ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

Policy awareness workshop on E-waste, Hyderabad, India, 27-29 November 2019

The International Telecommunication Union (ITU), the Economic Advisory Council to Prime Minister (EAC-PM) of Republic of India​ and the Office of Principal Scientific Advisor, Cabinet Secretariat, Government of India​​, with the support of the United Nations University (UNU), the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the World Health Organization (WHO), are organizing a Policy Awareness Workshop on E-waste, which will take place in Hyderabad, India​, from 27 to 29 November 2019.
The workshop will bring together key stakeholders from across India, specifically targeting the managers and representatives with a level of seniority from ministries, government departments, government agencies, state and local level, the private sector and academia. Other institutions and individuals that are interested in building their capacity related to e-waste are also welcome to participate.

The workshop will focus on understanding e-waste in the 3Ps – PEOPLE-PLANET-PROSPERITY dimensions in India through a strategic perspective, linking marquee programmes with ongoing activities of Government of India​. It will help provide insights on the current status; technical, economic, environmental and social issues and drivers; opportunities to overcome current and future challenges; policy tools and implementation actions to take forward recommendations already developed, as well as identify new innovations and synergies across various levels and departmental lines in government given the cross-sectoral nature of the e-waste issue.

Workshop Objectives


​Day 1 ​-  27 November 2019, Wednesday

​08:30 - 09:00​

09:00 - 10:00
​Opening ceremony​

Opening remarks
Welcome remarks
Introductory remarks
Special address
​Keynote address
Vote of thanks
​10:00 - 10:45
Session 1: Roles in Resource Efficiency and Circular Economy
Participating ministries and departments of the Government of India​ 

​10:45 - 11:15

Session 2: Essential E-waste Concepts and Terminology
Presentation on Indian e-waste opportunities and challenges, and key actors involved, referencing the Resource Efficiency & Circular Economy paper and the Sustainable Development Goals. Understanding of key concepts such as EPR, PROs, fractions, recycling, disposal, circular economy, resource efficiency, critical raw materials etc. Conceptual framework and terminology, stakeholders, opportunities and challenges.

​11:15 - 11:30

Group photo and refreshments

​11:30 - 12:45

Session 3:  International Experiences in Implementation of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR)- based Legislation for E-waste
Good practice case-study presentations on legislation and system design (roles and responsibilities, financing and operations

  • Mr Daniel Ternald, Associate Expert,​ International Environmental Technology Centre, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP​​) [Bio][Presentation]
  • ​Dr Tan Quanyin, Basel Convention Regional Centre for Asia and the Pacific, School of Environment, Tsinghua Universit​​y [Bio] [Presentation​]
  • Dr. Deepali Sinha Khetriwal, United Nations University ​ (UNU) [Presentation​]
  • Mr. Anand Kumar Additional Director & Divisional Head, WM - III Division​ [Presentation​]​
Questions and answers

​12:45 - 14:00

​14:00 - 15:00

​Session 4: Decent Work in E-waste Management, and Human Health and Safe Work

Safe work in e-waste management, covering ILO conventions, safety and e-waste and child labour​​

Human health in e-waste management, covering toxicity and health and country case studies
Decent work in e-waste management, covering social protection conventions on the rights of workers
15:00 - 15:15​​
Coffee Break

​15:15 - 16:45
​Session 5: Repair and Recycling Infrastructure
Presentations on existing infrastructure and public-private partnerships, preceding a discussion on the potential programmatic synergies for a repair and recycling infrastructure

Low Cost E-waste Recycling Technology​
Repair and recycling infrastructure and public-private partnerships.

Technical Guidelines of the Central Pollution Control Board
​16:00 - 16:45
Review Workshop

​Session 6: National and International E-waste Standards

e-Stewards, R2, WEEELABEX, RIOS and ITU-T standards
How a national standard is developed, including the process, checks and methods in order to approve and publish it?
GreenCo Rating System

Interactive session on mapping potential e-waste standards in India, raising awareness in the government and among other stakeholders.​

Day 2 ​-  28 November 2019, Thursday

​​09:00 - 09:3​0
Session 7: Short Refresher and Feedback on the Previous Day’s Discussions
09:30 - 11:00

​Session 8: Vocational Skills, Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Repair and Recycling in E-waste Management

Background for this interactive session. 

Group discussion on what would be relevant in terms of developing vocational skills, cooperatives, entrepreneurship and training programmes for e-waste management, including access to financing.

For example, covering skills of e-waste dismantlers, inventori​​sation, start-ups in repair and recycling, and innovatiion.

Summary and feedback from each group.

11:30 - 12:15

​Session 9: Awareness, Monitoring and Enforcement in E-waste Management 

Awareness, monitoring and enforcement in India
Awareness, monitoring and enforcement in China
Checks and balances, and control of e-waste materials and characteristics
Centre of Excellence on e-waste recycling and Government of Telangara
​12:15 - 13:30
13:30 - 15:45
Session 10: Wish List and Action Plan
Ranking, refining and compiling different wishes that have been noted throughout the workshop and assigning an action beside each of these, leveraging existing Government programmes
​15:45 - 16:00
Coffee break
​16:00 - 1730

​Session 11: Defining Roles and Responsibilities, Budget and Funding
Discussion on the definition of different stakeholders' roles and responsibilities in e-waste in India regarding implementation of the status paper on Resource Efficiency & Circular Economy and the internationally adopted Sustainable Development Goals. Look into future of resource efficiency and circular economy in India including respective ministries. Discussion on budgeting gaps, funding sources and requirements to carry out actions assigned to wishes.​
17:30 - 18:30

Session 12: Dismantling Session
Participants will have the opportunity to take part in a session dismantling electrical and electronic equipment, to see the different components and understand the materials used in these products​.​

Day 3 ​-  29 November 2019, Friday

​09:00 - 10:30

​Session 13: Considerations, Scope and Requirements for a Pan-India E-waste Monitor

Global E-waste Statistics Partnership
Aspects of e-waste inventorisation, estimating e-waste stocks and flows, typical contents and coverage of an E-waste Monitor and what similar initiatives have already been done.
Discussion on undertaking an E-waste Monitor for the country of India; including, actors involved, costs, timeline, and focus.
​10:30 - 10:45

10:45 - 12:00 
​Session -14: Follow-up, Summary and Closing Remarks

Consen​sus on follow-up on this workshop, summary and final remark.