ITU's 160 anniversary

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ITU-FCDO Roundtable and Technical Workshop: Building capabilities for sustainable and inclusive digital transformation in Nigeria


ITU-FCDO Roundtable and Technical Workshop: 
Building capabilities for sustainable and inclusive digital transformation in Nigeria​

Date: Tuesday, 23 August and Wednesday, 24 August 2022
Time: 10:00-17:00 WAT and 9:00-17:00 WAT
Place: Transcorp Hilton Hotel, Federal Capital Territory, Abuja, Nigeria​​​

The ITU-FCDO Roundtable and Technical Workshop around the theme of Building capabilities for sustainable and inclusive digital transformation in Nigeria took place on 23-24 August 2022 in Abuja, Nigeria. The event was organized by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and the Nigeria Commissions Commission (NCC) in the context of the ITU-FCDO partnership on the implementation of the United Kingdom’s Digital Access Programme (DAP) activities.

The roundtable and technical workshop aimed to deepen the understanding of business models and regulatory frameworks for promoting digital inclusion in Nigerian context, with emphasis on expanding last mile connectivity and its accompanying infrastructure and services in unserved and under-severed communities. Stakeholders shared insights for leveraging broader trends in digital transformation with lessons learned for advancing digital skills and opportunities for young people.

Insights from the panel discussions of the first day and the co-created ideas and suggestions of the second day of the roundtable will serve as input for the development of a policy brief on the building of capabilities for sustainable and inclusive digital transformation in Nigeria.

Thank you for participating in the event!



​​The ITU-FCDO Roundtable and Workshop themed Building capabilities for sustainable and inclusive digital transformation in Nigeria serves as a platform to gather partners to explore, share and present on the work that has been undertaken to date across the different pillars. The event is organized to provide stakeholders an opportunity to reflect upon Nigeria’s digital transformation, the impact that initiatives aimed at contributing towards the country’s digital inclusion goals like the ITU-FCDO DAP partnership has in the country, and allow stakeholders to share their plans for future work to scale the impact in a joint effort.

The first day of the event took the form of high-level panel sessions while the second day was dedicated to technical workshop session that allowed experts to go deeper into some of the topics with a view to developing guidance that may inform further interventions and project activities.

The event covered the following sub-themes and topics:

​1. Business models and enabling environment for meaningful and affordable digital connectivity;
2. Development of digital skills and complementary capabilities in Nigeria’s digital economy;
3. Forward-looking approaches, polices and regulation to keep pace with the fast evolution of technologies and innovations that power digital transformation.


The event aimed to bring together ITU, FCDO DAP partners in Nigeria, officials in charge of telecom/ICT such as those in the Ministry of Communications and Digital Economy, Ministry of Science and Technology, Ministry of Youth and Sports, Ministry of Labour and Employment, Ministry of Education, among others. The roundtable and technical workshop sessions also target stakeholders in the organized private sector and regulators with focus on mobile network operators, Internet service providers, telecommunication infrastructure companies, finance, digital skills training institutes alongside academia, NGOs and community organizations, especially those who work in connectivity, digital inclusion and digital capacity related projects.


Tuesday, 23 August 2022
08:00 – 10:00 Arrival and badging at event venue
10:00 – 10:10 Welcome note
10:10  10:35 Opening remarks
10:35 – 10:45 Overview of the ITU-FCDO Digital Access Programme (DAP) project in Nigeria
10:45 – 11:00 Keynote address on Nigeria's digital transformation journey (opportunities, challenges and milestones ahead)
(11:00 – 11:30)Tea break

11:30 – 13:00


Panel session 1: Business models and enabling environment for meaningful and affordable digital connectivity

At the core of digital transformation are people, digital technologies and data. Their interactions power the economy and society and can be considered under the streams of access, adoption and value creation. Access is about creating the enabling governmental, economic and technological environment for everyone and everything to connect.
This session considers the access dimension of connectivity and explores digital connectivity gaps, with the use cases of schools and the communities around them. Promoting access to all and enabling last mile connectivity through the expansion of affordable broadband services and complementary infrastructures such as sustainable energy solutions are key to reach unserved and under-served communities.
The panellists will discuss innovative financing and operational approaches to lower the cost and increase the reach and use of internet services. The panellists will elaborate the role of policy and regulation in supporting solutions for meaningful connectivity, innovative business models for inclusive connectivity and ensuring no one is left behind.

