09:00-09:30 - Tea/Coffee
Special Address on Regulatory Initiatives on QoS and Consumer Protection in Thailand by Mr. Takorn Tantasith, Secretary General, NBTC, Thailand [Bio] [Speech]
Session 4: Quality of Service Monitoring in India
Session Chair : Mr. Anil Kaushal, Member - TRAI
Regulatory framework on Quality of Service: Mr. A. Robert Ravi, Advisor TRAI Regulating Unsolicited Commercial [Bio] [Presentation]
Framework of QoS monitoring and implementation in India : Mr Chandra Prakash, Member (T) (Rtd.) [Bio] [Presentation]
Regulating Unsolicited Commercial Communications: Service Provider’s Perspective : Mr. Anurag Jain, Airtel [Bio] [Presentation]
Implementation of the Metering and Billing Standards: Mr. Apoorva Yatindra, M/s Anil Ashok &Associates [Bio] [Presentation]
Audit & assessment of QoS parameters of TSPs in India : Mr. Biswapriya Bhattacharjee, Vice President, IMRB International [Bio] [Presentation]
10:30-11:00 - Morning Tea
Session 5: QoS and Consumer Protection
Session Chair : Ms. Jennifer McNeill, General Manager, Content, Consumer & Citizen, ACMA, Australia
Quality of Service Monitoring and Consumer Protection :Provisions of QoS and Consumer Protection, Initiatives to protect consumer interests, Issues and challenges : Dr. Syed Ismail Shah, Chairman PTA, Pakistan [Bio] [Presentation] [Annex]
Provisions , reporting and enforcement of QoS by Mr. Murun Ganbold, CRC Mongolia [Bio] [Presentation]
Quality of Service Compliance: Reporting mechanism, Consumer complaint redressal mechanism, Challenges and innovative techniques by Mr. Touch Satha, TRC Cambodia [Bio] [Presentation]
12:30-14:00 - Lunch
Session 6: Monitoring broadband quality of service and Consumer complaint handling mechanism
Session Chair : Ms. Sharizan Abdul Aziz, MCMC, Malaysia
Monitoring broadband quality of service by Ms Menaka Pathirana, Deputy Director, TRC Sri Lanka [Bio] [Presentation]
Consumer complaint handling mechanism by Mr. Roger Jimmy, TRR , Vanuatu [Bio] [Presentation]
15:30-16:00 - Afternoon Tea
Session 7: Consumer protection in the digital era
Session Chair: TRAI
Framework of QOS monitoring & QOS Parameters , audit and reporting , Ms. Sharizan Abdul Aziz, MCMC Malaysia [Bio] [Presentation]
Panel Discussion