Gulnara Abdyllayeva, Director, Institute of Electronics and Telecommunications (Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic)
Mrs. Abdyllaeva was born on November 10, 1959 in Kyrgyzstan. She has graduated from Electrotechinal Institute of Telecommunication n.a. A.S. Popov (Odessa, the Ukraine) in 1982 with a degree in telecommunications engineering.
Mrs. Abdyllaeva has more than 30 years experience in teaching technical subjects in the field of telecommunications. She possesses modern teaching techniques, including the use of ICT in education. For certain teaching disciplines Mrs. Abdyllaeva has developed electronic textbooks and electronic educational methodical kits, including theoretical material, lectures as well as practical trainings and electronic tests to evaluate students' knowledge. Since 2008, Mrs. Abdyllaeva is actively involved in implementation of distant learning technologies, based on the widespread use of telecommunication/ICT for students of Bachelors and Masters degrees. The results of the practical and scientific researches in this field are interpreted in the dissertation work "Development of distance learning in the national higher education institution". The thesis was successfully defended in 2009 at the University of the Russian Academy (Moscow, Russia) and the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation and she was awarded the PhD degree on pedagogical sciences specializing in " Theory and Methods of Professional Education ". She has more than ten scientific papers published in scientific journals of various countries. Since 2016 Mrs. Abdyllaeva is a director of the Institute of Electronics and Telecommunications, which is one of the ITU Centers of Excellence in the CIS since 2015.
Mrs. Abdyllaeva was awarded several state awards for the great contribution in human resources development in ICT field.