 (13:00 – 14:00)Lunch break
14:00 –15:00

Panel session 2: Development of digital skills and complementary capabilities in Nigeria's digital economy

For inclusive digital transformation, having the necessary skills to participate meaningfully in the digital environment is needed. Adoption is about making sure everyone is empowered to use digital technologies.
This session explores trends in the digital economy, digital entrepreneurship as a key driver for digitalization of the economy, and Nigeria's preparedness for the changing world of work. It will focus on identifying digital skill gaps and how the country can effectively develop capacity development, digital learning and educational programmes to realize the gains of digital transformation. The panellists will discuss the how to enhance the capabilities of stakeholders at the national level while supporting local initiatives and how to foster partnerships to access and maintain the resources required for a sustainable approach.

15:00 – 16:00

Panel session 3: Forward-looking approaches, polices and regulation to keep pace with the fast evolution of technologies and innovations that power digital transformation

A whole-of-government and society approach is needed to further digital transformation that is inclusive and sustainable. Adapted approaches to expand inclusive, affordable, and meaningful connectivity, its access and uptake can be facilitated by enhanced coordination and collaboration amongst the various stakeholders. Value creation in a digitalized society and economy can be accelerated when everyone is involved and capacitated to contribute and benefit.
This session discussed the opportunities and challenges in the face of advances and cross-sectoral trends in in digital business models and enabling policy and regulation. The discussion will draw on examples from the telecommunication/ICT and finance industries, and the rising platform and gig economy domain to highlight where prospects exist but also the extant barriers to be addressed. The panellists will consider progress made, essential collaboration between and within sectors and enablers that would allow for an inclusive and strengthened ecosystem while bridging gaps and accelerating digital transformation.

16:00 –16:30 Summary and reflections on panel discussions towards building capabilities for sustainable and inclusive digital transformation in Nigeria
16:30 – 17:00 Wrap up, next steps and closing remarks

Wednesday, 24 August 2022

08:00 – 09:00Arrival and badging at the venue
09:00 – 09:15 Introduction and overview of the technical workshop agenda
09:15 – 09:30 Overview of tools and outputs of ITU-FCDO Digital Access Programme (DAP) project in Nigeria
09:30 – 11:00

Deep-dive session 1 : Co-creating sustainable solutions for digital connectivity in communities

The interactive session aimed towards co-creating solutions that will allow communities to reap the benefits of digital transformation is facilitated by a focused presentation on topic to set the state of play and introduce interesting case studies. The presentation and group discussion will consider the following issues and questions, among others:
-  What technologies and operational models are available and what are their advantages and drawbacks?
-  To what extent do the existing models integrate broader infrastructure and resource constraints in promoting affordable and sustainable connectivity?
-  How can exemplary use cases these be scaled to benefit more people (taking into account affordability, access, inclusion, and uptake)?
The session will allow participants to gain a deeper understanding of the enablers and barriers to sustainable digital connectivity in Nigeria, and will have put forward some solutions for further consideration.

 (11:00 – 11:30)Tea break
11:30 – 13:00

Deep-dive session 2: Beyond infrastructure: Lessons learned from selected cases of digitally-enabled service delivery

The interactive session aimed towards exploring lessons learned in the provision of digital services will highlight the importance of digital technologies and local content in service provision. Through a focus on selected use cases of digital service delivery at federal and state levels, the session will explore their work, impact, and constraints as well as lessons learned. 
The session will allow participants to develop an understanding of not only the technological component of ICT-enabled service delivery but also how platform content can drive uptake, as well as the roles the various actors play and the importance of coordination. Participants will put forward key considerations to improve digital service delivery.

 (13:00 –14:00)Lunch break
14:00 – 15:30

Deep-dive session 3: Leveraging emerging channels of digital skills development and opportunities: Lessons from tech hubs and others

The interactive session aimed towards exploring innovative approaches to developing the necessary human capacity to realize the potential of digital transformation will share insights into Nigeria's digital skill needs and gaps, and showcase skill development and entrepreneurial opportunities from emerging channels. The use case of technology hubs will also be shared and their supporting activities discussed.
Through a discussion around current conditions and directions for the future of work and entrepreneurial opportunities, the session will allow participants to share their observations and findings on what works and what does not work in the Nigerian context. Proposals will be explored for further consideration.   

15:30 – 16:00 Reporting back: Takeaways from the deep-dive sessions
16:00 –16:30 Coordinated participants' matching, exchanges and exploration of opportunities for future partnerships
16:30 –17:00 Wrap up, nex​t steps and technical workshop closing​

Social media


Link to ITU website here

Link to UK-FCDO DAP here

Link to NCC, Nigeria website here