ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

Girls in ICT day 2025

ITU-T work programme


[Work programme]
Work group: SG15 (Presentation Web page is available here)
Title: Optical transport networks and access network infrastructures
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Chair: MrYoichiMaeda
Vice-chair: MrSadeghAbbasi Shahkooh
Vice-chair: MrBakerBaker
Vice-chair: MrJúlio CesarFonseca
Vice-chair: MrViktorKatok
Vice-chair: MrFrancescoMontalti
Vice-chair: MrHelmutSchink
Vice-chair:  ShaohuaYu
Counsellor: MrGregJones
Engineer: MrHiroshiOta
Administrative assistant: MrRobertClark