ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

HIPCAR Project

 Enhancing competitiveness in the Caribbean
through the harmonization of ICT Policies,
Legislation and Regulatory Procedures
HIPCAR Project was conceived by the ITU, the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Secretariat and the Caribbean Telecommunication union (CTU) in response to requests from CARICOM States and other ICT stakeholders who saw the need for a more unified approach to the subject.

HIPCAR was designed to support the Caribbean countries in improving their competitiveness by harmonizing approaches to ICT development. It brought together the Caribbean governments, regulators, service providers, civil society, private sector, regional and international organizations involved in ICT.
The Project provided guidelines for harmonized policies and legislations in accordance with the unique methodology that were specifically elaborated  for the Project.



The HIPCAR Launching meeting took place on December 15-16, 2008 in Grenada. A total of 44 persons from seven countries and 16 regional organizations participated in the meeting. For full details, agenda, objectives and reports of the meeting, please read more here.  



Leveraging ICT for Development in the Caribbean
The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) in collaboration with the Caribbean Telecommunications Union (CTU) organized a Regional Ministerial Meeting on Caribbean ICT Ministers’ Forum on Leveraging ICT for Development in the Caribbean held on 7-9 August 2013 at the Hyatt Regency, Port-of-Spain, Trinidad. 
For more information, please click here.


The first HIPCAR Steering Committee ​in 2009 identified the key priorities and their links with existing regional issues. Over the following four years, each of these priorities has been assessed, worked out and finalized in the form of model legislation, guidelines, or recommendations that can be now implemented by each country individually and by the region globally.
     I. ICT legislative framework covering information society issues:
  1. eCommerce - transaction
              Assessment report
    Model Policy Guidelines & Legislation texts [EN] [FR] [NL]
  2. eCommerce - evidence
    Assessment report
              Model Policy Guidelines & Legislation texts [EN] [FR] [NL] [SP]
  3. Access to public information
              Assessment report
              Model Policy Guidelines & Legislation texts [EN] [FR] [NL]
  4. Privacy and data protection
              Assessment report
              Model Policy Guidelines & Legislation texts [EN] [FR] [NL] [SP]
  5. Cybercrimes and cybersecurity
             Assessment report
             Model Policy Guidelines & Legislation texts [EN] [FR] [NL]
  6. Interception of communications
             Assessment report
             Model Policy Guidelines & Legislation texts [EN] [FR] [NL]

    II. Telecommunication acts:

  7. Universal service and access framework
    Assessment report
              Model Policy Guidelines & Legislation texts [EN] [FR] [NL]
  8. Licensing in a convergent environment
              Assessment report
              Model Policy Guidelines & Legislation texts [EN] [FR] [NL]
  9. Interconnection including cost modeling
              Assessment report
              Model Policy Guidelines & Legislation texts [EN] [FR] [NL] [SP]



Following the validation and approval of this region-wide activity, in-country technical assistance was made available for transposing the regional guidelines into national legislative and regulatory frameworks that concur with national specificities.

The overview table of the in-country technical asistance is available here.