-- ============================================================================= -- ITU-T Rec. X.790 (1995) -- ============================================================================= --<GDMO.Alias "ITU-T Rec. X.790 (1995)" -- "Recommendation X.790 (1995)", -- "Rec. X.790", -- "ITU-T Recommendation X.790", -- "ITU-T Rec. X.790", -- "Rec. X.790:1995", -- "X.790">-- -- ========================================================= --<GDMO.Document "ITU-T Rec. X.790 (1995)">-- -- "Imported" Alises - references to other documents with non-standard names --<GDMO.Alias "ITU-T Rec. M.3100 (1995)" -- "Rec. M.3100 : 1992">-- --<GDMO.Alias "ITU-T Rec. X.721 (1992) | ISO/IEC 10165-2 : 1992" -- "Rec. X.721 | ISO/IEC 10165-2 : 1992", -- "Recommendation X.721 : 1992">-- account MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM "Rec. X.721 | ISO/IEC 10165-2 : 1992":top; CHARACTERIZED BY accountPkg PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES accountName GET, additionalText GET-REPLACE;;; CONDITIONAL PACKAGES aAccountContactAttributeListPkg PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES accountContactList GET-REPLACE ADD-REMOVE; REGISTERED AS {x790Package 1}; PRESENT IF "an instance supports it and accountContactObjectListPkg is not present.", aAccountContactObjectListPkg PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR accountContactObjectListBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The Account Contact Object List package contains one attribute which points to instances of the Contact object that represent individuals in the manager's organization who can be contacted about an account.";; ATTRIBUTES contactObjectPtrList GET-REPLACE ADD-REMOVE; REGISTERED AS {x790Package 2}; PRESENT IF "an instance supports it and accountContactAttributeListPkg is not present."; REGISTERED AS {x790ObjectClass 1}; --A.1.2 cnmService cnmService MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM service; CHARACTERIZED BY cnmServicePkg PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES serviceLocationList GET, serviceDescription GET;;; CONDITIONAL PACKAGES csServiceAliasPkg PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES serviceAliasList GET; -- Administrations may specify structure of serviceAliasList GraphicString REGISTERED AS {x790Package 3}; PRESENT IF "an instance supports it.", csTroubleReportFormatObjectPtrPkg PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES troubleReportFormatObjectPtr GET; REGISTERED AS {x790Package 4}; PRESENT IF "an instance supports it."; REGISTERED AS {x790ObjectClass 2}; --A.1.3 contact contact MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM "Rec. X.721 | ISO/IEC 10165-2 : 1992":top; CHARACTERIZED BY contactPkg, "Rec. M.3100 : 1992":attributeValueChangeNotificationPackage, "Rec. M.3100 : 1992":createDeleteNotificationsPackage; CONDITIONAL PACKAGES contactCompanyPkg PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR contactCompanyPkgDefinition BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This package contains one attribute that specifies the company name that a specific contact works for or is associated with.";, contactCompanyPkgBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "If the attributeValueChange notification is defined for the managed object class using this package, this notification is emitted when the contactCompany attribute changes value.";; ATTRIBUTES contactCompany PERMITTED VALUES X790ASN1Module.GraphicString64 GET-REPLACE; REGISTERED AS {x790Package 5}; PRESENT IF ! an instance supports it !, contactFunctionPkg PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR contactFunctionPkgDefinition BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This package contains one attribute that provides information about the work function performed by the contact person.";, contactFunctionPkgBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "If the attributeValueChange notification is defined for the managed object class using this package, this notification is emitted when the contactFunction attribute changes value.";; ATTRIBUTES contactFunction GET-REPLACE; REGISTERED AS {x790Package 6}; PRESENT IF ! an instance supports it !, contactNamesPkg PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES contactNames GET-REPLACE ADD-REMOVE; REGISTERED AS {x790Package 7}; PRESENT IF ! an instance supports it !, contactTypePkg PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR contactTypePkgDefinition BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This package contains one attribute that provides information about the type of contact.";, contactTypePkgBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "If the attributeValueChange notification is defined for the managed object class using this package, this notification is emitted when the contactType attribute changes value.";; ATTRIBUTES contactType GET-REPLACE; REGISTERED AS {x790Package 8}; PRESENT IF ! an instance supports it !, electronicMailAddressPkg PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR electronicMailAddressPkgDefinition BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This package contains one attribute that specifies the electronic mail address associated with an object.";, electronicMailAddressPkgBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "If the attributeValueChange notification is defined for the managed object class using this package, this notification is emitted when the electronicMailAddress attribute changes value.";; ATTRIBUTES electronicMailAddress PERMITTED VALUES X790ASN1Module.ElectronicMailAddressRange GET-REPLACE ADD-REMOVE; REGISTERED AS {x790Package 9}; PRESENT IF ! an instance supports it !, facsimileTelephoneNumberListPkg PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR facsimileTelephoneNumberListPkgDefinition BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This package contains one attribute that specifies telephone numbers for facsimile terminals associated with an object.";, facsimileTelephoneNumberListPkgBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "If the attributeValueChange notification is defined for the managed object class using this package, this notification is emitted when the facsimileTelephoneNumberList attribute changes value.";; ATTRIBUTES facsimileTelephoneNumberList PERMITTED VALUES X790ASN1Module.TelephoneNumberListRange GET-REPLACE ADD-REMOVE; REGISTERED AS {x790Package 10}; PRESENT IF ! an instance supports it !, "Rec. M.3100 : 1992":locationNamePackage PRESENT IF ! an instance supports it !, typeTextPkg PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES typeText GET-REPLACE; REGISTERED AS {x790Package 11}; PRESENT IF ! an instance supports it !, "Rec. M.3100 : 1992":userLabelPackage PRESENT IF ! an instance supports it !; REGISTERED AS {x790ObjectClass 