The ICT sector is characterized by rapid technological change, and by convergence of technological platforms for telecommunications, information delivery, broadcasting and computing which are key enablers for the digital economy. The deployment of common broadband, including through fixed and mobile technology and network infrastructures for multiple telecommunication services and applications, and the evolution to all IP-based wireless and wired future networks (NGNs and their evolutions), open up opportunities but also imply significant challenges for developing countries. When referring to communications we include people-to-people, people-to-things and things-to-things communications as well as new or emerging technologies. Also notable is the worldwide transition from analogue to digital broadcasting, enabling more efficient use of spectrum and higher quality audio and video delivery. Currently there are only 4.1 billion people, or 53.6% of the world's population, with access to the internet. This means 3.6 billion people are without meaningful access to the internet. The LDCs (least developed countries) are the least connected with only 19.1% of the population connected, mostly in Africa and South Asia.
The objective of the Network & Digital Infrastructure program is to assist ITU Member States and ITU-D Sector Members and Associates in maximizing the use of new technologies for the development of their information and communication infrastructures and services and building global telecommunication/ICT infrastructure. It will be reached through: Increased usage of connectivity by citizens for socio-economic activities; Efficient spectrum management by professionals using advanced technics and Adoption of modern ICT infrastructure, based on international ICT standards by governmental bodies.