-- ============================================================================= -- GDMO definitions extracted from ITU-T Rec. M.3108.1 (1999) -- ============================================================================= currentServiceRequest MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM "Rec. X.721|ISO/IEC 10165-2:1992":top; CHARACTERIZED BY serviceRequestPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR currentServiceRequestBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The currentServiceRequest MO class represents information elements that are common to all service requests and captures the current value of a service request. It is a superclass from which service-specific subclasses can be defined. This MO represents the current view of the values of the service request that the SP will process on behalf of the SC. They may be different from the values requested by the SC due to the availability or lack thereof of SP's resources. The updateServiceRequest action can be used by the service customer to modify the service request following creation of this object class (or subclasses). The following attributes specified in this object class can be modified by the updateServiceRequest action: - serviceCustomer contact; - serviceAvailabilityDate; - serviceTerminationDate; - initialServiceAdministrativeState; - aliasName; - intervalsOfDay; - weekMask. Subclasses of this object class can specify additional attributes that can be modified by the updateServiceRequest action. It is the responsibility of the SC to check the values of the attributes in the create notification and attribute value change notification emitted by this MO. If the values of any attributes in the notifications are different from those supplied by the SC, and if they are unacceptable to the SC, then the SC may cancel the service request by deleting this object. If the history of the requested values is to be kept by the SP, then a serviceRequestHistoryRecord is created when the service customer issues an updateServiceRequest action towards a currentServiceRequest (and subclasses); the serviceRequestHistoryRecord contains a record of the attribute values specified in the request. The SP also creates a serviceRequestHistoryRecord of the initial service request values (when the SC creates the currentServiceRequest).";; ATTRIBUTES providerRequestNumber GET, -- used as naming attribute requestSequenceNumber GET, requestReceptionTime GET, "Rec. X.790":serviceType GET SET-BY-CREATE, serviceProviderContact GET, serviceCustomerContact GET SET-BY-CREATE, serviceAvailabilityDate GET SET-BY-CREATE, serviceTerminationDate GET SET-BY-CREATE, serviceRequestState GET; -- this attribute represents the service request state defined in Rec. -- M.3208.1 and behaves according to the state model ACTIONS updateServiceRequest; NOTIFICATIONS "Rec.X.721 | ISO/IEC 10165-2:1992": attributeValueChange, "Rec.X.721 | ISO/IEC 10165-2:1992": objectDeletion;;; CONDITIONAL PACKAGES initialServiceAdministrativeStatePackage PRESENT IF "SLA supports it", serviceDescriptionPackage PRESENT IF "SLA supports it", -- represents the service class in Rec. M.3208.1 customerRequestNumberPackage PRESENT IF "SC provides it", aliasNamePackage PRESENT IF "SLA supports it", "Rec. X.721":availabilityStatusPackage PRESENT IF "Any scheduling (daily, weekly, external) is present", dailySchedulingCurrentPackage PRESENT IF "both the weekly scheduling current package and external scheduler current packages are not present and daily scheduling is supported for the requested service", weeklySchedulingCurrentPackage PRESENT IF "both the daily scheduling current package and external scheduler current packages are not present and weekly scheduling is supported for the requested service", externalSchedulerCurrentPackage PRESENT IF "both the daily scheduling current package and weekly scheduling current packages are not present and external scheduling is supported for the requested service"; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1ObjectClass 1}; serviceRequestHistoryRecord MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM "Rec. X.721 | ISO/IEC 10165-2:1992":top; CHARACTERIZED BY serviceRequestHistoryRecordPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR serviceRequestRecordBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This MO represents a history record of the content of a service (update) request by the SC to a service request. The serviceRequestHistoryRecord is created when the service customer issues an updateServiceRequest action towards a currentServiceRequest (and subclasses) and contains a record of the attribute values specified in the request. The service provider also creates a serviceRequestHistoryRecord of the initial service request values (when the SC creates the currentServiceRequest).";; ATTRIBUTES requestSequenceNumber GET, -- used as naming attribute requestReceptionTime GET; NOTIFICATIONS "Rec.X.721 | ISO/IEC 10165-2:1992": objectCreation, "Rec.X.721 | ISO/IEC 10165-2:1992": objectDeletion;;; CONDITIONAL PACKAGES aliasNameInfoPackage PRESENT IF "part of the service (update) request", dailySchedulingInfoPackage PRESENT IF "part of the service (update) request", externalSchedulerInfoPackage PRESENT IF "part of the service (update) request", initialServiceAdministrativeStateInfoPackage PRESENT IF "part of the service (update) request", serviceAvailabilityDateInfoPackage PRESENT IF "part of the service (update) request", serviceCustomerContactPackage PRESENT IF "part of the service (update) request", serviceDescriptionInfoPackage PRESENT IF "part of the service (update) request", serviceTypeInfoPackage PRESENT IF "part of the service (update) request", serviceTerminationDateInfoPackage PRESENT IF "part of the service (update) request", weeklySchedulingInfoPackage PRESENT IF "part of the service (update) request"; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1ObjectClass 2}; serviceModifyRequest MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM "Rec. X.721 | ISO/IEC 10165-2:1992":top; CHARACTERIZED BY serviceModifyRequestPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR serviceModifyRequestBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This MO represents SC's request to modify an existing service. It is a superclass from which service-specific subclasses are derived. When changes to the service occur as a result of such a modification request, or for any other reason, the MO representing the affected service (e.g. lcs or link connection service) will issue the appropriate attribute value change notifications. After all the modifications requested by the SC through this MO have been resolved, this MO instance will be deleted and a notification of its deletion shall be sent to the SC.";; ATTRIBUTES providerRequestNumber GET, -- used as naming attribute serviceRequestState GET, serviceInstance GET SET-BY-CREATE, requestReceptionTime GET; NOTIFICATIONS "Rec.X.721 | ISO/IEC 10165-2:1992": objectDeletion, "Rec.X.721 | ISO/IEC 10165-2:1992": objectCreation;;; CONDITIONAL PACKAGES aliasNamePackage PRESENT IF "SLA supports it", "Rec. X.721":availabilityStatusPackage PRESENT IF "Any scheduling (daily, weekly, external) is present", dailySchedulingCurrentPackage PRESENT IF "both the weekly scheduling current package and external scheduler current packages are not present and daily scheduling is supported for the requested service", externalSchedulerCurrentPackage PRESENT IF "both the daily scheduling current package and weekly scheduling current packages are not present and external scheduling is supported for the requested service", serviceCustomerContactPackage PRESENT IF "SLA supports it", weeklySchedulingCurrentPackage PRESENT IF "both the daily scheduling current package and external scheduler current packages are not present and weekly scheduling is supported for the requested service"; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1ObjectClass 3}; currentLcsRequest MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM currentServiceRequest; CHARACTERIZED