Work item | Question | Equiv. Num. | Status | Timing | Approval process | Version | Liaison relationship | Subject / Title | Priority |
TR.verm | Q4/17 | | Under study | 2025-04 | Agreement | New | - | Technical Report: Framework for verification of messages | Medium |
X.gpmr | Q4/17 | | Under study | 2026-Q2 | AAP | New | - | Guidelines and security measures for prevention and mitigation of ransomware | - |
X.nspam | Q4/17 | | Under study | 2026-03 | AAP | New | - | Security framework for network storage protection against malware attacks | - |
X.sf-dtea | Q4/17 | | Under study | 2025-09 | TAP | New | - | Security framework for detecting targeted email attacks | Medium |
X.sgc-rcs | Q4/17 | | Under study | 2025-04 | TAP | New | - | Guidelines for countering spam over rich communication service (RCS) messaging | - |
X.stie | Q4/17 | OASIS STIX 2.1 | Under study 2023-09-08 | 2025-04 | TAP | New | - | Structured Threat Information Expression (STIE) | Medium | | Q4/17 | | Under study | 2025-04 | TAP | New | ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 27, ETSI | Security threats of software supply chain | Medium |
X.taeii | Q4/17 | OASIS TAXII 2.1 | Under study 2023-09-08 | 2025-04 | TAP | New | - | Trusted Automated Exchange of Intelligence Information (TAEII) | Medium |