ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

Model ICT Accessibility Policy Report

​​​ITU-G3ict ​​Model ICT Accessibility Policy Report

​​​ITU Digital Skills Toolkit
This report is a practical tool for national policymakers and regulators to create ICT accessibility policy frameworks, with a view to promoting the growth of accessible ICTs and the empowerment of persons with disabilities. Prioritizing implementation, it includes six modules which focus on different aspects of ICT accessibility: amendments to the existing ICT legal framework, public ICT access, mobile communications, television/video programming and public procurement of accessible ICTs. The report’s approach is to develop national policies in consultation with persons with disabilities. 

This report was authored by ITU and G3ict, the Global Initiative for Inclusive ICTs. The accessibility of the PDF was checked and edited by BarrierBreak​.