BY currentLcsRequestPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR currentLcsRequestBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This MO represents the LCS the SC currently wants, as per the SC's create service request and subsequent updates related to that create service request.";; ATTRIBUTES originatingLocation GET SET-BY-CREATE, terminatingLocation GET SET-BY-CREATE; ACTIONS updateServiceRequest bandwidthUnavailable modifyLCSError resourcesUnavailable; NOTIFICATIONS lcsRequestProgressProblemReport;;; -- used to report problems in progressing the request. changes in the -- value of the serviceRequestState are reported using the attribute value -- change notification. CONDITIONAL PACKAGES quantityPackage PRESENT IF "SLA supports it", bandwidthPackage PRESENT IF "SLA supports it", diversityPackage PRESENT IF "SLA supports it", routePackage PRESENT IF "SLA supports it", originatingLocationCPEPackage PRESENT IF "SLA supports it", terminatingLocationCPEPackage PRESENT IF "SLA supports it", originatingLocationSapPackage PRESENT IF "SLA supports it", terminatingLocationSapPackage PRESENT IF "SLA supports it"; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1ObjectClass 4}; lcsRequestHistoryRecord MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM serviceRequestHistoryRecord; CHARACTERIZED BY lcsRequestHistoryRecordPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR lcsRequestHistoryRecordBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This MO represents a record of the attributes of a create or update request of a LCS.";;;; CONDITIONAL PACKAGES originatingLocationInfoPackage PRESENT IF "part of the service (update) request", terminatingLocationInfoPackage PRESENT IF "part of the service (update) request", quantityInfoPackage PRESENT IF "part of the service (update) request", bandwidthInfoPackage PRESENT IF "part of the service (update) request", diversityInfoPackage PRESENT IF "part of the service (update) request", routeInfoPackage PRESENT IF "part of the service (update) request", originatingLocationCPEInfoPackage PRESENT IF "part of the service (update) request", terminatingLocationCPEInfoPackage PRESENT IF "part of the service (update) request", originatingLocationSapInfoPackage PRESENT IF "part of the service (update) request", terminatingLocationSapInfoPackage PRESENT IF "part of the service (update) request"; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1ObjectClass 5}; lcsModifyRequest MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM serviceModifyRequest; CHARACTERIZED BY lcsModifyRequestPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR lcsModifyRequestBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This MO represents a request to modify an existing LCS service or a previuous modify against an LCS.";; NOTIFICATIONS lcsModifyProgressProblemReport;;; -- used to report problems in progressing the request. changes in the -- value of the serviceRequestState are reported using the attribute value -- change notification. CONDITIONAL PACKAGES bandwidthPackage PRESENT IF "SLA supports it", diversityPackage PRESENT IF "SLA supports it", routePackage PRESENT IF "SLA supports it", originatingLocationCPEPackage PRESENT IF "SLA supports it", terminatingLocationCPEPackage PRESENT IF "SLA supports it"; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1ObjectClass 6}; currentLinkConnectionServiceRequest MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM currentServiceRequest; CHARACTERIZED BY currentLinkConnectionServiceRequestPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR currentLinkConnectionServiceRequestBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This instantiable MO represents a SC's request for a link connection service. The following attributes specified by this object class (in addition to those inherited from currentServiceRequest) can be modified by the service customer using the updateServiceRequest action: - bandwidth - originatingLocationCP - terminationLocationCP The SC must provide either the Originating or Terminating Location Connection Point or both. If one of the points is at the customer premises, that point must be provided by the SC. If one of the points is in a network of a service provider other than the one receiving create request, it must be provided by the SC.";; ATTRIBUTES originatingLocationCP GET SET-BY-CREATE, terminatingLocationCP GET SET-BY-CREATE; ACTIONS updateServiceRequest bandwidthUnavailable -- specific action reply parameter values resourcesUnavailable; NOTIFICATIONS linkConnectionRequestProgressProblemReport;;; -- used to report problems in progressing the request. changes in the -- value of the serviceRequestState are reported using the attribute value -- change notification. CONDITIONAL PACKAGES bandwidthPackage PRESENT IF "SLA supports it"; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1ObjectClass 7}; linkConnectionServiceRequestHistoryRecord MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM serviceRequestHistoryRecord; CHARACTERIZED BY linkConnectionServiceRequestHistoryRecordPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR linkConnectionServiceRequestHistoryRecordBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This MO represents a request to update either a previously issued request to create a link connection service, or a previous update against that link connection service request.";;;; CONDITIONAL PACKAGES bandwidthInfoPackage PRESENT IF "part of the service (update) request", originatingLocationCPInfoPackage PRESENT IF "part of the service (update) request", terminatingLocationCPInfoPackage PRESENT IF "part of the service (update) request"; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1ObjectClass 8}; linkConnectionServiceModifyRequest MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM serviceModifyRequest; CHARACTERIZED BY linkConnectionServiceModifyRequestPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR linkConnectionServiceModifyRequestBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This MO represents a request to modify an existing link connection service or a previous modify against a link.";; NOTIFICATIONS linkConnectionModifyProgressProblemReport;;; CONDITIONAL PACKAGES bandwidthPackage PRESENT IF "SLA supports it"; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1ObjectClass 9}; transportService MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM "Rec. X.721 | ISO/IEC 10165-2:1992":top; CHARACTERIZED BY "Rec. M.3100:1995":administrativeOperationalStatesPackage, "Rec. M.3100:1995":stateChangeNotificationPackage, "Rec. M.3100:1995":createDeleteNotificationsPackage, "Rec. M.3100:1995":attributeValueChangeNotificationPackage, transportServicePackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR transportServiceBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This MO represents a transport service. This MO class cannot be instantiated; service-specific subclasses of this class can be instantiated. Values of attributes of subclasses of this MO class can be set through management operations or through the creation of an instance of a service-specific subclass of the serviceModifyRequest MO class. If an attribute is supported by the SLA, and it can be set by the SC, and the SC has not specified its value in the service request, then it shall have its default value when this MO is instantiated.";; ATTRIBUTES "Rec. X.790":serviceId GET SET-BY-CREATE, -- represents the circuit ID or link connection ID specified in Rec. -- M.3208.1 the serviceID is used for naming serviceTerminationDate GET-REPLACE, bandwidth GET-REPLACE, serviceProviderContact GET, -- the value of this attribute is set at creation by the SP this -- attribute points to an instance of X.790 contact MO or it contains -- X.790 PersonReach information. serviceCustomerContact GET-REPLACE; -- this attribute points to an instance of X.790 contact MO or it -- contains X.790 PersonReach information. NOTIFICATIONS "Rec. X.721 | ISO/IEC 10165-2": qualityofServiceAlarm;;; CONDITIONAL PACKAGES aliasNamePackage