3}; contactPkg PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR contactPkgDefinition BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The contact managed object class refers to a person or organization having responsibility for one or more managed object instances.";, contactPkgBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "Attributes whose values are names of other managed object instances (e.g. locationPointer) must have names of managed objects which actually exist. The attributeValueChange notification is emitted when any of the following attributes change in value: contactDetails and telephoneNumberList. All attributeValueChange notifications shall include the Attribute Identifier List parameter. Conditions under which an attributeValueChange notification is emitted are stated in the behaviour of the appropriate package or attribute. In the absence of such a statement in the behaviour, the attribute does not cause an attribute ValueChange notification to be emitted. A value for the contactID attribute can only be provided when the object is created. Furthermore, once the object is created, the value of contactID may not be modified (i.e. the instance cannot be renamed). The contact object is created locally by the agent. .";, commonCreationBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "Unless otherwise specified, all attributes can be set by an M-CREATE.";; ATTRIBUTES contactDetails PERMITTED VALUES X790ASN1Module.GraphicString128 GET-REPLACE, contactID PERMITTED VALUES X790ASN1Module.SimpleNameRange GET, telephoneNumberList PERMITTED VALUES X790ASN1Module.TelephoneNumberListRange GET-REPLACE ADD-REMOVE; REGISTERED AS {x790Package 12}; --A.1.4 providerTroubleReport providerTroubleReport MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM troubleReport; CHARACTERIZED BY providerTroubleReportPkg, trAttributeValueChangePkg, trObjectCreationDeletionPkg; -- trObjectCreationDeletionPkg is defined in A.1.9, -- inline to the troubleReport class CONDITIONAL PACKAGES ptrUnavailableServicePtrPkg PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES unavailableServicePtr GET; REGISTERED AS {x790Package 13}; PRESENT IF "an instance supports it and if a service is impacted"; REGISTERED AS {x790ObjectClass 4}; trAttributeValueChangePkg PACKAGE NOTIFICATIONS "Rec. X.721 | ISO/IEC 10165-2 : 1992":attributeValueChange; REGISTERED AS {x790Package 14}; -- Systems Management Implementors Guide version 4 April 1996 S5 X790/007 delete -- definition of the -- PACKAGE trObjectCreationDeletionPkg trObjectCreationDeletionPkg PACKAGE NOTIFICATIONS "Rec. X.721 | ISO/IEC 10165-2 : 1992":objectCreation, "Rec. X.721 | ISO/IEC 10165-2 : 1992":objectDeletion; REGISTERED AS {x790Package 15}; providerTroubleReportPkg PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR providerTroubleReportBehaviour, providerTroubleReportPkgDefinition; ATTRIBUTES beginTime GET, endTime GET, troubleLocation GET;; providerTroubleReportPkgDefinition BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS !The providerTroubleReport object is created by the agent role CME to specifically notify the manager role CME that planned maintenance will be carried out at a given time and that all or parts of the service(s), resource(s), network or system will be inaccessible during that time. In this case the trouble management function is used to notify the manager that planned maintenance action is scheduled to prevent future trouble.!; providerTroubleReportBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS !In the following text, the term "agent" refers to a system operating in the agent role, and "manager" refers to a system operating in the manager role. Only the agent is allowed to create or delete an instance of the Provider Trouble Report managed object class. The manager cannot create or delete an instance of the Provider Trouble Report managed object class. If the manager attempts to create or delete an instance of the Provider Trouble Report managed object class, then the "accessDenied" CMIS error is returned by the agent. When the agent creates an instance of the Provider Trouble Report managed object class, the "objectCreation" notification is emitted. When the agent deletes an instance of the Provider Trouble Report managed object class, the "objectDeletion" notification is emitted. When the agent updates one or several attributes of an instance of the Provider Trouble Report managed object class, the "attributeValueChange" notification is emitted. If no specific additional information relative to the Provider Trouble Report managed object instance is known at creation time, then the additionalTroubleInfoList attribute must be set to GraphicString::="". The receivedTime attribute is the creation time of the Provider Trouble Report managed object instance. If the maintenance has already started at creation time, then the Provider Trouble Report managed object instance must be created with the state set to "open/active". If the maintenance has not started yet at creation time, then the Provider Trouble Report managed object instance must be created with the state set to "queued". In this case the Provider Trouble Report managed object instance will enter the "open/active" state when the maintenance will start. When the maintenance is done, then the Provider Trouble Report managed object instance must enter the "cleared" state. When the Provider Trouble Report managed object instance enters the cleared state, then the "troubleFound" attribute can be set for example to "information" if no specific problems have been detected during the maintenance. The Provider Trouble Report managed object instance will then enter the "closed" state. The attributes that can be updated by the agent during the processing of a Provider Trouble Report managed object instance are : activityDuration -- -- when -- the -- PTR -- is -- in -- the -- "cleared" -- or -- "closed" -- state additionalTroubleInfoList -- at any time agentContactPerson or agentContactObjectPtr -- at any time beginTime -- when the PTR is in the "queued" state closeOutNarr -- when the PTR is in the "cleared" or "closed" state endTime -- when the PTR is not in the "closed" state managedObjectInstanceAliasList -- at any time relatedTroubleReportList -- at any time repairActivityList -- at any time restoredTime -- when the PTR is in the "cleared" or "closed" state troubleClearancePerson -- according to the attribute's behaviour troubleFound -- when the PTR is in the "cleared" or "closed" state troubleLocation -- at any time troubleReportNumberList -- at any time troubleReportState -- according to the attribute's behaviour troubleReportStatus -- according to the attribute's behaviour troubleReportStatusTime -- when the "troubleReportStatus" is updated. The manager cannot update attributes