Testing and Test Control Notation version 3: TTCN-3 mapping from ASN.1 |
Recommendation ITU-T Z.167 defines a normative way of using ASN.1 as defined in Recommendations ITU-T X.680, ITU-T X.681, ITU-T X.682 and ITU-T X.683 with TTCN-3. The harmonization of other languages with TTCN-3 is not covered by this Recommendation.This first revision of the Recommendation contains amendments (conformance and compatibility, requirements and descriptions related to the objid type have been moved to this document from all other Z.16x Recommendations, supporting XML values within ASN.1 modules, conversion of the OID-IRI and RELATIVE-OID-IRI types, special real values and subtypes containing special values and exclusive bounds, updated predefined language strings etc.), clarifications (e.g., on visibility of imported ASN.1 definitions, on the transformation rules) corrigenda and editorial corrections.This Recommendation is technically aligned with ETSI ES 201 873-7 V4.2.1 (2010-07). |
Citation: |
https://handle.itu.int/11.1002/1000/11069 |
Series title: |
Z series: Languages and general software aspects for telecommunication systems Z.100-Z.199: Formal description techniques (FDT) Z.160-Z.179: Testing and Test Control Notation (TTCN) |
Approval date: |
2011-03-16 |
Approval process: | AAP |
Status: |
Superseded |
Maintenance responsibility: |
ITU-T Study Group 17 |
Further details: |
Patent statement(s)
Development history
ITU-T Supplement
Table of contents
Z Suppl. 1 (04/2015)
ITU-T Z.100-series – Supplement on SDL+ methodology: Use of ITU System Design Languages
In force
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