You are here ITU > Home > ITU-D > Projects > Post Implementation Assessment Reports
Since 2016, BDT started to conduct post implementation assessments for a number of implemented ITU projects. These assessments aim to review the relevance, efficiency and effectiveness of the implementation of the projects, as well as the achieved results. The outcome of each review is based on an objective analysis that reflects the results achieved and decisions taken, as to be able to draw lessons learned that may help improve the design and implementation of future ITU projects. You can click on the below links to access the post implementation assessment reports.
Cyprus: National CIRT establishment
Djibouti: Broadband wireless network in the Republic of Djibouti
Argentina : e-Waste pilot plant
Fiji : Capactiy building for countering misappropriation of telephone numbers in Pacific Island Countries
Broadband wireless network system in Rwanda
Digital Broadcasting and Radio Frequency Plan in Thailand
Natural disaster early warning system in Zambia
Connect a school, connect a community in the State of Palestine
Project on Capacity Building at rural internet centres in Thailand
Connect a school, connect a community in the union of Comoros
(French Version)