of a Provider Trouble Report managed object instance. If the manager attempts to update one or several attributes of a Provider Trouble Report managed object instance, then the "accessDenied" CMIS error is returned by the agent. A value for the troubleReportID attribute can only be provided when the object is created. Furthermore, once the object is created, the value of troubleReportID may not be modified (i.e. the instance cannot be renamed).!; --A.1.5 repairActivity repairActivity MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM "Rec. X.721 | ISO/IEC 10165-2 : 1992":top; CHARACTERIZED BY repairActivityPkg PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES repairActivityID GET, entryTime GET, activityInfo DEFAULT VALUE X790ASN1Module.activityInfoActivityInfoDefault GET;;; CONDITIONAL PACKAGES raActivityPersonPkg PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES activityPerson GET; REGISTERED AS {x790Package 16}; PRESENT IF "an instance supports it.", raActivityCodePkg PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES activityCode GET; REGISTERED AS {x790Package 17}; PRESENT IF "an instance supports it.", raObjectCreationPkg PACKAGE NOTIFICATIONS "Rec. X.721 | ISO/IEC 10165-2 : 1992":objectCreation; REGISTERED AS {x790Package 18}; PRESENT IF "an instance supports it.", repairCommitmentTime PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES commitmentTime GET; REGISTERED AS {x790Package 107}; PRESENT IF "An instance supports it."; REGISTERED AS {x790ObjectClass 5}; --A.1.6 service service MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM "Recommendation X.721 : 1992":top; CHARACTERIZED BY servicePackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR serviceBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The service object class is a class of managed objects that represents offerings from a provider that supplies specific network functionality to one or more customers. A service may or may not be tariffed. Services may be nested, thereby creating a containment relationship. The Service Type identifies the distinguishing characteristics of the Service. The Supported Service Name List identifies other Services supported by the Service, and the Supported By Object List identifies the objects that support the Service.";; ATTRIBUTES serviceId GET, serviceType GET-REPLACE; NOTIFICATIONS "Rec. X.721 | ISO/IEC 10165-2" : qualityofServiceAlarm;;; CONDITIONAL PACKAGES "Rec. M.3100 : 1992" : createDeleteNotificationsPackage PRESENT IF "the objectCreation and objectDeletion notifications defined in Recommendation X.721 are supported by an instance of this class.", "Rec. M.3100 : 1992" : attributeValueChangeNotificationPackage PRESENT IF "the attributeValueChange notification defined in Recommendation X.721 is supported by an instance of this class.", "Rec. M.3100 : 1992" : stateChangeNotificationPackage PRESENT IF "the stateChange notification defined in Recommendation X.721 is supported by an instance of this class.", "Rec. M.3100 : 1992" : administrativeOperationalStatesPackage PRESENT IF "an instance supports it.", usageStatePackage PRESENT IF "an instance supports it.", alarmStatusPackage PRESENT IF "an instance supports it.", "Rec. M.3100 : 1992" : currentProblemListPackage PRESENT IF "an instance supports it.", supportedServiceNameListPackage PRESENT IF "an instance supports it.", supportedByObjectListPackage PRESENT IF "an instance supports it."; REGISTERED AS {x790ObjectClass 6}; supportedByObjectListPackage PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES "Rec. M.3100 : 1992" : supportedByObjectList GET-REPLACE ADD-REMOVE; REGISTERED AS {x790Package 19}; supportedServiceNameListPackage PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES supportedServiceNameList GET-REPLACE ADD-REMOVE; REGISTERED AS {x790Package 20}; alarmStatusPackage PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES "Rec. M.3100 : 1992" : alarmStatus GET; REGISTERED AS { x790Package 21}; usageStatePackage PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES "Rec. X.721 | ISO/IEC 10165-2" : usageState GET; REGISTERED AS {x790Package 22}; --A.1.7 telecommunicationsTroubleReport telecommunicationsTroubleReport MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM troubleReport; CONDITIONAL PACKAGES trAfterHrsRepairAuthPkg PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES afterHrsRepairAuth DEFAULT VALUE X790ASN1Module.afterHrsRepairAuthAfterHrsRepairAuthDefault GET-REPLACE; REGISTERED AS {x790Package 23}; PRESENT IF "an instance supports it and trAuthorizationListPkg is not present.", trAlarmRecordPtrListPkg PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES alarmRecordPtrList GET; -- Necessary condition: Trouble Report shall have been generated as a -- result of an alarm. Not a sufficient condition: some instances may -- choose not to support even if the trouble report was generated as a -- result of an alarm received or generated in the agent. REGISTERED AS {x790Package 24}; PRESENT IF "an instance supports it.", trAlternateManagerContactPersonAttributePkg PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES alternateManagerContactPerson GET-REPLACE; REGISTERED AS {x790Package 25}; PRESENT IF "an instance supports it and trAlternateManagerContactPersonObjectPkg is not present.", trAlternateManagerContactPersonObjectPkg PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR alternateManagerContactPersonObjectBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The Alternate Manager Contact Person Object package contains one attribute which points to an instance of the Contact object which represents the alternative person to the manager contact who can be contacted regarding the reported trouble.";; ATTRIBUTES alternateManagerContactObjectPtr GET-REPLACE; REGISTERED AS {x790Package 26}; PRESENT IF "an instance supports it and trAlternateManagerContactPersonAttributePkg is not present.", trAuthorizationListPkg PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES authorizationList DEFAULT VALUE X790ASN1Module.authorizationAuthorizationDefault GET-REPLACE ADD-REMOVE troubleReportChangeDenied; REGISTERED AS {x790Package 27}; PRESENT IF "an instance supports it and trAfterHrsRepairAuthPkg is not present.", trCallBackInfoListPkg PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES callBackInfoList GET-REPLACE ADD-REMOVE; REGISTERED AS {x790Package 28}; PRESENT IF "an instance supports it.", trCalledNumberPkg PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES calledNumber GET; REGISTERED AS {x790Package 29}; PRESENT IF "an instance supports it.", trCancelRequestedByManagerPkg PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES cancelRequestedByManager INITIAL VALUE X790ASN1Module.troubleReportCancelRequestedByManagerInitial GET-REPLACE troubleReportChangeDenied