ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

2018 Americas Regional Development Forum (RDF)

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The ITU Regional Development Forum for the Americas Region (RDF-AMS), will be held at the Lima Conventions Center “27 DE ENERO”, Av. de la Arqueología No. 206, San Borja, Lima, Peru on May 25, 2018.

This activity is organized by the ITU Telecommunication Development Bureau (BDT),


The Regional Development Forum will provide an opportunity for high‐level dialogue between the ITU Americas Regional Office and decision-makers of ITU Member States and Sector Members. This Forum will serve as a platform for assessing strategic orientations for the Operational Regional Plans for the period 2018- 2021, including the proposed programme for implementing the five regional initiatives approved by WTDC-17​.


ITU Member States; ITU-D Sector Members, Associates and Academia; Regional organizations in the Americas region; National Regulato​ry Authorities of ITU Member States.