ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

V Regional Forum on Inter-connectivity & Reduction of telecommunication service prices and Internet access cost


Because of the eartquake, the event has been cancelled.

V Regional Forum on Inter-connectivity & Reduction of telecommunication service prices and Internet access cost
ITU Regional Economic and Financial Forum of Telecommunications/ICTs 20, 21, and 22 September, 2017


The V Regional Forum on Inter-connectivity & Reduction of telecommunication service prices and Internet access cost will take place on 22 September, 2017 in Mexico City, Mexico. The event will be back to back with the ITU Regional Economic and Financial Forum of Telecommunications/ICTs that will take place on 20 and 21 September, 2017. The event is organized in close collaboration with the Federal Institute of Telecommunications, that will offer the venueat his building Rouz.
Forums will be conducted in English and Spanish with interpretation. All presentations will be published in their original language.


​The event will have sessions to discuss and analyze, among other things, international interconnection, study cases of national IXP´s implementation in the Region, its benefits, round tables for future projects, the necessity of regional interconnection, etc.
The event will count with the participation of representatives from important regional institutions, representatives from governments of the region, national representatives from the public sector, from the private sector and from the academia.
The Regional Economic and Financial Forum of Telecommunications/ICT will focus, among other interesting subjects, on connecting the unconnected in a digital converged world, the economic and financial issues in a converged broadband environment and the new challenges in the digital ecosystem. Participants are invited to make presentations or participate as panellists to illustrate the situation in their countries on these issues, in order to promote dialogue and exchange of experiences.


The V Regional Forum on Inter-connectivity & Reduction of telecommunication service prices and Internet access cost is intended for and therefore welcomes participants who have leading roles in connectivity issues in the region.
For the ITU Regional Economic and Financial Forum of Telecommunications/ICTs, is encouraged that organizations designate their Regional Economic and Financial Forum representatives who have expertise and responsibility for costs and tariffs matters.