Work item:
Functional requirements of universal interfaces for purpose-built ADS-DV
[Carried to next study period]
Approval process:
Type of work item:
Equivalent number:
SAE International ORAD (On-Road Automated Driving) Committee, ISO/TC 204
Supporting members:
ETRI, Korea (Republic of)
The ITU-T F.749.6 (04/23) ("Requirements of vehicle information for automated driving in vehicle gateway platforms") specified the requirements of vehicle information for automated driving in vehicle gateway platform. It introduced two different approaches to represent ADS-dedicated vehicle (ADS-DV) services by its ownership and specified the requirements to support two different approaches to represent ADS-DV services.
The proposed new Recommendation takes one step further and questions, "What can users do inside an ADS-DV?" to extend ITU-T F.749.6. This Recommendation presents a concept called purpose-built ADS-DV to answer this question. This Recommendation introduces the concepts of ADS-DV, purpose-built vehicle (PBV), and purpose-built ADS-DV, followed by their characteristics, high-level requirements, and a reference model.
At the 2020 Consumer Electronics Show (CES 2020), Hyundai Motor Company introduced the concept of PBV, a novel mobility solution for future innovative and sustainable cities and communities. As shown in Figure I.3, the idea was to create an urban eco-friendly mobility, which can be highly customized based on service providers' and users' requirements. Hyundai Motor Company aimed to break the boundaries of time and space to create more value in daily lives by allowing people to accommodate a broader spectrum of things to do inside mobilities.
Purpose-built ADS-DV is a PBV operated by ADS to perform the entire DDT. Applications can vary across different sectors and industries. The primary focus of purpose-built ADS-DV has been passenger mobility cars such as shuttles, robo-taxis, and car sharing, which are gradually being deployed in the form of pilot tests. Nonetheless, purpose-built ADS-DV services are expected to be diversified (e.g., delivery, medical, office, restaurant, beauty, and accommodation) as ADS-DV is widely deployed in the future.
To meet various requirements of users, high-level requirements, which are specified based on the common characteristics of purpose-built ADS-DV, are necessary. A reference model which will visualize the relationship among high-level requirements and add additional would be helpful for developers and implementors. However, no standards are being developed and published on purpose-built ADS-DV.
Therefore, a well-discussed and documented standard for purpose-built ADS-DV will help manufacturers and service-providers to rethink what and how people can benefit from using ADS-DV, which will, in turn, create new business opportunities for all stakeholders of purpose-built ADS-DV. New use cases open a new market to purpose-built ADS-DV manufacturers. Collecting the ideas of the automotive community to broaden the market is highly desirable. Eventually, by designing vehicles for specific purposes, OEMs can standardize components and manufacturing processes, reducing overall costs and improving profitability.
Historic references:
ITU-T A.5 justification(s): |
First registration in the WP:
2023-08-21 10:23:55
Last update:
2024-06-11 09:51:52