Commonwealth Peoples' Association of Uganda
Kampala, Uganda, 2012, April 17
Founded in June 2005, the Commonwealth Peoples' Association of Uganda (CPAUG) was duly registered as an NGO in December 2005 as a peoples' organization, non-partisan, charitable organization based in Kampala and a Company Limited by Guarantee in April 2008. The mission of the Association is "To facilitate the effective participation of the Ugandan population in the Commonwealth in order to have a fair and just society for all."
On 17 April 2012, CPAUG celebrated International Girls in ICT Day in Uganda with the aim to:
- highlight the use of ICT4D by women and girls in Uganda;
- draw the attention of policy makers to put in place favorable conditions for the women and girls to access and use ICTs; and
- showcase the use of ICTs in promoting the women and girls development through an exhibition.
All the above will be leading to the participants being introduced to new ICT4D tools and innovations; share the benefits of ICTs to women and girls at the end of the event; and information on how ICTs can enhance women and girls agenda.
CPAUG managed to undertake two activities to celebrate the Girls in ICT Day in Uganda on 17th April 2012 with an ICT Girls Forum and an ICT Exhibition and these helped the participants get ICT knowledge and its benefits.
- An ICT Girls Forum:
Several papers were presented by renowned ICT experts from NITA-U and WOUGNET to the participants.
Opening the event as the host, the Head Teacher of Nabisunsa Girls Secondary School, Hajjat Aisha M. Lubega (Mrs.) thanked CPAUG for having chosen her school to host the event and welcomed the entire guests to the Nabisunsa and the Chief Guest representing the Hon. Minister of ICT.
2) An ICT Exhibition:
The exhibition showcased some of the test cases where ICTs can play a role in ensuring that women and girls can benefit and use the same for their wellbeing. During the ICT exhibition Networks and Information Exchange ran a raffle that was by the student from Nabisunsa Girls SS –Kampala.
Showing casing how ICTs have transformed young girls in the Eastern part of the country, the representatives of PMM Girls School, Jinja shared some experiences how they have benefited from ICTs.
For more details, see the full report here: ugandagirlsinictday2012countryreport.pdf