canNotClose; REGISTERED AS {x790Package 30}; PRESENT IF "an instance supports it.", trCloseOutVerificationPkg PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES closeOutVerification INITIAL VALUE X790ASN1Module.closeOutVerificationCloseOutVerificationInitial GET-REPLACE cannotVerifyOrDenyAtThisTime; REGISTERED AS {x790Package 31}; PRESENT IF "an instance supports it.", trCommitmentTimePkg PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES commitmentTime GET; REGISTERED AS {x790Package 32}; PRESENT IF "an instance supports it.", trCommitmentTimeRequestPkg PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES commitmentTimeRequest GET-REPLACE troubleReportChangeDenied; REGISTERED AS {x790Package 33}; PRESENT IF "an instance supports it.", trCustomerWorkCenterPkg PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES customerWorkCenter GET SET-BY-CREATE; REGISTERED AS {x790Package 34}; PRESENT IF "an instance supports it.", trCustTroubleTickNumPkg PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES custTroubleTickNum GET SET-BY-CREATE; REGISTERED AS {x790Package 35}; PRESENT IF "an instance supports it.", trDialogPkg PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES dialog GET-REPLACE; REGISTERED AS {x790Package 36}; PRESENT IF "an instance supports it.", trEscalationListPkg PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES escalationList GET ADD troubleReportChangeDenied; REGISTERED AS {x790Package 37}; PRESENT IF "an instance supports it.", trHandOffCenterPkg PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES handOffCenter INITIAL VALUE X790ASN1Module.handOffCenterHandOffCenterInitial GET; REGISTERED AS {x790Package 38}; PRESENT IF "an instance supports it.", trHandOffLocationPkg PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES handOffLocation INITIAL VALUE X790ASN1Module.handOffLocationHandOffLocationInitial GET; REGISTERED AS {x790Package 39}; PRESENT IF "an instance supports it.", trHandOffPersonNamePkg PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR handOffPersonNameBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "Modifications to handOffPersonName are required only in the service provider to service provider interface. The CMIS error 'access denied' may be issued in response to attempts to modify this attribute on any other interface.";; ATTRIBUTES handOffPersonName INITIAL VALUE X790ASN1Module.handOffPersonNameHandOffPersonNameInitial GET-REPLACE; REGISTERED AS {x790Package 40}; PRESENT IF "an instance supports it and trHandOffPersonPtrPkg is not present.", trHandOffPersonPtrPkg PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR handOffPersonPtrBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "Modifications to handOffPersonPtr are required only in the service provider to service provider interface. The CMIS error 'access denied' may be issued in response to attempts to modify this attribute on any other interface.";; ATTRIBUTES handOffPersonPtr GET-REPLACE; REGISTERED AS {x790Package 41}; PRESENT IF "an instance supports it and trHandOffPersonNamePkg is not present.", trHandOffTimePkg PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES handOffTime INITIAL VALUE X790ASN1Module.handOffTimeHandOffTimeInitial GET; REGISTERED AS {x790Package 42}; PRESENT IF "an instance supports it.", trInitiatingModePkg PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES initiatingMode GET; REGISTERED AS {x790Package 43}; PRESENT IF "an instance supports it.", trLastUpdateTimePkg PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES lastUpdateTime GET; REGISTERED AS {x790Package 44}; PRESENT IF "an instance supports it.", trALocationPkg PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES aLocationAccessAddress GET-REPLACE; REGISTERED AS {x790Package 45}; PRESENT IF "an instance supports it.", trZLocationPkg PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES zLocationAccessAddress GET-REPLACE; REGISTERED AS {x790Package 46}; PRESENT IF "an instance supports it.", trALocationAccessHoursPkg PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES aLocationAccessHours GET-REPLACE ADD-REMOVE; REGISTERED AS {x790Package 47}; PRESENT IF "an instance supports it.", trZLocationAccessHoursPkg PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES zLocationAccessHours GET-REPLACE ADD-REMOVE; REGISTERED AS {x790Package 48}; PRESENT IF "an instance supports it.", trALocationAccessPersonPkg PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES aLocationAccessPerson GET-REPLACE; REGISTERED AS {x790Package 49}; PRESENT IF "an instance supports it.", trZLocationAccessPersonPkg PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES zLocationAccessPerson GET-REPLACE; REGISTERED AS {x790Package 50}; PRESENT IF "an instance supports it.", trMaintenanceOrgContactNamePkg PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR maintenanceOrgContactNameBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "Modifications to maintenanceOrgContactName are required only in the service provider to service provider interface. The CMIS error 'access denied' may be issued in response to attempts to modify this attribute on any other interface.";; ATTRIBUTES maintenanceOrgContactName INITIAL VALUE X790ASN1Module.maintenanceOrgContactNameMaintenanceOrgContactNameInitial GET-REPLACE; REGISTERED AS {x790Package 51}; PRESENT IF "an instance supports it and trMaintenanceOrgContactPtrPkg is not present.", trMaintenanceOrgContactPtrPkg PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR maintenanceOrgContactPtrBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "Modifications to maintenanceOrgContactPtr are required only in the service provider to service provider interface. The CMIS error 'access denied' may be issued in response to attempts to modify this attribute on any other interface.";; ATTRIBUTES maintenanceOrgContactPtr GET-REPLACE; REGISTERED AS {x790Package 52}; PRESENT IF "an instance supports it and trMaintenanceOrgContactNamePkg is not present.", trMaintenanceOrgContactTimePkg PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR maintenanceOrgContactTimeBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "Modifications to maintenanceOrgContactTime are required only in the service provider to service provider interface. The CMIS error 'access denied' may be issued in response to attempts to modify this attribute on any other interface.";; ATTRIBUTES maintenanceOrgContactTime INITIAL VALUE X790ASN1Module.maintenanceOrgContactTimeMaintenanceOrgContactTimeInitial GET-REPLACE; REGISTERED AS {x790Package 53}; PRESENT IF "an instance supports it.", trMaintServiceChargePkg PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES maintServiceCharge INITIAL VALUE X790ASN1Module.maintServiceChargeMaintServiceChargeInitial GET; REGISTERED AS {x790Package 54}; PRESENT IF "an