Day 1, Monday 12 Feb. 2018
Session 1:
Session 2:
Session 3:
Session 4:
Dr. Sid-Ahmed Berrani, ICT Expert, Algeria (Bio)
- (Presentation)
Dr.Mohammed A. Alam, Supervisor General of Cybersecurity Program, Dean of ITC, Naif Arab University for Security Science (NAUSS), Saudi Arabia (Bio) - (Presentation)
Dr. Shiv K. Bakhshi, Vice President, Industry Relations, Ericsson, Inc. (Bio) - (Presentation)
Ms. Rouda Alamir Ali, Programme Officer - ITU (Bio) - (ARB RI2)
Day 2, Tuesday 13 Feb. 2018
Session 5:
Ms. Rajalakshmi Devarajan, ITA,
Oman (Remotely) (Bio) - (Presentation)
Mr. Vijay Mauree, Programme Coordinator, Standardization Bureau, ITU (Remotely) (Bio) - (Presentation)
Dr. Riad Hartani, Global Technologist, Algeria (Bio) - (Presentation)
Ms. Aziza Khalil, Economic Affairs, NTRA, Egypt (Bio) - (Presentation)
Mr. Fazil Bouaiach, Government Affairs Director, Djezzy (Veon Company in Algeria) (Bio) - (Presentation)
Mr. Ebrahim Al Haddad, Regional Director - ITU (Bio) - (ARB RI3)
Session 6:
Mr. Ali Abbassene, Expert at MPTTN, Algeria (Bio)
- (Presentation)
Dr. Brahim Ghribi, Head of Government Relations, MEA, Nokia (Bio) - (Presentation)
Dr. Bharat Vagadia, Senior Director, Regulatory Affairs, Ooredoo Group (Remotely) (Bio) - (Presentation)
Mr. Slaheddine Maaref, Senior Advisor - ITU (Bio) - (ARB RI4)
Session 7:
- Dr. Nibal Idlebi, ESCWA (Remotely) (Bio) - (Presentation)
Mr. Yacine Hidouche, Directeur des Systemes d'Informations, National Agency for the Promotion and Development of Technology Parks, Algeria (Bio) - (Presentation)
Mr. Osama Ghanim, CEO, INNOVABIA (Bio) - (Presentation)
Mr. Slaheddine Maaref, Senior Advisor - ITU (Bio) - (ARB RI5) (Innovation)
Session 8: