ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

ITU ACMA International Training Program 2014

​Convergent Regulation Through First Principles Thinking

23-25 July, Sydney, Australia



The ITU-ACMA International Training Program (ITP) 2014 will build skills to address the policy and regulatory issues in the era beyond convergence of telecommunications, information technology and broadcasting. In particular, the event will focus on the implications of a fully connected digital society for coherent regulation. The Program will highlight the building blocks required to ensure that regulatory measures remain relevant and appropriate for the new environment. It will bring together international experiences in this area, with a focus on Australia's experiences and the lessons learnt.

The ITP 2014 will be preceeded by the ITU-ACMA Regulators' Roundtable from 21-22 July, 2014 at the same venue. The training was attended by 56 participants from 26 countries. 


Draft Agenda (23 July)

0900-1030: Welcome Remarks

Mr. Chris Chapman, Chairman, Australian Communications and Media Authority






Mr. Sameer Sharma, Regional Director a.i., ITU Regional Office for Asia  and the Pacific







Transformation of the ACMA, Mr. Richard Bean, Deputy Chairman ACMA

Trends in Telecommunication Reform. Mr. Ashish Narayan,  ITU 

Tea Break

1100-1130: Consumer Protection 

Ms. Kathleen Silleri, ACMA

Co-regulatory Context
Broadcasting Consumer Protections Telecommunications Consumer Protection Code

Lunch Break

1230-1400: Online Protection

Cybersmart's Indigenous Program – Ms. Kellie Britnell, ACMA

Online Content Scheme – Mr. Toby Dagg, ACMA

   Tea Break     

1600-1700: Cybersecurity

Global Cybersecurity Agenda- Mr.Sameer Sharma, Regional Director a.i., ITU Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific           

Australian Internet Security Initiative,
Ms. Julia Cornwell McKean, ACMA

Draft Agenda (24 July)

0900-1030: Spectrum Management

Spectrum management and demand forecasting, Mr. Allan Major ACMA

Designing Broadband Mobile Auctions -
Experiences from Pakistan, 
Mr. Syed Ismail Shah, Chairman, Pakistan Telecommunication Authority 

Radiocommunications Licensing in Australia, Mr. David Drumfield, ACMA

400 MHz review - Mr. Mark Loney, ACMA

   Tea Break

1100-1230: Technical Regulation

Equipment Regulation, Mr. Allan Major, ACMA

Priority Compliance Areas, Mr. Mark Loney, ACMA

Conformation and Interoperability Testing, Mr. Ashish Narayan, ITU

Lunch Break

1400-1530: National Broadband Network

National Broadband Network, Mr. Scott Gledhill, Dept. of Communications, Australia

National Broadband Initiative: Malaysian experience, Mr. Muhammad Razali Anuar, Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission

UFB and RBI New Zealand's initiatives for nationwide broadband deployment, Mr. John Gandy, Commerce Commission

   Tea Break

1600-1700: Numbering

Numbering Project,             Mr. Mark Loney, ACMA
Addressing, Mr. Adam Gosling, APNIC


Draft Agenda (25 July)


0900-1030: Competition Issues

Managing Competition in Bangladesh: Mr. Sunil Kanti Bose, Chairman, Bangladesh

Telecommunication Regulatory Commission
Competition Issues: experiences from India:  Dr. Vijayalaksmi Gupta, Member, Telecom Regulatory Authority of India

Australian competition issues:Ms. Kate Reader, Australia Competition and Consumer Commission

   Tea Break

1100-1230: Value of Research
Research ACMA –
Dr. Matthew Dobson, ACMA


Mr. Ashish Narayan, ITU
Mr. Richard Bean, Deputy Chairman, ACMA




Past ITPs


(Seoul, Republic of Korea)

(Hyderabad, India)

(Melbourne, Australia)