ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

ITU-D 25th Anniversary Awards


On the occasion of the ITU-D 25th Anniversary celebrations held in Buenos Aires, Argentina on 11 October 2017, the following ITU-D Sector Members were presented with special awards in recognition of longstanding support to the ITU Telecommunication Development Sector. They are: ArmenTel CJSC Armenia Telephone Company, ​Orange, ​PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk, ​Sudatel Telecom Group, ​Telecomunicaciones de México, and ​Telkom SA SOC Ltd.

Awards were also presented to selected stakeholders in recognition of their contributions to ITU-D projects. They are: the Department of Communications and the Arts, Australian Government and the ​European Commission.

ArmenTel CJSC


​PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk

Sudatel Telecom Group

Telecomunicaciones de México

​Telkom SA SOC Ltd.


Department of Communications and the Arts, Australian Government

European Commission