Competence Center Technology-Diversity-Equal Chances
Germany, 2016, April 28
Every year in April technical companies, companies with technical departments and technical training facilities, universities, and research centres are invited to organise an open day for girls – Girls'Day. Girls'Day – 'Future Prospects for Girls' initiated a large campaign in which a wide range of professions and activities is presented to girls of 10 years upwards. The vocational choices of girls are influenced in a very positive way.
For companies, Girls'Day has evolved as an important instrument of their recruitment policy.
The sixteenth Girls'Day in April 2016 was a great success: Nearly 9.600 institutions offered about 100.000 places for female students. It is considered the largest career orientation project for female students.
Among these were 1051 ICT-oriented events for interested girls. Participating organizations in the field of ICT were for example:
Cisco Systems Deutschland GmbH, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, IBM Deutschland GmbH, Intel GmbH, SAP AG, T-Systems and Microsoft Deutschland GmbH.
The next Girls'Day will be held on April 27th, 2017. Girls'Day – 'Future Prospects for Girls' is funded by the Federal Ministry for Education and Research and the Federal Ministry for Family Af-fairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth.