Work item:
Information Management Digital Architecture to combat counterfeiting in IoT
[Carried to next study period]
Approval process:
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Supporting members:
Administration of Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Sudan, United Arab Emirates, Tunisia, Rostelecom, SPbSUT, China MIIT, Malaysia, FiberHome Technologies, China Unicom.
There are growing problems related to the sale and circulation of counterfeit devices in the market, as well as the adverse consequences thereof for users, governments and the private sector. In accordance with Technical Report on Counterfeit ICT equipment, there are a lot of technical solutions which are widely used for combating counterfeit goods over the globe. Most of them were established for particular technologies and/or industries and therefore could not be applied to other cases. There are a lot of identifiers to be used for combating counterfeiting with which purchasers are not familiar. Resolution 188 (Busan, 2014) on combating counterfeit telecommunication/information and communication technology devices recognized (in recognizing e) that Recommendation ITU-T X.1255, which is based on the digital object architecture, provides a framework for discovery of identity management information.
There is a variety of systems which can be applied to combat counterfeiting in IoT, including [ xxxx*: ].
[*Note: the list of other systems to be submitted to next meeting for further discussions.]
Moreover, the referred to technical report indicates that RFID tags are among technologies which are used for combating counterfeiting. In the meantime, RFID and other types of tags become part of IoT systems/solutions to be used for different applications.
Systems based on Digital Object Architecture (DOA) are considered as candidate tools which allow vendors/industries (not only ICT industry) to store their products' profile in repositories. These repositories contain all information about the products. Therefore, this Recommendation can be efficiently used in different industries such as ICT, pharmaceutical, automotive, avionic, etc.
Historic references:
ITU-T A.5 justification(s): |
First registration in the WP:
2016-08-08 20:41:39
Last update:
2016-08-08 20:50:52