ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

lessons learned

List of Countries

El Salvador; ITU with the collaboration of UN Women-2022
Dominican Republic; ITU with the cooperation of INDOTEL-2023
Paraguay-2024; ITU with the cooperation of CONATEL
Uruguay-2024; ITU with the cooperation of MIEM
Cuba-2024; with the cooperation of MICOM

El Salvador; ITU with the collaboration of UN Women-2022

Our collaboration with UN Women in El Salvador shows that partnering with other entities is positive. It might even be easier when partnering with other Agencies, Funds and Programs of the United Nations, because they already have built networks, leaders identified and presence in the field.

An exclusive online methodology for delivery is possible.However, it is expected that a hybrid methodology might be more effective, and it was even suggested by participants.

The toolkit and its accompanying videos were prepared following a capsule training methodology which was well received by participants.

Participants requested about the availability of in-depth training for every chapter in the toolkit.

Beneficiaries (entrepreneur women) found the document useful, proving the language style in the toolkit. They highlighted the usefulness of the document because it touched topics beyond digital presence. Even,they suggested ITU to keep the toolkit updated with the pace of technology and societal changes. For example:AI and Chatgpt.

Beneficiaries were enthusiastic about the idea to create a mentor's program. Even, some of them were interested in becoming mentors.
Participants requested ITU to make available the permanent URL (( for the toolkit initiative  as soon as possible. 

Participants also requested ITU to make available the  permanent place for the accompanying videos  of the toolkit.

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Dominican Republic; ITU with the cooperation of INDOTEL-2023

Dominican Republic...

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Paraguay-2024; ITU with the cooperation of CONATEL


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Uruguay-2024; ITU with the cooperation of MIEM


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Cuba-2024; ITU with the cooperation of MICOM


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