ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

International Girls in ICT Day 2012 events

​​​​​​​W.TEC Technology Camp for Girls​

Mafoluku, Lagos, Nigeria, 2012, April 26​

W.TEC Girls Technology Camp is an annual programme, which started in 2008. It is an initiative of W.TEC which aims to mould young girls' psyche, give them a positive image of technology, related fields and opportunities while bridging the knowledge and skill gap between boys and girls in their career paths.

Camp Main Objectives

  1. To arouse a technology driven spirit and a quest for technology related careers in girls.
  2. To give the girl child, the opportunity to experience, experiment and learn in a real world environment through the Internet.
  3. To encourage out of the box thinking and provide an ideal environment for the female child to have freedom to think, niche a good career for herself while gaining critical life skills such as etiquette, team work and leadership skills.
  4. To create an innovative and encouraging platform where children can show case their talent in a fusion of entertainment and education.

The April 2012 Technology Camp

The April 2012 edition was held on the week of International Girls in ICT Day (April 23 – 27) and served as a platform to celebrate and encourage girls to learn and use information and communication technology for their social and economic development.

The week-long camp was a technology education and mentoring programme aimed at helping girls develop an early interest in computers and other information technology. For the camp duration, the students are participating in Graphic Design, Film Production, Website Design and Computer Troubleshooting workshops.

The long-term goal is to increase the numbers of Nigerian girls and women using technology productively for learning, professional and leadership activities. As W.TEC works to achieve this mission, our programmes will focus increasingly on using ICT to create content and build useful applications.


The criteria for the camp was students who:

  • Are teenagers and in secondary school
  • Already know how to use a computer
  • Available for the week of April 23 – 27, 2012

Secondary schools were asked to nominate students who met the criteria. Information of the camp was also spread via W.TEC's website, blog, social media channels, and mailing lists. The call for application was also disseminated via W.TEC alumni, civil society groups; as well as through various email lists and word-of-mouth.

Although the target number of students for the camp was 15, there were more applications than places and eventually W.TEC admitted 17 students to the programme.

See the full report attached for more information

The Women's Technology Empowerment Centre - W.TEC
Suite 88, Block A-4 Sura Shopping Complex
Simpson Street, Lagos Island Lagos, Nigeria

Phone: +234.1.850.9782, +234 819 115 0387

Additional document: itu_np-camp_report_april_2012 nigeria_4.doc