instance supports it.", trManagedObjectAccessHoursPkg PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES managedObjectAccessHours GET-REPLACE ADD-REMOVE; REGISTERED AS {x790Package 55}; PRESENT IF "an instance supports it.", trManagedObjectAccessFromTimePkg PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES managedObjectAccessFromTime GET-REPLACE; REGISTERED AS {x790Package 56}; PRESENT IF "an instance supports it.", trManagedObjectAccessToTimePkg PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES managedObjectAccessToTime GET-REPLACE; REGISTERED AS {x790Package 57}; PRESENT IF "an instance supports it.", trManagerContactPersonAttributePkg PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES managerContactPerson GET-REPLACE; REGISTERED AS {x790Package 58}; PRESENT IF "an instance supports it and trManagerContactPersonObjectPkg is not present.", trManagerContactPersonObjectPkg PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR managerContactPersonObjectBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The Manager Contact Person Object package contains one attribute which points to an instance of the Contact object that identifies an individual in the manager's organization who can be contacted regarding the reported trouble.";; ATTRIBUTES managerContactObjectPtr GET-REPLACE; REGISTERED AS {x790Package 59}; PRESENT IF "an instance supports it and trManagerContactPersonAttributePkg is not present.", trManagerSearchKeyPkg PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES managerSearchKey1 GET-REPLACE, managerSearchKey2 GET-REPLACE, managerSearchKey3 GET-REPLACE; REGISTERED AS {x790Package 60}; PRESENT IF "an instance supports it and trManagerSearchKeyListPkg is not present.", trManagerSearchKeyListPkg PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES managerSearchKeyList GET-REPLACE ADD-REMOVE; REGISTERED AS {x790Package 61}; PRESENT IF "an instance supports it and trManagerSearchKeyPkg is not present.", trOutageDurationPkg PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES outageDuration INITIAL VALUE X790ASN1Module.outageDurationOutageDurationInitial GET; REGISTERED AS {x790Package 62}; PRESENT IF "an instance supports it.", trPerceivedTroubleSeverityPkg PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES perceivedTroubleSeverity GET-REPLACE; REGISTERED AS {x790Package 63}; PRESENT IF "an instance supports it.", trPreferredPriorityPkg PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES preferredPriority GET-REPLACE; REGISTERED AS {x790Package 64}; PRESENT IF "an instance supports it.", trRepeatReportPkg PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES repeatReport GET-REPLACE; REGISTERED AS {x790Package 65}; PRESENT IF "an instance supports it.", trResponsiblePersonNamePkg PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR responsiblePersonNameBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "Modifications to responsiblePersonName are required only in the service provider to service provider interface. The CMIS error 'access denied' may be issued in response to attempts to modify this attribute on any other interface.";; ATTRIBUTES responsiblePersonName GET-REPLACE; REGISTERED AS {x790Package 66}; PRESENT IF "an instance supports it and trResponsiblePersonPtrPkg is not present.", trResponsiblePersonPtrPkg PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR responsiblePersonPtrBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "Modifications to responsiblePersonPtr are required only in the service provider to service provider interface. The CMIS error 'access denied' may be issued in response to attempts to modify this attribute on any other interface.";; ATTRIBUTES responsiblePersonPtr GET-REPLACE; REGISTERED AS {x790Package 67}; PRESENT IF "an instance supports it and trResponsiblePersonNamePkg is not present.", trSuspectObjectListPkg PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES suspectObjectList GET SET-BY-CREATE; REGISTERED AS {x790Package 68}; PRESENT IF "an instance supports it.", trTroubleDetectionTimePkg PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES troubleDetectionTime DEFAULT VALUE X790ASN1Module.troubleDetectionTimeTroubleDetectionTimeDefault GET-REPLACE; REGISTERED AS {x790Package 69}; PRESENT IF "an instance supports it.", trTroubleLocationPkg PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR troubleLocationBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "Modifications to troubleLocation are required only in the service provider to service provider interface. The CMIS error 'access denied' may be issued in response to attempts to modify this attribute on any other interface.";; ATTRIBUTES troubleLocation GET-REPLACE; REGISTERED AS {x790Package 70}; PRESENT IF "an instance supports it.", trTroubleReportStatusWindowPkg PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES additionalTroubleStatusInfo GET, troubleReportStatusWindow GET-REPLACE; NOTIFICATIONS troubleReportProgressNotification; REGISTERED AS {x790Package 71}; PRESENT IF "an instance supports it.", trTspPriorityPkg PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES tspPriority GET SET-BY-CREATE; REGISTERED AS {x790Package 72}; PRESENT IF "an instance supports it."; REGISTERED AS {x790ObjectClass 7}; --A.1.8 troubleHistoryRecord troubleHistoryRecord MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM "Rec. X.721 | ISO/IEC 10165-2 : 1992":eventLogRecord; CHARACTERIZED BY troubleHistoryRecordPkg PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES "Rec. X.721 | ISO/IEC 10165-2 : 1992":eventTime GET, -- indicates close-out time, optional attribute in eventLogRecord "Rec. X.721 | ISO/IEC 10165-2 : 1992":managedObjectInstance GET SET-BY-CREATE, -- Copied from the corresponding trouble report object. Refers to -- instance of CNM Service or GNM object representing a -- telecommunications resource. receivedTime GET, -- indicates trouble report creation time troubleFound GET;;; CONDITIONAL PACKAGES thrActivityDurationPkg PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES activityDuration GET; REGISTERED AS {x790Package 73}; PRESENT IF "an instance supports it.", thrAdditionalTroubleInfoListPkg PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES additionalTroubleInfoList GET; REGISTERED AS {x790Package 74}; PRESENT IF "an instance supports it.", thrAuthorizationPkg PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES authorizationList GET; REGISTERED AS {x790Package 75}; PRESENT IF "an instance supports it.", thrCancelRequestedByManagerPkg PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES cancelRequestedByManager GET; REGISTERED AS {x790Package 76}; PRESENT IF "an instance supports it.", thrCloseOutNarrPkg PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES closeOutNarr GET; REGISTERED AS {x790Package 77}; PRESENT