ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

ITU ASP CoE Programme on Wireless Broadband Roadmap Development

​​6-9 August 2016, Tehran, I.R.Iran​

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​The ITU Asia-Pacific Centre of Excellence (ITU ASP CoE) Programme on "Wireless Broadband Roadmap Development" is organized jointly by the ITU and the Ministry of ICT (I.R. Iran) - ICT Faculty in partnership with ALTTC as part of the Broadband Access program under the auspices of the ITU ASP COE. The training will be delivered in English.

This programme aims to:
a)build knowledge of policy makers, regulators and telecom operators in the areas of wireless broadband ecosystem.

b)provide information on wireless broadband policy & regulation, standards and technology. 

c) build skills on how to develop a roadmap for wireless broadband.

Detailed information on this training is described in the training outline.

The ITU Academy website at

Target Audience

This training is targeted at managers, engineers and technical staff from regulators, policy makers, telecom operators and academia, who are interested in wireless broadband issues.

Invitation Letter
Training Outline and Draft Agenda
Registration Form
Information for Participants
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Day 1 (06 August 2016)

Opening Session

Session 1: Where are we now: Wireless Broadband Ecosystem, Ashish Narayan

Session 2: Wireless Broadband – Technology and Standards​, Sami Tabbane 

Session 3:  WRC-15 Outcome and update, Azim Fard

Session 4: Working Group Exercise​


Day 3 (08 August)

Session 10: Wireless broadband – Network migration strategies​ (cont'd)
core network dimensioning​
Sami Tabbane & Omendra Govind

Session 11: Developing e-applications strategies, Ashish Narayan

Session 12: Working group exercise: Developing Wireless Broadband Roadmap

Session 13: Working group exercise: Developing Wireless Broadband Roadmap


Day 4 (09 August)

Session 14: Wireless Broadband roadmap – Working Group Presentations