ITU Global Symposium for Regulators (GSR-19)
Dates 9-12 July 2019
Theme: Inclusive connectivity: The future of regulation
Venue: The Warwick Le Lagon Resort, Port Vila, Vanuatu
GSR-19 provides a unique platform for ICT regulators and stakeholders to share experiences, knowledge,
collaborate and identify means to bring affordable, safe, secure and trusted connectivity and online access
and use to people everywhere. GSR-19 discussions will focus on digital strategies and policies; infrastructure
regulation; innovative investment and financing mechanisms, trust and confidence in a data driven
economy; the need for spectrum; preparing for 5G and the changing consumer role.
GSR-19 is organized by ITU in collaboration with the Government of Vanuatu.
GSR-19 Opening Ceremony 10 July 2019
ICT Regulatory Tracker