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GovStack: GovSpecs

Specifications for Building Blocks
We work with governments to identify the real-life scenarios for digital services –called use cases – that benefit their citizens. Our specifications define the key technology components – called Building Blocks – needed to build those services. A building block refers to software code, platforms, and applications that are interoperable, provide a basic digital service at scale, and can be reused for multiple use cases and contexts.  Through expert groups, GovStack supports the development of functional requirement descriptions for the ICT building blocks necessary for digital administrative services. The list of Building Blocks includes payment, registries, identification and more and are reusable across different services. Find the full list​. Governments use these building blocks to implement digital services across their government ministries, agencies and programs. They can save time and resources by using the Building Blocks approach. 

​Join the GovStack Tech Community
GovStack specifications are developed by numerous contributors from all over the world with a wide variety of technical and domain expertise. We welcome community participation in the process of developing and refining the specifications – you can access the latest release and current development versions of GovSpecs and use the “Give Feedback” menu to submit your comments. Your comments will automatically create issues in our issue management system

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