ITU's 160 anniversary

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ITU-T work programme


[Work programme]
Work group: SG11 (Presentation Web page is available here)
Title: Signalling requirements, protocols, test specifications and combating counterfeit products
Description: ITU-T Study Group 11 has been attributed the responsibility for studies related to signalling-system architecture, signalling requirements and protocols, for all types of networks and technologies, e-future networks (FN), software-defined networking (SDN), network function virtualization (NFV), cloud-computing networks, VoLTE/ViLTE-based networks interconnection, virtual networks, IMT-2020 technologies, multimedia, next-generation networks (NGN), flying ad-hoc networks, tactile Internet, augmented reality and signalling for legacy network interworking.
Comment: -
Chair: MrAndreyKoucheryavy
Vice-chair: MrIsaacBoateng
Vice-chair: MrJoseHirschson Alvarez Prado
Vice-chair: MrShin-GakKang
Vice-chair: MrKarimLoukil
Vice-chair: MrAwad Ahmed Ali HmedMulah
Vice-chair: MrKhoaNguyen Van
Vice-chair: MrJoão Alexandre MoncaioZanon
Vice-chair: MsXiaojieZhu
Advisor: MrDenisAndreev
Administrative assistant: MsCarolinaLima