PRESENT IF "SLA supports it", serviceDescriptionPackage PRESENT IF "present in the service request", -- represents the service class in Rec. M.3208.1 "Rec. X.721":availabilityStatusPackage PRESENT IF "Any scheduling (daily, weekly, external) is present", "Rec. X.721 | ISO/IEC 10165-2":dailyScheduling PRESENT IF "present in the service request.", "Rec. X.721 | ISO/IEC 10165-2":weeklyScheduling PRESENT IF " present in the service request ", "Rec. X.721 | ISO/IEC 10165-2":externalScheduler PRESENT IF " present in the service request "; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1ObjectClass 10}; serviceAccessDomainR1 MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM "Rec. X.721 | ISO/IEC 10165-2:1992":top; CHARACTERIZED BY serviceAccessDomainR1Package PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR serviceAccessDomainR1Behaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This MO represents a Service Access Domain consisting of Service Access Groups having similar characteristics (e.g. supporting the same bandwidths). Although Rec. M.3208.1 specifies that a provider request number be provided by the SP, it is not included in this MO since this MO is created directly by the SC.";; ATTRIBUTES serviceCustomerContact GET-REPLACE, sadId GET SET-BY-CREATE, -- sadId can be provided by the SC, otherwise it is set by the SP; -- used as naming attribute listOfSags GET-REPLACE ADD-REMOVE, serviceProviderContact GET; NOTIFICATIONS "Rec.X.721|ISO 10165-2:1992":objectDeletion, "Rec.X.721|ISO 10165-2:1992":objectCreation, "Rec.X.721|ISO 10165-2:1992":attributeValueChange;;; CONDITIONAL PACKAGES aliasNamePackage PRESENT IF "aliasName was present in the service request ", serviceDescriptionPackage PRESENT IF "a single serviceDescription was present in the service request ", serviceDescriptionListPackage PRESENT IF "multiple serviceDescription was present in the service request", serviceTypePackage PRESENT IF "a service type was present in the service request "; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1ObjectClass 16}; lcs MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM transportService; CHARACTERIZED BY lcsPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR lcsBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This instantiable MO represents a LCS. If the SLA allows the SC to specify the route and the SC did not specify the route in the service request, then the route attribute shall be present as an empty SEQUENCE. The route cannot be changed through a management operation on this MO. The route can be changed by the SC by creating an instance of the lcsModifyRequest MO class.";; ATTRIBUTES originatingLocationSap GET SET-BY-CREATE, "Rec. X.790":serviceType GET SET-BY-CREATE, -- represents the service name in Rec. M.3208.1 "Rec. X.790":serviceLocationList GET SET-BY-CREATE, -- represents the originating and terminating locations in Rec. M.3208.1 serviceAvailabilityDate GET SET-BY-CREATE, terminatingLocationSap GET SET-BY-CREATE;;; CONDITIONAL PACKAGES diversityPackage PRESENT IF "present in the service request", routePackage PRESENT IF "route was present in the service request", originatingLocationCPEModifyPackage PRESENT IF "originatingLocationCPE was present in the service request", terminatingLocationCPEModifyPackage PRESENT IF "terminatingLocationCPE was present in the service request"; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1ObjectClass 11}; linkConnectionService MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM transportService; CHARACTERIZED BY linkConnectionServicePackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR linkConnectionServiceBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This instantiable MO represents a link connection service.";; ATTRIBUTES originatingLocationCP GET SET-BY-CREATE, "Rec. X.790":serviceType GET SET-BY-CREATE, -- represents the service name in Rec. M.3208.1 "Rec. X.790":serviceLocationList GET SET-BY-CREATE, -- represents the originating and terminating locations in Rec. M.3208.1 serviceAvailabilityDate GET SET-BY-CREATE, terminatingLocationCP GET SET-BY-CREATE;;; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1ObjectClass 12}; serviceAccessDomain MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM "Rec. X.721 | ISO/IEC 10165-2:1992":top; CHARACTERIZED BY serviceAccessDomainPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR serviceAccessDomainBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This MO represents a Service Access Domain consisting of Service Access Groups having similar characteristics (e.g. supporting the same bandwidths). Although Rec. M.3208.1 specifies that a provider request number be provided by the SP, it is not included in this MO since this MO is created directly by the SC.";; ATTRIBUTES providerRequestNumber GET, serviceCustomerContact GET-REPLACE, sadId GET SET-BY-CREATE, -- sadId can be provided by the SC, otherwise it is set by the SP; -- used as naming attribute listOfSags GET-REPLACE ADD-REMOVE, "Rec. X.790":serviceType GET SET-BY-CREATE, serviceProviderContact GET; NOTIFICATIONS "Rec.X.721 | ISO/IEC 10165-2:1992":objectDeletion, "Rec.X.721 | ISO/IEC 10165-2:1992":objectCreation;;; CONDITIONAL PACKAGES aliasNamePackage PRESENT IF "aliasName was present in the service request", serviceDescriptionPackage PRESENT IF "serviceDescription was present in the service request"; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1ObjectClass 13}; serviceAccessGroup MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM "Rec. X.721 | ISO/IEC 10165-2:1992":top; CHARACTERIZED BY serviceAccessGroupPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR serviceAccessGroupBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This MO represents a Service Access Group consisting of Service Access Points having similar characteristics (e.g. supporting the same bandwidths). If the administrative state is locked, then all the SAPs in the SAG are locked";; ATTRIBUTES sagId GET SET-BY-CREATE, listOfSaps GET-REPLACE ADD-REMOVE addToSagError removeFromSagError, sagLocation GET SET-BY-CREATE; ACTIONS addSapsToSag; NOTIFICATIONS "Rec.X.721 | ISO/IEC 10165-2:1992":objectDeletion, "Rec.X.721 | ISO/IEC 10165-2:1992":objectCreation;;; CONDITIONAL PACKAGES aliasNamePackage PRESENT IF "aliasName was present in the service request", "Rec. X.721 | ISO/IEC 10165-2:1992":administrativeStatePackage PRESENT IF "SLA supports it"; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1ObjectClass 14}; serviceAccessEquipmentView MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM "Rec. X.721 | ISO/IEC 10165-2:1992":top; CHARACTERIZED BY serviceAccessEquipmentViewPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR serviceAccessEquipmentViewBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The serviceAccessEquipment MO class represents customer-owned equipment that terminates LCS(s). The SC updates information in this MO to correctly reflect the actual state of the service access equipment in the SC's premises.";; ATTRIBUTES "Rec. M.3100:1995": equipmentId GET SET-BY-CREATE, listOfSaps GET-REPLACE ADD-REMOVE, "Rec. X.790:1995": aLocationAccessAddress GET SET-BY-CREATE; NOTIFICATIONS "Rec.X.721 | ISO/IEC 10165-2:1992": objectDeletion, "Rec.X.721 | ISO/IEC 10165-2:1992": objectCreation;;; CONDITIONAL PACKAGES reflectiveAdministrativeStatePackage PRESENT IF "SLA supports it", reflectiveOperationalStatePackage PRESENT IF "SLA supports it", equipmentTypePackage PRESENT IF "SLA supports it", equipmentManufacturerPackage PRESENT IF "SLA supports it", modelTypePackage PRESENT IF "SLA supports it", dateOfInstallationPackage PRESENT IF "SLA supports it", expectedDateOfInstallationPackage PRESENT IF "SLA supports it", procedurePackage PRESENT IF "SLA supports it"; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1ObjectClass 15}; aliasNameInfoPackage PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES aliasName GET; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1Package 1}; aliasNamePackage PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES aliasName GET SET-BY-CREATE; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1Package 2}; bandwidthInfoPackage PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES bandwidth GET; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1Package 3}; bandwidthPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR bandwidthPackageBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "If the requested bandwidth cannot be provided by the SP, the SP shall return the value together with a reason code indicating that the bandwidth is not available.";; ATTRIBUTES bandwidth GET SET-BY-CREATE; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1Package 4}; customerRequestNumberPackage PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES customerRequestNumber GET SET-BY-CREATE; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1Package 7}; dateOfInstallationPackage PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES dateOfInstallation GET; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1Package 8}; dailySchedulingInfoPackage PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES "Rec. X.721 | ISO/IEC 10165-2":intervalsOfDay GET; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1Package 9}; dailySchedulingCurrentPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR dailySchedulingCurrentPackageBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "If the SC specifies a value and the SP is not able to accommodate the requested schedule, the SP must return a error with a reason code indicating that the schedule can not be met.";; ATTRIBUTES "Rec. X.721 | ISO/IEC 10165-2":intervalsOfDay GET SET-BY-CREATE; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1Package 10}; diversityInfoPackage PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES diversity GET; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1Package 11}; diversityPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR diversityPackageBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "In the case of partial success, the SP may indicate the common (i.e. non-diverse) components of the circuits (new and/or old) as a set of topological entities.";; ATTRIBUTES diversity GET SET-BY-CREATE; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1Package 12}; equipmentManufacturerPackage PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES equipmentManufacturer GET-REPLACE; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1Package 14}; equipmentTypePackage PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES equipmentType GET-REPLACE; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1Package 16}; expectedDateOfInstallationInfoPackage PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES expectedDateOfInstallation GET; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1Package 17}; expectedDateOfInstallationPackage PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES expectedDateOfInstallation GET-REPLACE; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1Package 18}; externalSchedulerCurrentPackage PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES "Rec. X.721 | ISO/IEC 10165-2":schedulerName GET-REPLACE; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1Package 19}; externalSchedulerInfoPackage PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES "Rec. X.721 | ISO/IEC 10165-2":schedulerName GET; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1Package 20}; initialServiceAdministrativeStateInfoPackage PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES requestedInitialServiceAdministrativeState GET; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1Package 21}; initialServiceAdministrativeStatePackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR initialServiceAdministrativeStateBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "If this package is not present then the value of the service, when created, is subject to the SLA.";; ATTRIBUTES requestedInitialServiceAdministrativeState GET SET-BY-CREATE; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1Package 22}; modelTypePackage PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES modelType GET-REPLACE; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1Package 23}; originatingLocationCPEInfoPackage PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES originatingLocationCPE GET; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1Package 25}; originatingLocationCPEModifyPackage PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES originatingLocationCPE GET-REPLACE; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1Package 26}; originatingLocationCPEPackage PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES originatingLocationCPE GET SET-BY-CREATE; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1Package 27}; originatingLocationCPInfoPackage PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES originatingLocationCP GET; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1Package 28}; originatingLocationInfoPackage PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES originatingLocation GET; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1Package 30}; originatingLocationSapInfoPackage PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES originatingLocationSap GET; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1Package 31}; originatingLocationSapPackage PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES originatingLocationSap GET SET-BY-CREATE; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1Package 32}; procedurePackage PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES procedure GET-REPLACE; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1Package 33}; quantityInfoPackage PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES quantity GET; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1Package 35}; quantityPackage PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES quantity GET SET-BY-CREATE; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1Package 36}; reflectiveOperationalStatePackage PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES "Rec.X.721 | ISO/IEC 10165-2:1992":operationalState GET-REPLACE; REGISTERED AS { m3108Part1Package 37}; reflectiveAdministrativeStatePackage PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES "Rec.X.721 | ISO/IEC 10165-2:1992":administrativeState GET-REPLACE; REGISTERED AS { m3108Part1Package 38}; routeInfoPackage PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES route GET; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1Package 39}; routePackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR routePackageBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The SP may reject the requested route with returning the reason code or may return alternate route when the requested route is not available.";; ATTRIBUTES route GET SET-BY-CREATE; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1Package 40}; serviceAdministrativeStatePackage PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES "Rec. X.721 | ISO/IEC 10164-2":administrativeState GET-REPLACE; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1Package 41}; serviceAvailabilityDateInfoPackage PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES serviceAvailabilityDate GET; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1Package 42}; serviceAvailabilityDatePackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR serviceAvailabilityDatePackageBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The Service Availability Date can be modified only if the service has not been established.";; ATTRIBUTES serviceAvailabilityDate GET SET-BY-CREATE; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1Package 43}; serviceCustomerContactPackage PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES serviceCustomerContact GET SET-BY-CREATE; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1Package 45}; serviceDescriptionInfoPackage PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES "Rec. X.790":serviceDescription