on Lab

Field visit


Day 4 (20 October)

Spectrum Management for 4G-LTE, Siyuan Yang

Technology of 4G LTE, Siyuan Yang 

4G LTE Standards, Jia Shen

Equipment in LTE network, Yang Bo

4G Radio Access Technologies, Zhu Longmin

4G Radio Access Network Solution​, Zhu Longmin

Day 5 (21 October)

Technology Solution for 4G LTE, Vineet Verma

Radio Performance of 4G LTE Terminal, Daiwei Zhou

Protocol Stack of 4G-LTE Terminal, Mahongjun