ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

World Telecommunication Development Conference 2014



The Meeting is open to:

  1.  ITU Member States (CV 296).
  2.  ITU-D Sector Members:
  3. Recognized Operating Agencies (CV 296 bis and CV 229),

    Scientific and industrial Organizations (CV 296 bis and CV 229),

    Financial or Development institutions (CV 296 bis and CV 229),

    Other entities dealing with telecommunications (CV 296 bis and CV 230),

    Regional and other international telecommunication, standardization, financial and development organizations (CV 296 bis and CV 231).

  4.  Observers from:
  5. Palestine ( Resolution 99 (Rev. Guadalajara,2010),

    The United Nations (CV297 bis and CV 269A),

    Regional Telecommunication Organizations referred to in Article 43 of the ITU Constitution ( CV 297 bis and CV269B),

    Intergovernmental organizations operating satellite systems (CV 297 bis and CV 269C),

    The specialized agencies of the United Nations and the International Atomic Energy Agency (CV 297 bis and CV 269D),

    Other regional or international organization dealing with matters of interest to the Conference (CV 298C).