ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

National ICT Policy

18-20 July 2011, Honolulu, Hawaii
Monitoring and Evaluation of Implementing
National ICT Policies
The objectives of this meeting were:
1. To understand the principles and identify key issues of monitoring and evaluating the implementation of the National ICT policies;
2. To solicit inputs from ICT stakeholders on the present methodologies they are using;
3. To understand important indicators required for M&E;
4. To develop guidelines of Monitoring and Evaluation of ICT policies.



9-12 May 2011, Rarotonga, Cook Islands


Cook Islands ICT Policy Workshop
The presentation was focusing on:
1. The basics of policies i.e. why do we need policies?
2. The principles and best practice of national ICT policies;
3. The key opportunities and challenges in developing ICTs at the national level
taking into account best practices;
4. The goals and strategies of a national ICT policy, taking into account regional
and best practices including:
  • Universal Access and Affordability
  • E-Applications (e.g. e-Government, e-Education, e-Health etc.);
  • Telecommunication Liberalization;
  • Submarine Cables and Broadband;
  • Rural Connectivity;
  • Cyber crime/security and Legislation;
  • Human Resource Development;
  • Regional Approaches to certain ICT policies;
  • Monitoring & Evaluation.



14-18 June 2010, Nukualofa, Tonga
Policy Workshop for Decision-Makers
and ICT Ministers' Meeting



26-30 April 2010, Honiara, Solomon Islands
Policy and Regulation Forum for the Pacific Region