IF "an instance supports it.", thrCloseOutVerificationPkg PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES closeOutVerification GET; REGISTERED AS {x790Package 78}; PRESENT IF "an instance supports it.", thrCommitmentTimePkg PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES commitmentTime GET; REGISTERED AS {x790Package 79}; PRESENT IF "an instance supports it.", thrCustTroubleTickNumPkg PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES custTroubleTickNum GET; REGISTERED AS {x790Package 80}; PRESENT IF "an instance supports it.", thrPerceivedTroubleSeverityPkg PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES perceivedTroubleSeverity GET; REGISTERED AS {x790Package 81}; PRESENT IF "an instance supports it.", thrRestoredTimePkg PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES restoredTime GET; REGISTERED AS {x790Package 82}; PRESENT IF "an instance supports it.", thrTroubleClearancePersonPkg PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES troubleClearancePerson GET; REGISTERED AS {x790Package 83}; PRESENT IF "an instance supports it.", thrTroubleReportNumberListPkg PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES troubleReportNumberList GET; REGISTERED AS {x790Package 84}; PRESENT IF "an instance supports it.", thrTroubleTypePkg PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES troubleType GET SET-BY-CREATE; REGISTERED AS {x790Package 85}; PRESENT IF "an instance supports it."; REGISTERED AS {x790ObjectClass 8}; --A.1.9 troubleReport troubleReport MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM "Rec. X.721|ISO/IEC 10165-2 : 1992":top; CHARACTERIZED BY troubleReportPkg PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR troubleReportBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "Modifications to troubleFound, troubleReportState, and troubleReportStatus are required only in the service provider to service provider interface. The CMIS error 'access denied' may be issued in response to attempts to modify these attributes on any other interface.";; ATTRIBUTES additionalTroubleInfoList GET ADD, -- some implementations may not support a GET "Rec. X.721 | ISO/IEC 10165-2 : 1992":managedObjectInstance GET, receivedTime GET, troubleFound INITIAL VALUE X790ASN1Module.troubleFoundTroubleFoundInitial GET-REPLACE, troubleReportID GET, troubleReportState GET-REPLACE, troubleReportStatus GET-REPLACE, troubleReportStatusTime GET, troubleType GET;;; CONDITIONAL PACKAGES trActivityDurationPkg PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR activityDurationBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS !Modifications to activityDuration are required only in the service provider to service provider interface. The CMIS error "access denied" may be issued in response to attempts to modify this attribute on any other interface.!;; ATTRIBUTES activityDuration INITIAL VALUE X790ASN1Module.activityDurationactivityDurationInitial GET ADD; REGISTERED AS {x790Package 86}; PRESENT IF "an instance supports it.", trAgentContactPersonAttributePkg PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES agentContactPerson GET; REGISTERED AS {x790Package 87}; PRESENT IF "an instance supports it and trAgentContactPersonObjectPkg is not present.", trAgentContactPersonObjectPkg PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR agentContactPersonObjectBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The Agent Contact Person Object package points to an instance of the Contact object that identifies an individual in the agent's organization who can be contacted regarding the reported trouble.";; ATTRIBUTES agentContactObjectPtr GET; REGISTERED AS {x790Package 88}; PRESENT IF "an instance supports it and trAgentContactPersonAttributePkg is not present.", trCloseOutNarrPkg PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR closeOutNarrBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "Modifications to closeOutNarr are required only in the service provider to service provider interface. The CMIS error 'access denied' may be issued in response to attempts to modify this attribute on any other interface.";; ATTRIBUTES closeOutNarr INITIAL VALUE X790ASN1Module.closeOutNarrCloseOutNarrInitial GET-REPLACE; REGISTERED AS {x790Package 89}; PRESENT IF "an instance supports it.", trManagedObjectInstanceAliasListPkg PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES managedObjectInstanceAliasList GET; REGISTERED AS {x790Package 90}; PRESENT IF "an instance supports it.", x790NumberListPkg PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES troubleReportNumberList GET; REGISTERED AS {x790Package 91}; PRESENT IF "an instance supports it.", trRelatedTroubleReportListPkg PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES relatedTroubleReportList GET; REGISTERED AS {x790Package 92}; PRESENT IF "an instance supports it.", trRepairActivityListPkg PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR repairActivityListBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "Modifications to repairActivityList are required only in the service provider to service provider interface. The CMIS error 'access denied' may be issued in response to attempts to modify this attribute on any other interface.";; ATTRIBUTES repairActivityList INITIAL VALUE X790ASN1Module.repairActivityListRepairActivityListInitial GET ADD; -- Support for repairActivityList determined by policies of -- administration performing repair. REGISTERED AS {x790Package 93}; PRESENT IF "an instance supports it and no RepairActivity object is contained in an instance of this object class or its subclasses.", trRestoredTimePkg PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR restoredTimeBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "Modifications to restoredTime are required only in the service provider to service provider interface. The CMIS error 'access denied' may be issued in response to attempts to modify this attribute on any other interface";; ATTRIBUTES restoredTime INITIAL VALUE X790ASN1Module.restoredTimeRestoredTimeInitial GET-REPLACE; REGISTERED AS {x790Package 94}; PRESENT IF "an instance supports it.", trTroubleClearancePersonAttributePkg PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES troubleClearancePerson DEFAULT VALUE X790ASN1Module.troubleClearancePersonTroubleClearancePersonDefault GET-REPLACE; REGISTERED AS {x790Package 95}; PRESENT IF "an instance supports it.", trTroubleReportFormatObjectPtrPkg PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES troubleReportFormatObjectPtr GET; REGISTERED AS {x790Package 96}; PRESENT IF "an instance supports it.", x790AttributeValueChangePkg PACKAGE NOTIFICATIONS "Rec. X.721|ISO/IEC 10165-2 : 1992":attributeValueChange; REGISTERED AS {x790Package 97}; PRESENT IF "an instance supports it.", trObjectCreationDeletionPkg