ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world



In partnership with the National Cybersecurity Authority of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, ITU and partners launched a set of online self-paced trainings on COP, geared towards the following target groups:

Parents and carers, educators, policy-makers, the ICT industry, and children themselves (aged 9-12, and 13-18).

The trainings for parents, carers, educators, and policymakers are accessible on the ITU Academy here.

Read more about each course below and Stay tuned looking out for new trainings coming soon!

1) Online training for children aged 9 to 12 years old: ENROLL HERE​

2) Online training for children aged 13 to 15 years old: ENROLL HERE​

3) Online training for children aged 16 to 18 years old: ENROLL HERE​

COP Training for Adolescents


ITU Trainings for Children (9-18 years)

Read more about our web based interactive training modules for children and young people to gain insight on the various issues related to their rights online, knowledge on child online protection, and access to resources for dealing with critical situations while online.

Priority area 1: Privacy 

Learning objectives: 

  • Understanding privacy in relation to the online environment  
  • Learn how to protect your privacy  
  • Understanding trust and online behaviour   
  • Increase awareness and use of support systems 

Priority area 2: Mis/Dis information 

Learning objectives: 

  • Understand what misinformation and disinformation are   
  • How can mis/disinformation harm you  
  • Learn some strategies for discerning/responding to misinformation/disinformation   
  • Learn what to look for in quality/trustworthy sources of information

Priority area 3: Harassment 

Learning objectives: 

  • Understand what harassment is  
  • Different forms of harassment and what they have in common  
  • Learn how to be protected and where to ask for support 

This course is designed for policy makers to learn about child online behaviors, threats and risks associated with cyberspace, and help them to develop national policies and strategies in line with current global trends, that are holistic, inclusive, and evidence based.

Learning Objectives:​
  • To know more about  children’s use of the Internet and their rights
  • To learn how technologies impact children , risks and harms online.
  • Learn about the principles of Safety by Design for policy making on child online protection
  • To learn about the different  global and regional  frameworks on Child Online Protection
  • Synthesizing the elements from the global frameworks to apply in the local context
  • Familiarizing with the global actors involved in protection of children online
  • How to develop a  multi stakeholder coordinated national child online protection strategy
  • Coordination process between different line ministries and national stakeholders on Child Online Protection, including introduction to child participation frameworks, especially related to policy making.
  • Tools for effective policymaking on Child Online protection
  • To learn more about the core child protective services that play a critical role in COP
  • How to prepare national policies, especially adapting to emerging trends on ICTs

This course is designed to create awareness among parents, guardians and caregivers about various child online engagements, their risks and benefits and help you to create a safer and more beneficial online family experience for your child at home. 

Learning Objectives:
understand the importance of awareness about children's online engagements;
recognize children's rights on the Internet;
be aware of online risks and harm associated with the internet, and children's reactions to being exposed to them;
know how to create safe environments for children;
be familiar with the ways to help children at risk, offer your support to those harmed, and useful resources.

This course is designed to educate parents/caregivers/guardians on their role as social support in helping their children who might have encountered online harm.

Learning Objectives:
be able to recognize signs of child online exploitation;
know to avoid victimizing children who were sexually exploited;
understand the types of online risks and harm associated with the internet, and how children will react to such situations;
be able to perform immediate actions to help children subjected to online violence;
be familiar with the resources for further advice and support.

This course is designed to create awareness among educators, teachers, youth workers, and youth organizations on the protection and rights of children online. The course is aimed to help educators create a safer online school experience for their students. 

Learning Objectives:
understand online circumstances that can put children at risk of being harmed;
Identify risks for children while they explore the online world such as mis/disinformation, cyberbullying, online radicalization, screen time, and  inappropriate content;
know which safety measures should be implemented at school and classroom levels to mitigate online risks; 
know how to properly respond and report if children were harmed online;
be familiar with additional resources to get further support;

This course is designed to help educators better understand the risks related to Online Child Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (further - OCSEA), and how the educational environments can be used to prevent children from harm associated with OCSEA. 

Learning Objectives:
understand the role of educators in child online protection; 
be familiar with the 4C's classification of online risks; 
be able to identify different types of OCSEA and understand how they happen;
know how to respond to the harmful online incidents and report them;

This course is designed to help educators better understand the risks related to Online Child Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (further - OCSEA), and how the educational environments can be used to prevent children from harm associated with OCSEA.  

This training course is primarily targeted towards staff of businesses providing digital platforms, tools and services, Internet and mobile phone services, as well as manufacturers of digital equipment and products that may be accessed by or otherwise impact children.  
Those who are responsible for the design of products and services, carrying out human rights impact assessments or related activities, or formulating policies, procedures and guidelines will especially benefit from this resource. 

Learning Objectives:
Describe the core frameworks underpinning child rights and responsible business conduct; 
List the types of online risks and harms that children encounter in the digital environment; 
Discuss the issue of online child sexual exploitation and abuse and how it relates to digital business activities; 
Recognize  opportunities to positively support children’s rights and well-being through business actions; 
Identify actions that your business can take to better integrate child rights across digital policies and practices.


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