ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

E-Application Development Workshop

​​​​E-Application Development Workshop for East African Member States
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia,
25 – 29 November 2019

​​​E-Application Development workshop for the East African Region organized by the ITU Regional Office for Africa, scheduled for 25th to 29th November 2019.

Through the Regional Initiatives (2018-2021) for Africa, ITU-D is focused on building digital economies and fostering innovation by supporting innovation ecosystems and addressing interoperability challenges that result from digital innovations. The exponential growth in e-application development within Africa and beyond has resulted in the transformation of traditional business models with a significant impact on socio-economic development.

On the otherhand, without a clear and established model to enable e-application developers advance from ideation to market entry, the ability of e-applications to address various community issues is limited. This also hinders a contribution to the digital ecosystem in Africa.

Therefore, this workshop will aim at identifying different e-applications in Africa and discussing the challenges experienced by E-Application Developers and Policy Makers. From this workshop, participants will glean insights on international best practices in e-application development, feasible solutions to address challenges discussed and how to create an enabling environment to foster e-application development.

ITU will provide two full fellowships; one for an E-Application Developer and one for a Policy Maker/Implementer as applicable.

Caroline Gaju, 
Programme Officer, 
ITU Regional Office for Africa. 
Tel: +251 115 514977/4855.​