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ITU-T Recommendations

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ITU-T G.9955 (12/2011)

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Narrowband orthogonal frequency division multiplexing power line communication transceivers - Physical layer specification
Recommendation ITU-T G.9955 contains the physical layer specification for narrowband OFDM power line communications transceivers for communications via alternating current and direct current electric power lines over frequencies below 500 kHz. This Recommendation supports indoor and outdoor communications over low voltage lines, medium voltage lines, through transformer lowvoltage to medium-voltage and through transformer medium-voltage to low-voltage power lines in both urban and in long distance rural communications. This Recommendation addresses grid to utility meter applications, advanced metering infrastructure (AMI), and other Smart Grid applications such as charging of electric vehicle, home automation, and home area networking (HAN) communications scenarios.
This version integrates Recommendation ITU-T G.9955 (12/2011) with its Amendment 1.
Series title:
Approval date: 2011-12-16
Provisional name:G.hnem
Approval process:TAP
Status: Superseded
Observation:The contents of Recommendations ITU-T G.9955 (2011) and ITU-T G.9956 (2011) have been reorganized into Recommendations ITU-T G.9901, ITU-T G.9902, ITU-T G.9903 and ITU-T G.9904, which are technically equivalent. The published text of this Recommendation includes the modifications introduced by ITU-T G.9955 (2011) Amd.1 (2012).
Maintenance responsibility: ITU-T Study Group 15
Further details: Patent statement(s)
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