ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

Publications focused in the Americas


El ecosistema digital y la masificación de las Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones (TIC) en Nicaragua
The objective of this country study on the use of ICTs and the digital ecosystem in Nicaragua is to present the actual situation of the development of the information technologies in the country, considering, among other important aspects, the telecommunication/ICT policies and regulatory environment and the institutional structure. It also describes the implementation of projects and initiatives that lead to the execution of national plans for the provision of mass access to ICT. This study is available in Spanish.
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El ecosistema digital y la masificación de las tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones en PARAGUAY
This study corresponds to the country case study about the Digital Ecosystem and adoption of Information Technologies and Communications (ICT) in Paraguay. The main objective of this study is to analyze the digital ecosystem in the country focusing on three key elements: the regulatory environment, the institutional structure and the status of development for the implementation of telecommunications policies and plans to integrate ICTs in the country.
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El ecosistema digital y la masificación de las tecnologías de la información y las comunicación (TIC) en el Estado Plurinacional de BOLIVIA
The objective of this study is to present a diagnosis of the development of the digital ecosystem in Bolivia, considering, among other important aspects, the telecommunication/ICT policies and regulatory environment, the institutional structure and the implementation of projects and initiatives that lead to the application of national plans to provide mass access to ICT.
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El ecosistema digital y la masificación de las tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones en PANAMÁ
The objective of this study is to present the actual situation of the development of the digital ecosystem in Panama, considering, among other important aspects, the telecommunication/ICT policies and regulatory environment, the institutional structure and the implementation of projects and initiatives that lead to the implementation of national plans for the provision of mass access to ICT. 
Available in electronic file



IEl ecosistema digital y la masificación de las tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones en REPÚBLICA DOMINICANA
This study corresponds to the country case study about the Digital Ecosystem and adoption of Information Technologies and Communications (ICT) in Dominican Republic. The main objective of this study is to analyze the digital ecosystem in the country focusing on three key elements: the regulatory environment, the institutional structure and the status of development for the implementation of telecommunications policies and plans to integrate ICTs in the country.
Available in electronic file



Medición de la Independencia formal de Autoridades Regulatorias en Telecomunicaciones utilizando una adaptación del índice de Gilard
The study "Medición de la Independencia Formal de Autoridades Regulatorias en Telecomunicaciones utilizando una adaptación del Índice Gilardi" focuses on measuring the formal independence of the Telecom /ICT National Regulatory Authorities. In this report, an index based on the work of Gilardi (2002, 2005) was used to measure this independence in the Spanish-speaking countries of the Americas region. The estimation of this index will allow a better understanding of the degree of independence of regulators in Regulatel Member States. Such independence is an essential element to know the institutional strength of a regulatory agency and its ability to achieve its objective of simulating competition, reducing the market failures generated in network economies such as the telecommunications sector. This study is a contribution from the ITU Telecommunication Development Bureau (BDT) to the work being done within the framework of the Grupo de Trabajo sobre Fortalecimiento Institucional del Foro de Reguladores Latinoamericanos (Regulatel).
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Marco legal reglamentario e investigación sobre el comportamiento de los consumidores de los servicios de telecomunicaciones en América Latina
This Study presents a regional proposal on the "Best practices in the relationship with consumers of telecommunications services in Latin American countries", focusing on the protection of the rights of consumers and competition. It aim was to determine the main aspects relating to the legal framework of the existing protection to consumer’s rights; the set of rules, resolutions and regulations of regulatory bodies that arbitrate market practices; and the behavior of consumers in regard to their option for certain goods, products and services. The work was structured through the continuous presentation of the theoretical framework, the methodology used, the results identified, and the discussions of these evidences and, culminated with the preparation of the Guide of Best Practices for the region. The Study and its Guidelines were developed by ITU in collaboration with the Inter-American Telecommunication Commission (CITEL) of the OAS and Administrations of Latin American countries. Accompanying Guide of Best Practices [ES] These Guidelines [ES] are based on the Study entitled "Regulatory legal framework and research on the behavior of consumers of telecommunications services in Latin America" and aims to guide Latin American countries in regard to the protection of the consumers of the telecommunications sector, the regulatory instruments that control and monitor the competition, and also, the tools available to diagnose the quality of services and consumers’ satisfaction. The following twenty countries provided inputs for the preparation of these Guidelines: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay and Peru.
Available in electronic file



Regulatory impact of convergence and broadband for the Americas
It provides for the Americas region, an overview of converged technologies and business models, of policy and regulatory frameworks, of wireless and wireline broadband, regulatory trends in creating an enabling environment, and cross-sector cooperation to promote convergence. It also includes recommendations to promote the rapid deployment and uptake of broadband in the region.
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Estudio sobre TIC y salud pública en América Latina: la perspectiva de e-salud y m-salud
ITU is convinced of the usefulness of TIC to improve the quality of life around the world. In this study in the Americas, an analysis framework is applied to assess and present ehealth and mhealth experiences in Latin America that can enlight public policy development to learn from and apply them in other similar contexts.
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Mejores Prácticas en e-salud de liderazgo, innovación y gestión pública: Los casos de Brasil, México y Perú
The study "Mejores prácticas de liderazgo, innovación y gestión pública en e-salud: los casos de Brasil, México y Perú" [Español] aimed at showing and promoting the use of ICT to improve health services through success cases reported from Brazil, Mexico and Peru on e-health and m-health. For that, the present study provides information on the methods and impacts on the use of that technologies in the area of health with the intention to promote their acceptance by decision takers in the health sector and its mainstreaming, particularly in the Americas region. 
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Casos exitosos del uso de TIC en seguridad pública en América Latina
The purpose of this report is to provide an analysis of the best practices regarding the use of ICT in public safety in Latin America. Using research tools and fieldwork, this study presents successful cases worldwide, regionally and nationally, in the use of ICT in public safety. The cases presented have been detailed and referenced to facilitate their adoption by other cities and by other interested countries. It describes the technologies used, the existing standards and the future trends of the intersection between public security and information and communication technologies.
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