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ITU-T work programme

[2025-2028] : [SG11] : [Q1/11]

[Declared patent(s)]  - [Associated work]

Work item: Q.CPN-TP-SA
Subject/title: Signalling architecture of transaction platform in CPN
Status: Under study [Issued from previous study period]
Approval process: AAP
Type of work item: Recommendation
Version: New
Equivalent number: -
Timing: 2025-12 (Medium priority)
Liaison: -
Supporting members: -
Summary: With the development of emerging technologies, and currently the network connects to multiple types of computing resources such as data centre and edge computing resource pool, and these computing resource may belong to different vendors. At the same time, some users want to associate computing resources with network capabilities, such as low latency. Furthermore, the scheduling of the computing resources grows to be a new technical challenge. To solve this problem, computing power network collects and distributes computing resource information of various computing nodes through network control plane (such as network orchestrator etc) and combines computing resource information and network information to provide users with the optimal computing resource allocation and network connection solution. Computing power network also provides a new commercial model. In this new model, resource providers can sell various resources through the platform, and resource consumers can choose the optimal resources combination solution, thus satisfying business requirements for service integration. Computing power resource transaction platform allows computing power resource providers and computing power resource consumers to make transactions. It is responsible for integrating resources information and making resources quotation, generating bills and executing computing power transaction process. There are two focuses in CPN are : -How to allocate the optimal resources to users according to user requirements; -How to make resource transactions between resource users and resource consumers. Q2/SG13 had already initialled a draft recommendation on the framework and architecture of CPN (Y.CPN-arch). Q4/SG11 had already initialled a draft recommendation on signalling requirement of CPN, and it is the signalling requirement for network control plane solving the first focus problem.(Q.CPN) And in this new work item, we design a new signal architecture to support the functions of CPN transaction platform focusing on the second problem. Based on the materials, we propose to continue the research of transaction platform in CPN especially concerning its signalling architecture in Q1/11. This draft Recommendation provides the signalling requirements of the reference points and defines the protocols used for interfaces of transaction platform in CPN.
Comment: -
  Historic references:
Chang Cao, Editor
Bo Lei, Editor
Taixin Li, Editor
Qianying Zhao, Editor
Xu Zhou, Editor
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First registration in the WP: 2021-04-13 18:05:33
Last update: 2024-05-17 15:38:19