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ITU-T work programme

[2022-2024] : [SG15] : [Q2/15]

[Declared patent(s)]  - [Publication]

Work item: G.9806 (2020) Amd.3
Subject/title: Higher-speed bidirectional, single fibre, point-to-point optical access system (HS-PtP) - Amendment 3
Status: Approved on 2024-01-13 [Issued from previous study period]
Approval process: AAP
Type of work item: Recommendation
Version: -
Equivalent number: -
Timing: -
Liaison: -
Supporting members: -
Summary: Recommendation ITU-T G.9806 describes a higher speed bidirectional single fibre point-to-point optical access system than the data rate in existing ITU-T point-to-point access systems. It supports 10 Gbit/s for the optical access services including the optical distribution network (ODN) specification, the physical layer specification, services requirements and the operation, administration and maintenance (OAM) specification. Amendment 1 added support for 25 Gbit/s. Amendment 2 added support for 50 Gbit/s. Amendment 3 adds support for 100 Gbit/s, Optical Path Loss budget Classes SL (0-10 dB), SU (5-15 dB) and BL (10-20 dB).
Comment: -
  Historic references:
Jun Shan Wey, Editor
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First registration in the WP: 2021-05-10 14:18:54
Last update: 2023-12-15 10:48:40