GET; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1Package 46}; serviceDescriptionPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR serviceDescriptionPackageBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "If the requested service class is not equal to the class of service provided by the SP, then the SP must supply the value, else it is optional.";; ATTRIBUTES "Rec. X.790":serviceDescription GET SET-BY-CREATE; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1Package 47}; serviceProviderContactPackage PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES serviceProviderContact GET; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1Package 48}; serviceTerminationDateInfoPackage PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES serviceTerminationDate GET; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1Package 49}; serviceTerminationDatePackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR serviceTerminationDatePackageBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "If the SP cannot accept the date, an alternate date is provided.";; ATTRIBUTES serviceTerminationDate GET SET-BY-CREATE; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1Package 50}; serviceTypeInfoPackage PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES "Rec. X.790":serviceType GET; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1Package 51}; terminatingLocationCPEInfoPackage PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES terminatingLocationCPE GET; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1Package 52}; terminatingLocationCPEModifyPackage PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES terminatingLocationCPE GET-REPLACE; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1Package 53}; terminatingLocationCPEPackage PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES terminatingLocationCPE GET SET-BY-CREATE; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1Package 54}; terminatingLocationCPInfoPackage PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES terminatingLocationCP GET; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1Package 55}; terminatingLocationInfoPackage PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES terminatingLocation GET; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1Package 57}; terminatingLocationSapInfoPackage PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES terminatingLocationSap GET; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1Package 58}; terminatingLocationSapPackage PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES terminatingLocationSap GET-REPLACE; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1Package 59}; weeklySchedulingInfoPackage PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES "Rec. X.721 | ISO/IEC 10165-2": weekMask GET; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1Package 60}; weeklySchedulingCurrentPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR weeklySchedulingCurrentPackageBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "If the SC specifies a value and the SP is not able to accommodate the requested schedule, the SP must return an error with a reason code indicating that the schedule can not be met.";; ATTRIBUTES "Rec. X.721 | ISO/IEC 10165-2":weekMask GET SET-BY-CREATE; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1Package 61}; serviceDescriptionListPackage PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES serviceDescriptionList GET SET-BY-CREATE; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1Package 62}; serviceTypePackage PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES "Rec. X.790":serviceType GET; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1Package 63}; aliasName ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3108Part1ASN1Module.AliasName; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, SUBSTRINGS; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1Attribute 1}; -- represents information in the M.3208.1 "Information flow" [], -- [], [], [], [], [], -- [], [], [], [], [], -- [], [], [] bandwidth ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3108Part1ASN1Module.Bandwidth; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, ORDERING; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1Attribute 2}; -- represents Bandwidth, Link Connection Bandwidth information in the M.3208.1 -- "Information flow" [], [], [], -- [], [], [], [], [], -- [], [], [], [], [3,], -- [] cp ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3108Part1ASN1Module.Cp; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, SUBSTRINGS; BEHAVIOUR cpBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute identifies the connection point or the service node specified in Rec. M.3208.1";; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1Attribute 3}; -- represents information in the M.3208.1 "Information flow" [], -- [], [], [], [], [], -- [] customerRequestNumber ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3108Part1ASN1Module.RequestNumber; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, ORDERING; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1Attribute 4}; -- represents information in the M.3208.1 "Information flow" [], -- [] dateOfInstallation ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3108Part1ASN1Module.Time; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, ORDERING; BEHAVIOUR "Rec. X.721 | ISO/IEC 10165-2:1992":timeOrdering; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1Attribute 5}; -- represents information in the M.3208.1 "Information flow" [], -- [] diversity ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3108Part1ASN1Module.Diversity; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR diversityBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute identifies the topological entities from which the circuit should be diverse, or the other circuits from which the circuit should be diverse, or the number of the circuits in the diverse group and the topological entities from which the circuits in the group should be diverse.";; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1Attribute 6}; -- represents information in the M.3208.1 "Information flow" [], -- [], [] equipmentManufacturer ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3108Part1ASN1Module.EquipmentManufacturer; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, SUBSTRINGS; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1Attribute 7}; -- represents information in the M.3208.1 "Information flow" [], -- [] equipmentType ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3108Part1ASN1Module.EquipmentType; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, SUBSTRINGS; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1Attribute 8}; -- represents information in the M.3208.1 "Information flow" [], -- [] expectedDateOfInstallation ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3108Part1ASN1Module.Time; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, ORDERING; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1Attribute 9}; -- represents information in the M.3208.1 "Information flow" [], -- [] listOfSags ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3108Part1ASN1Module.ListOfSags; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, SET-INTERSECTION, SET-COMPARISON; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1Attribute 10}; -- represents information in the M.3208.1 "Information flow" [] listOfSaps ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3108Part1ASN1Module.ListOfSaps; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, SET-INTERSECTION, SET-COMPARISON; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1Attribute 11}; -- represents Service Access Point Ids, Service Access Point information in the -- M.3208.1 "Information flow" [], [], [], -- [] modelType ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3108Part1ASN1Module.ModelType; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, SUBSTRINGS; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1Attribute 12}; -- represents