ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

International Girls in ICT Day 2015 events

Digital Leadership Institute

Brussels, Belgium, 2015, April  23



Build a Kick&ss Online Presence: Quantify Everything

In celebration of Girls in ICT Day 2015 and as the third workshop in the Spring 2015 inQube "Build a Kickass Online Presence" series with Ms. Selma Franssen , the "Quantify Everything" workshop explores the question:
How can I make my online profile more compelling and sell myself online with numbers?
Does your LinkedIn profile say that you are a good people manager, that you are creative or that you excel at giving presentations? No doubt you are great at these things, but how can you make these soft skills stick with a hiring manager who reads standard lines like these all day? 'I increased the number of Facebook likes for our company page with 365%' sounds a lot more convincing than 'I'm a skilled social media user'. Or how about 'I gave 5 courses on conflict resolution to over 75 participants, with an overall participant satisfaction rate of 91%' versus 'I occasionally give workshops and am good as public speaking'.
Lets start quantifying EVERYTHING and add those numbers to your resume bullets.
In this workshop you will:
  • find out how you can quantify your soft skills
  • explore how you can crunch and present these numbers without bragging
  • learn how the internet can help you create quantifiable projects when you have no job experience
If you would like to try out the hands-on exercises during the session, please feel free to bring along your laptop. This is not critical (or even central) to your being able to fully engage in and benefit from the workshop, however. Free wifi is available.
Snacks & Refreshments:
Light snacks and refreshments are provided at all inQube gatherings, but participants are also encouraged to bring supplemental items for themselves and to share. :)

The Workshop Leader:

The inQube "Build a Kickass Online Presence" series is led by Ms. Selma Franssen.

Selma Franssen graduated at the age of 21 with a bachelor's degree in Scandinavian languages, no relevant job experience and no money in the bank: a recipe for disaster. She decided that she would not let her geeky degree define the rest of her career. She set out to cultivate as many online communication skills as possible and to learn to write like a boss.

A stroke of luck got her a job as administrative assistant at a major music festival in the Netherlands. Within a year she was their web and print editor. She started a communications business and became an environmental warrior in her spare time. Communicating complex ideas in a fast digital world became her obsession and another stroke of luck brought her to Belgium to write about climate issues for independent news website

She has since developed (online) communications strategies for various Belgian NGO's and writes for feminist journalist start up She was selected one of the hundred most inspiring and innovative young Dutch people working in the field of sustainability by the jury of in 2014. Selma is passionate about helping other women develop tech skills that can kick start or improve their career and to break free from traditional career structures.

The inQube "Build a Kickass Online Presence" Series:

The Spring 2015 inQube "Build a Kickass Online Presence" series is for Women of All Ages: Beginning and experienced job-seekers, girls who do not want to rely on one source of income, starters and freelancers. No matter your level of tech skills or your field of work, a lot of hiring, selling and pitching happens online these days. We all have an online presence (just google yourself) and if we don't, that's not in our advantage. So start claiming your online presence and leave a great impression on anyone who might type your name and press the search button!

Please find the Spring 2015 "Build a Kickass Online Presence" calendar below:

The workshops in the "Build a Kickass Online Presence" series can be booked together at a discount, or may be taken as individual workshops.

International Girls in ICT Day 2015:

The "Quantify Everything" workshop is part of an all day Digital Leadership Institute celebration of International Girls in ICT Day 2015 that includes the following activities:

17:00-19:00 - g-Hive workshop on "Girls & The Future Internet": A hands-on workshop for girls*, ages 13-17, to promote active participation and leadership by girls in designing and building the Internet of tomorrow, for fun, safety and wellbeing.

19:00-20:00 - 2015 European Ada Awards Launch & "Inspiring Digital Leaders" Talks , hosted by Ms. Cheryl Miller, DLI Founder & Executive Director.

20:00-22:00 - inQube workshop "Quantify Everything": Third workshop in the Spring 2015 "Build A Kick&ss Online Presence" series for women* by Ms. Selma Franssen, DLI Communications Director & inQube Community Manager.

All DLI "Girls in ICT Day" and European Ada Awards events are an official part of the 2015 e-Skills for Jobs Campaign.

Registration & Scholarship:

DLI, g-Hive and inQube activities are delivered to participants in return for a suggested donation, strictly limited to the target public and capacity, and registration for each event via the relevant event page is required. Donations collected go toward workshop administration costs, materials and overhead, and scholarships. Underaged participants must be registered by a parent or legal guardian and the appropriate release forms signed and submitted. If you or someone you know would like to be considered for a scholarship for this or any other DLI community activities, please contact us.

Volunteering, Donations & Sponsorship:

If you or your organisation is interested in partnering, volunteering, sponsoring girls & women to participate in DLI activities, or would like to support DLI and its mission in other ways, please contact us. Donations to DLI are gratefully accepted and go toward furthering its mission of bridging the gender gap and the digital divide worldwide.

*anyone who identifies as a girl or woman


Discounts, Referrals & Scholarships:

For referral discounts, scholarships and general inquiries about this or other inQube events, please contact the organiser.

Share Your Super Power with the inQube Community!

inQube is about knowledge-sharing among women -- some new to the career marketplace, and some more experienced but looking to try new things, e.g. starting their own digitally-driven commercial or social enterprise. Do you have a secret super power (big or small!) -- building resumes, time management, bookkeeping tips & tricks, online marketing, etc. -- that you would like to share with a group of kind and curious women who could really benefit from what you know, and that you can share in an open, relaxed and non-judging setting? Then please get in touch with us!

Your contribution to the inQube community can pay you back in free attendance at workshops and events run by inQube and other community members, so anything you contribute -- in English, Dutch, French or whatever language in which you're most comfortable -- will definitely come back to you.