TDAG appointed Ms Andrea Grippa (Brazil) to chair this group, with Ms Agustina Brizo (Argentina) and Ms Blanca Gonzalez (Spain) appointed as vice-chairs.
The following Terms of Reference were agreed and can be also found here.
- To review WTDC resolutions, examine their total number and subject matters, and consider streamlining, to avoid repetitions and duplication with the Resolutions of the Plenipotentiary Conference. The streamlining should take into account that some ITU Sector resolutions are integrations of PP resolutions and therefore these resolutions should not be considered as repetition;
- To analyse and identify specific instructions for ITU-D contained in the final documents of PP-22, including those not reflected in the relevant WTDC resolutions;
- To take into consideration the criteria for streamlining WTDC Resolutions noting TDAG-23 guiding principles as presented in document TDAG23/DT/4 that were considered. As TDAG-WG-StreamRes is contribution driven, it is expected that membership identifies potential WTDC Resolutions which overlap with PP Resolutions and apply the criteria for streamlining for:
- suppressing the whole WTDC Resolution;
- suppressing the text which contains dispositions already contained in PP Resolutions;
- merging of WTDC Resolutions containing similar matters.
- 4. To report its outcomes to TDAG.