information in the M.3208.1 "Information flow" [], -- [] numberOfUnspecifiedSaps ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3108Part1ASN1Module.NumberOfUnspecifiedSaps; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, ORDERING; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1Attribute 13}; -- represents information in the M.3208.1 "Information flow" [] originatingLocation ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3108Part1ASN1Module.OriginatingLocation; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1Attribute 14}; -- represents information in the M.3208.1 "Information flow" [], -- [] originatingLocationCP ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3108Part1ASN1Module.Cp; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, SUBSTRINGS; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1Attribute 15}; -- represents information in the M.3208.1 "Information flow" [], -- [], [], [], [], [], -- [] originatingLocationCPE ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3108Part1ASN1Module.Cpe; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR originatingLocationCPEBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute describes the type and make of the CPE that the LCS is connected to at the originating point of the circuit.";; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1Attribute 16}; -- represents Originating Location CPE Type information in the M.3208.1 -- "Information flow" [], [], [], -- [], [], [] originatingLocationSap ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3108Part1ASN1Module.Sap; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR originatingLocationSAPBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute identifies access point where the Leased Circuit Service originates.";; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1Attribute 17}; -- represents information in the M.3208.1 "Information flow" [], -- [], [], [], [], [] procedure ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3108Part1ASN1Module.Procedure; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR procedureBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute describes the changes of the (test) procedure.";; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1Attribute 18}; -- represents Changes In Procedure information in the M.3208.1 "Information -- flow" [] providerRequestNumber ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3108Part1ASN1Module.RequestNumber; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, ORDERING; BEHAVIOUR providerRequestNumberBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute is a unique identifier provided by the SP to identify the request. The providerRequestNumber attribute is an attribute type whose distinguished value can be used as a RDN when naming an instance of the current service request and service modify request object class";; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1Attribute 19 }; -- represents information in the M.3208.1 "Information flow" [], -- [], [], [], [], [], -- [], [], [], [], [], -- [], [], [], [], [], -- [], [], [] quantity ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3108Part1ASN1Module.Number; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, ORDERING; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1Attribute 21 }; -- represents information in the M.3208.1 "Information flow" [], -- [], [] requestedInitialServiceAdministrativeState ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3108Part1ASN1Module.RequestedInitialServiceAdministrativeState; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1Attribute 22}; -- represents Service Administrative State, Link Connection Service Administrative State -- information in the M.3208.1 "Information flow" [], [] requestReceptionTime ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3108Part1ASN1Module.Time; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, ORDERING; BEHAVIOUR "Rec. X.721 | ISO/IEC 10165-2:1992":timeOrdering; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1Attribute 23}; requestSequenceNumber ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3108Part1ASN1Module.RequestNumber; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR requestSequenceNumberBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The requestSequenceNumber attribute is an attribute type whose distinguished value can be used as a RDN when naming an instance of the service request history record object class";; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1Attribute 24}; -- represents information in the M.3208.1 "Information flow" [], -- [], [], [], [] route ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3108Part1ASN1Module.Route; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1Attribute 25}; -- represents information in the M.3208.1 "Information flow" [], -- [], [], [], [], [], -- [] sadId ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3108Part1ASN1Module.SadId; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR sadIDBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The sadID attribute is an attribute type whose distinguished value can be used as a RDN when naming an instance of the service access domain object class";; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1Attribute 26}; -- represents information in the M.3208.1 "Information flow" [], -- [], [] sagId ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3108Part1ASN1Module.SagId; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR sagIDBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The sagID attribute is an attribute type whose distinguished value can be used as a RDN when naming an instance of the service access group object class";; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1Attribute 27}; -- represents information in the M.3208.1 "Information flow" [], -- [], [], [] sagLocation ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3108Part1ASN1Module.SagLocation; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1Attribute 28}; -- represents information in the M.3208.1 "Information flow" [] serviceAvailabilityDate ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3108Part1ASN1Module.Time; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, ORDERING; BEHAVIOUR "Rec. X.721 | ISO/IEC 10165-2:1992":timeOrdering; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1Attribute 29}; -- represents Service Availability Date, Link Connection Availability Date -- information in the M.3208.1 "Information flow" [], [], -- [], [], [], [], [], -- [], [], [], [] serviceCustomerContact ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3108Part1ASN1Module.Contact; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1Attribute 30}; -- represents Customer Contact information in the M.3208.1 "Information flow" -- [], [], [], [], [], -- [], [], [], [], [], -- [] serviceInstance ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3108Part1ASN1Module.ObjectInstance; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1Attribute 31}; -- represents Circuit Number, Link Connection Identifier information in the -- M.3208.1 "Information flow" [], [], [], -- [], [], [], [], [], -- [], [], [], [], [], -- [], [], [], [], [] serviceProviderContact ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3108Part1ASN1Module.Contact; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1Attribute 32}; -- represents information in the M.3208.1 "Information flow" [], -- [], [], [], [], [], -- [], [], [], [], [], -- [] serviceRequestState ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3108Part1ASN1Module.ServiceRequestState; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR serviceRequestStateBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute represents the service request state specified in Rec. M.3208.1.";; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1Attribute 33}; -- represents Service Request State, Link Connection Request State information -- in the M.3208.1 "Information flow" [], [], -- [], [], [], [], [], -- [], [], [] serviceTerminationDate ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3108Part1ASN1Module. ServiceTerminationDate; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, ORDERING; BEHAVIOUR "Rec. X.721 | ISO/IEC 10165-2:1992":timeOrdering; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1Attribute 34}; -- represents Service Termination Date, Link Connection Termination Date, Link -- Termination Date information in the M.3208.1 "Information flow" -- [], [], [], [], [], -- [], [], [], [], [], -- [], [], [], [], [], -- [] terminatingLocation ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3108Part1ASN1Module.TerminatingLocation; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1Attribute 36}; -- represents information in the M.3208.1 "Information flow" [], -- [] terminatingLocationCP ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3108Part1ASN1Module.Cp; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, SUBSTRINGS; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1Attribute 37}; -- represents information in the M.3208.1 "Information flow" [], -- [], [], [], [], [], -- [] terminatingLocationCPE ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3108Part1ASN1Module.Cpe; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR terminatingLocationCPEBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute describes the type and make of the CPE that the LCS is connected to at the terminating point of the circuit.";; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1Attribute 38}; -- represents Originating Location CPE Type information in the M.3208.1 -- "Information flow" [], [], [], -- [], [], [] terminatingLocationSap ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3108Part1ASN1Module.Sap; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR terminatingLocationSAPBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute identifies access point where the Leased Circuit Service terminates.";; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1Attribute 39}; -- represents information in the M.3208.1 "Information flow" [], -- [], [], [], [], [] serviceDescriptionList ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3108Part1ASN1Module.ServiceDescriptionList; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, SUBSTRINGS; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1Attribute 40}; -- represents service class when multiple service classes are supported and request addToSagError PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX M3108Part1ASN1Module.AddToSagError; BEHAVIOUR addToSagErrorBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This error is issued if the request add a SAP to a SAG is invalid or if the SP cannot comply with the request.";; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1Parameter 1}; bandwidthUnavailable PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX M3108Part1ASN1Module.Null; BEHAVIOUR bandwidthUnavailableBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This error is issued if the SP does not have the bandwidth to comply with the request.";; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1Parameter 2}; createLCSError PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX M3108Part1ASN1Module.CreateLCSError; BEHAVIOUR createLCSErrorBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This error is issued if the request for LCS is invalid or if the SP cannot provide the requested service.";; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1Parameter 3}; createLinkConnectionError PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX M3108Part1ASN1Module.CreateLinkConnectionError; BEHAVIOUR createLinkConnectionErrorBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This error is issued if the request for link connection service is invalid or if the SP cannot provide the requested service.";; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1Parameter 4}; createSadError PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX M3108Part1ASN1Module.CreateSadError; BEHAVIOUR createSadErrorBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This error is issued if the request for a SAD is invalid or if the SP cannot provide the requested SAD.";; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1Parameter 5}; createSagError PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX M3108Part1ASN1Module.CreateSagError; BEHAVIOUR createSagErrorBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This error is issued if the request for a SAG is invalid or if the SP cannot provide the requested SAG.";; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1Parameter 6}; deleteLCSError PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX M3108Part1ASN1Module.DeleteLCSError; BEHAVIOUR deleteLCSErrorBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This error is issued if the request to delete a LCS is incorrect.";; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1Parameter 7}; deleteLinkConnectionError PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX M3108Part1ASN1Module.DeleteLinkConnectionError; BEHAVIOUR deleteLinkConnectionErrorBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This error is issued if the request to delete a link connection service is incorrect.";; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1Parameter 8}; deleteSadError PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX M3108Part1ASN1Module.DeleteSadError; BEHAVIOUR deleteSadErrorBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This error is issued if the request to delete a SAD is incorrect, in particular, if the SAD contains SAG(s).";; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1Parameter 9}; deleteSagError PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX M3108Part1ASN1Module.DeleteSagError; BEHAVIOUR deleteSagErrorBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This error is issued if the request to delete a SAG is incorrect.";; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1Parameter 10}; modifyLCSError PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX M3108Part1ASN1Module.ModifyLCSError; BEHAVIOUR modifyLcsErrorBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This error is issued if the SP cannot comply with the request.";; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1Parameter 11}; removeFromSagError PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX M3108Part1ASN1Module.RemoveFromSagError; BEHAVIOUR removeFromSagErrorBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This error is issued if the request remove a SAP from a SAG is invalid or if the SP cannot comply with the request.";; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1Parameter 12}; resourcesUnavailable PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX M3108Part1ASN1Module.Null; BEHAVIOUR resourcesUnavailableBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This error is issued if the SP does not have the resources to comply with the request.";; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1Parameter 13}; lcsModifyProgressProblemReport NOTIFICATION BEHAVIOUR lcsModifyProgressProblemReportBehaviour; WITH INFORMATION SYNTAX M3108Part1ASN1Module.LcsModifyProgressProblemReport; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1Notification 1}; lcsModifyProgressProblemReportBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This notification is used to report problems with a LCS modification request."; lcsRequestProgressProblemReport NOTIFICATION BEHAVIOUR lcsRequestProgressProblemReportBehaviour; WITH INFORMATION SYNTAX M3108Part1ASN1Module.LcsRequestProgressProblemReport; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1Notification 2}; lcsRequestProgressProblemReportBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS " This notification is used to report problems with a LCS request."; linkConnectionModifyProgressProblemReport NOTIFICATION BEHAVIOUR linkConnectionModifyProgressProblemReportBehaviour; WITH INFORMATION SYNTAX M3108Part1ASN1Module.LinkConnectionModifyProgressProblemReport; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1Notification 3}; linkConnectionModifyProgressProblemReportBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This notification is used to report problems with a link connection service modification request."; linkConnectionRequestProgressProblemReport NOTIFICATION BEHAVIOUR linkConnectionRequestProgressProblemReportBehaviour; WITH INFORMATION SYNTAX M3108Part1ASN1Module.LinkConnectionRequestProgressProblemReport; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1Notification 4}; linkConnectionRequestProgressProblemReportBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This notification is used to report problems with a link connection service request."; updateServiceRequest ACTION BEHAVIOUR updateServiceRequestBehaviour; WITH INFORMATION SYNTAX M3108Part1ASN1Module.UpdateServiceRequest; WITH REPLY SYNTAX M3108Part1ASN1Module.UpdateServiceReply; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1Action 1}; updateServiceRequestBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The updateServiceRequest action is used by the service customer to modify a non-completed service request. The attributes that can be modified are identified by the service request object class. If the values provided by the SP are different from the values requested by the SC, then the values of those attributes must be returned by the SP to the SC. If as result of the action some other attribues have changed (e.g. the SC requests a different bandwidth, the request is implemented, but the route has changed, then the values of those changed attributes must be included in the response from the SP to the SC."; addSapsToSag ACTION BEHAVIOUR addSapsToSagBehaviour; WITH INFORMATION SYNTAX M3108Part1ASN1Module. AddSapsToSagInformation; WITH REPLY SYNTAX M3108Part1ASN1Module. AddSapsToSagResult; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1Action 2}; addSapsToSagBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This action is used to arrange service access points into SAGs. Contained service access points IDs are added; if the service access points IDs are empty and the number of access service access points is provided, the SP adds as many SAPs as specified in the number of SAPs; the SP further provides their IDs. If the number of SAPs is not provided and no SAP IDs are specified, then the SP adds a single SAP to the SAG and provides its Id. If both the number of SAPs and SAP IDs are present, then the SP adds the identified SAPs to the SAG, the SP further adds as many SAPs as specified by the number of SAPs and provides their IDs. The SAP IDs must be present in case of an erroror if the SAP IDs are provided by the SP to the SC in the reply value."; currentLcsRequest-account NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS currentLcsRequest AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS "Rec. X.790":account AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE providerRequestNumber; CREATE WITH-AUTOMATIC-INSTANCE-NAMING createLCSError; DELETE DELETES-CONTAINED-OBJECTS deleteLCSError; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1NameBinding 1}; lcsRequestHistoryRecord-currentLCSRequest NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS lcsRequestHistoryRecord; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS currentLcsRequest AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE requestSequenceNumber; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1NameBinding 2}; lcsModifyRequest-lcs NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS lcsModifyRequest AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS lcs AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE providerRequestNumber; CREATE WITH-AUTOMATIC-INSTANCE-NAMING; DELETE; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1NameBinding 3}; currentLinkConnectionServiceRequest-account NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS currentLinkConnectionServiceRequest AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS "Rec. X.790":account AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE providerRequestNumber; CREATE WITH-AUTOMATIC-INSTANCE-NAMING createLinkConnectionError; DELETE DELETES-CONTAINED-OBJECTS deleteLinkConnectionError; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1NameBinding 4}; linkConnectionServiceRequestHistoryRecord-currentLinkConnectionServiceRequest NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS linkConnectionServiceRequestHistoryRecord; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS currentLinkConnectionServiceRequest AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE requestSequenceNumber; BEHAVIOUR historyBindingBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The service provider creates a serviceRequestHistoryRecord of the initial service request (currentServiceRequest) values. The serviceRequestHistoryRecord is also created when the service customer issues an updateServiceRequest action towards a currentServiceRequest (and subclasses) and contains a record of the attribute values specified in the request.";; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1NameBinding 5}; linkConnectionServiceModifyRequest-linkConnectionService NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS linkConnectionServiceModifyRequest; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS linkConnectionService AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE providerRequestNumber; CREATE WITH-AUTOMATIC-INSTANCE-NAMING; DELETE; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1NameBinding 6}; serviceAccessEquipmentView-account NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS serviceAccessEquipmentView AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS "Rec. X.790":account AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE "Rec. M.3100:1995":equipmentId; CREATE WITH-AUTOMATIC-INSTANCE-NAMING; DELETE; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1NameBinding 7}; linkConnectionService-account NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS linkConnectionService AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS "Rec. X.790":account AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE "Rec. X.790:1995": serviceId; CREATE WITH-AUTOMATIC-INSTANCE-NAMING; DELETE DELETES-CONTAINED-OBJECTS; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1NameBinding 8}; lcs-account NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS lcs AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS "Rec. X.790":account AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE "Rec. X.790:1995": serviceId; CREATE WITH-AUTOMATIC-INSTANCE-NAMING; DELETE DELETES-CONTAINED-OBJECTS; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1NameBinding 9}; serviceAccessDomain-account NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS serviceAccessDomain AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS "Rec. X.790":account AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE sadId; BEHAVIOUR serviceAccessDomainBindingBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "An instance of this MO class can be created by the SC. An instance of this MO class can be deleted by the SC.";; CREATE WITH-AUTOMATIC-INSTANCE-NAMING createSadError; DELETE deleteSadError; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1NameBinding 10}; serviceAccessGroup-serviceAccessDomain NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS serviceAccessGroup; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS serviceAccessDomain AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE sagId; BEHAVIOUR serviceAccessGroupBindingBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "An instance of this MO class can be created by the SC. An instance of this MO class can be deleted by the SC.";; CREATE WITH-AUTOMATIC-INSTANCE-NAMING createSagError; DELETE deleteSagError; REGISTERED AS {m3108Part1NameBinding 11}; -- ============================================================================= -- Formatted by OpenT2 Version on Fri Aug 20 11:20:49 2004