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ITU-T work programme

[2017-2020] : [SG5] : [Q7/5]

[Declared patent(s)]

Work item: L.CE_Industry 4.0
Subject/title: Circular Economy and Industry 4.0
Status: Discontinued 
Approval process: AAP
Type of work item: Recommendation
Version: New
Equivalent number: -
Timing: -
Liaison: ETSI EE, ISO
Supporting members: Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. (China), Telecommunications and Post Regulatory Authority (Sudan), Communications Authority of Kenya (CA), Uganda Communications Commission, Argentina, Spain
Summary: The concept of Industry 4.0, also hailed as the fourth industrial revolution, is characterized by digitization, connectivity, and automation within the manufacturing industry and beyond. Industry 4.0 technologies are being viewed as the key enabler to the circular economy. They revolutionize production patterns from the traditional linear production pattern, which is characterized as a take-make-consume-dispose model (cradle to grave), to a closed loop pattern, in which 'material inputs and waste generation is minimized through eco-design [resource (energy and material) consumption], recycling and reusing of products' (cradle to cradle [minimal disposal or waste]). Such transition has significant environmental impacts particularly in the ICT sector. Thus, it is imperative that the correlation between Industry 4.0 and Circular economy be examined in order to develop corresponding standards in the future.
Comment: It was discontinued at the SG5 meeting (30 November-10 December)
  Historic references:
Paolo Gemma, Editor
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First registration in the WP: 2018-10-03 11:36:58
Last update: 2021-12-13 16:38:13