ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

Conformance and Interoperability (C&I) Validation Workshop for COMTELCA member countries and Cuba

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The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) in cooperation with Comisión Técnica Regional de Telecomunicaciones (COMTELCA) is organizing the Conformance and Interoperability (C&I) Validation Workshop for COMTELCA member countries and Cuba, from 7 to 9 December in Tegucigalpa, Honduras. The event is kindly hosted by the "Comisión Técnica Regional de Telecomunicaciones" (COMTELCA).


The objective of the workshop is to discuss and validate the report of the study conducted by the Teleommunication Development Bureau (BDT), in collaboration with the COMTELCA Secretariat, to assess the actual situation (in terms of laboratories, regulatory regimes, MRAs in force and so on) in COMTELCA member countries and Cuba in order to identify the necessary elements required to promote collaboration among these countries for the establishment of a common C&I regime and mutual recognition agreements.


ITU Administrations, Regulators, Sector Members, Associates and Academia Members, Telecom Operators and Service providers, Manufacturers and Academic Institutions of COMTELCA member countries and Cuba.

Participation is limited to 20 people due to space constrains.

Organizers & Partners


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