PRESENT IF "an instance supports it.", trHistoryEventPkg PACKAGE NOTIFICATIONS troubleHistoryEventNotification; REGISTERED AS {x790Package 99}; PRESENT IF "an instance supports it."; REGISTERED AS {x790ObjectClass 9}; --A.1.10 troubleReportFormatDefn troubleReportFormatDefn MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM "Rec. X.721|ISO/IEC 10165-2 : 1992":top; CHARACTERIZED BY troubleReportFormatDefnPkg PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES tRFormatID GET;;; CONDITIONAL PACKAGES trfdApplicableManagedObjectClassListPkg PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES applicableManagedObjectClassList GET; -- present if this instance of the format definition object applies to -- all objects of classes in this list REGISTERED AS {x790Package 100}; PRESENT IF "an instance supports it.", trfdApplicableManagedObjectInstanceListPkg PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES applicableManagedObjectInstanceList GET; -- present if this instance of the format definition object applies to -- only some instances of an object class REGISTERED AS {x790Package 101}; PRESENT IF "an instance supports it.", trfdTrConstrainedToSingleValueAttrIDListPkg PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR trfdTrConstrainedToSingleValueAttrIDListBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "If a manager attempts to add more than one value to attributes of this list, a CMISE *complexity limitation* error will be generated.";; ATTRIBUTES tRConstrainedToSingleValueAttrIDList GET; REGISTERED AS {x790Package 102}; PRESENT IF "an instance supports it.", trfdTrMayBePresentAttrIDListPkg PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES tRMayBePresentAttrIDList GET; REGISTERED AS {x790Package 103}; PRESENT IF "an instance supports it.", -- either tRMayBePresentAttrIDList or tRMustBePresentAttrIDList or both -- shall be present in an instance of the Trouble Report Format Defn. object trfdTrMustBePresentAttrIDListPkg PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES tRMustBePresentAttrIDList GET; REGISTERED AS {x790Package 104}; PRESENT IF "an instance supports it.", -- either tRMayBePresentAttrIDList or tRMustBePresentAttrIDList or both -- shall be present in an instance of the Trouble Report Format Defn. object trfdAttributeValueChangePkg PACKAGE NOTIFICATIONS "Rec. X.721|ISO/IEC 10165-2 : 1992":attributeValueChange; REGISTERED AS {x790Package 105}; PRESENT IF "an instance supports it.", trfdObjectCreationDeletionPkg PACKAGE NOTIFICATIONS "Rec. X.721|ISO/IEC 10165-2 : 1992":objectCreation, "Rec. X.721|ISO/IEC 10165-2 : 1992":objectDeletion; REGISTERED AS {x790Package 106}; PRESENT IF "an instance supports it."; REGISTERED AS {x790ObjectClass 10}; --A.2 Attribute definitions --A.2.1 Account contact list accountContactList ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX X790ASN1Module.AccountContactList; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, SET-INTERSECTION, SET-COMPARISON; REGISTERED AS {x790Attribute 1}; --A.2.2 Account name accountName ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX X790ASN1Module.AccountName; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, SUBSTRINGS; REGISTERED AS {x790Attribute 2}; --A.2.3 Activity code activityCode ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX X790ASN1Module.ActivityCode; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; REGISTERED AS {x790Attribute 3}; --A.2.4 Activity duration activityDuration ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX X790ASN1Module.ActivityDuration; REGISTERED AS {x790Attribute 4}; --A.2.5 Activity info activityInfo ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX X790ASN1Module.ActivityInfo; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, SUBSTRINGS; REGISTERED AS {x790Attribute 5}; --A.2.6 Activity person activityPerson ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX X790ASN1Module.ActivityPerson; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; REGISTERED AS {x790Attribute 6}; --A.2.7 Additional text additionalText ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX X790ASN1Module.AdditionalText; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, SUBSTRINGS; REGISTERED AS {x790Attribute 7}; --A.2.8 Additional trouble info list additionalTroubleInfoList ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX X790ASN1Module.AdditionalTroubleInfoList; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, SET-INTERSECTION, SET-COMPARISON; REGISTERED AS {x790Attribute 8}; --A.2.9 Additional trouble status info additionalTroubleStatusInfo ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX X790ASN1Module.AdditionalTroubleStatusInfo; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, SET-INTERSECTION, SET-COMPARISON; REGISTERED AS {x790Attribute 9}; -- administrativeState attribute is imported from Recommendation X.721 --A.2.10 After hrs repair auth afterHrsRepairAuth ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX X790ASN1Module.AfterHrsRepairAuth; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; REGISTERED AS {x790Attribute 10}; --A.2.11 Agent contact person agentContactPerson ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX X790ASN1Module.PersonReach; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; REGISTERED AS {x790Attribute 11}; --A.2.12 Agent contact object ptr agentContactObjectPtr ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX X790ASN1Module.AgentContactObjectPtr; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; REGISTERED AS {x790Attribute 12}; --A.2.13 Alarm record ptr list alarmRecordPtrList ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX X790ASN1Module.AlarmRecordPtrList; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, SET-INTERSECTION, SET-COMPARISON; REGISTERED AS {x790Attribute 13}; -- alarmStatus attribute is imported from Recommendation M.3100 --A.2.14 Alternate manager contact person alternateManagerContactPerson ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX X790ASN1Module.PersonReach; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; REGISTERED AS {x790Attribute 14}; --A.2.15 Alternate manager contact object ptr alternateManagerContactObjectPtr ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX X790ASN1Module.AlternateManagerContactObjectPtr; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; REGISTERED AS {x790Attribute 15}; --A.2.16 Applicable managed object class list applicableManagedObjectClassList ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX X790ASN1Module.ApplicableManagedObjectClassList; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, SET-INTERSECTION, SET-COMPARISON; REGISTERED AS {x790Attribute 16}; --A.2.17 Applicable managed object instance list applicableManagedObjectInstanceList ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX X790ASN1Module.ApplicableManagedObjectInstanceList; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, SET-INTERSECTION, SET-COMPARISON; REGISTERED AS {x790Attribute 17}; --A.2.18 Authorization list authorizationList ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX X790ASN1Module.AuthorizationList; REGISTERED AS {x790Attribute 18}; --A.2.19 Begin time beginTime ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX X790ASN1Module.BeginTime; MATCHES FOR ORDERING; REGISTERED AS {x790Attribute 19}; --A.2.20 Call back info list callBackInfoList ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX X790ASN1Module.CallBackInfoList; REGISTERED AS {x790Attribute 20}; --A.2.21 Called number calledNumber ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX X790ASN1Module.CalledNumber; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, SUBSTRINGS; REGISTERED AS {x790Attribute 21}; --A.2.22 Cancel requested by manager cancelRequestedByManager ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX X790ASN1Module.CancelRequestedByManager; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; REGISTERED AS {x790Attribute 22}; --A.2.23 Close out narr closeOutNarr ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX X790ASN1Module.CloseOutNarr; REGISTERED AS {x790Attribute 23}; --A.2.24 Commitment time commitmentTime ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX X790ASN1Module.CommitmentTime; MATCHES FOR ORDERING; REGISTERED AS {x790Attribute 24}; --A.2.25 Commitment time request commitmentTimeRequest ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX X790ASN1Module.CommitmentTime; MATCHES FOR ORDERING; REGISTERED AS {x790Attribute 25}; --A.2.26 Contact company contactCompany ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX X790ASN1Module.ContactCompany; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, SUBSTRINGS; REGISTERED AS {x790Attribute 26}; --A.2.27 Contact details contactDetails ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX X790ASN1Module.ContactDetails; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, SUBSTRINGS; REGISTERED AS {x790Attribute 27}; --A.2.28 Contact function contactFunction ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX X790ASN1Module.ContactFunction; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; REGISTERED AS {x790Attribute 28}; --A.2.29 Contact id contactID ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX X790ASN1Module.SimpleNameType; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; REGISTERED AS {x790Attribute 29}; --A.2.30 Contact names contactNames ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX X790ASN1Module.Names; MATCHES FOR SET-COMPARISON, SET-INTERSECTION; REGISTERED AS {x790Attribute 30}; --A.2.31 Contact object ptr list contactObjectPtrList ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX X790ASN1Module.ContactObjectPtrList; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, SET-INTERSECTION, SET-COMPARISON; REGISTERED AS {x790Attribute 31}; --A.2.32 Contact type contactType ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX X790ASN1Module.ContactType; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, SUBSTRINGS; REGISTERED AS {x790Attribute 32}; --A.2.33 Close out verification closeOutVerification ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX X790ASN1Module.CloseOutVerification; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; REGISTERED AS {x790Attribute 33}; -- currentproblemList attribute is imported from Recommendation M.3100 --A.2.34 Cust trouble tick num custTroubleTickNum ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX X790ASN1Module.CustTroubleTickNum; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, SUBSTRINGS; REGISTERED AS {x790Attribute 34}; --A.2.35 Customer work center customerWorkCenter ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX X790ASN1Module.CustomerWorkCenter; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, SUBSTRINGS; REGISTERED AS {x790Attribute 35}; --A.2.36 Dialog dialog ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX X790ASN1Module.Dialog; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, SUBSTRINGS; REGISTERED AS {x790Attribute 36}; --A.2.37 Electronic mail address electronicMailAddress ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX X790ASN1Module.ElectronicMailAddress; MATCHES FOR SET-COMPARISON, SET-INTERSECTION; REGISTERED AS {x790Attribute 37}; --A.2.38 End time endTime ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX X790ASN1Module.EndTime; MATCHES FOR ORDERING; REGISTERED AS {x790Attribute 38}; --A.2.39 Entry time entryTime ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX X790ASN1Module.EntryTime; MATCHES FOR ORDERING; REGISTERED AS {x790Attribute 39}; --A.2.40 Escalation list escalationList ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX X790ASN1Module.EscalationList; REGISTERED AS {x790Attribute 40}; --A.2.41 Facsimile telephone number list facsimileTelephoneNumberList ATTRIBUTE DERIVED FROM telephoneNumberList; REGISTERED AS {x790Attribute 41}; -- The eventTime attribute is imported from Recommendation X.721 --A.2.42 Hand off center handOffCenter ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX X790ASN1Module.HandOffCenter; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, SUBSTRINGS; REGISTERED AS {x790Attribute 42}; --A.2.43 Hand off location handOffLocation ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX X790ASN1Module.HandOffLocation; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, SUBSTRINGS; REGISTERED AS {x790Attribute 43}; --A.2.45 Hand off person name handOffPersonName ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX X790ASN1Module.PersonReach; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; REGISTERED AS {x790Attribute 45}; --A.2.46 Hand off person ptr handOffPersonPtr ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX X790ASN1Module.HandOffPersonPtr; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; REGISTERED AS {x790Attribute 46}; --A.2.47 Hand off time handOffTime ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX X790ASN1Module.HandOffTime; MATCHES FOR ORDERING; REGISTERED AS {x790Attribute 47}; --A.2.48 Initiating mode initiatingMode ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX X790ASN1Module.InitiatingMode; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; REGISTERED AS {x790Attribute 48}; --A.2.49 Last update time lastUpdateTime ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX X790ASN1Module.LastUpdateTime; MATCHES FOR ORDERING; REGISTERED AS {x790Attribute 49}; --A.2.50 A location access address aLocationAccessAddress ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX X790ASN1Module.LocationAddress; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; REGISTERED AS {x790Attribute 50}; --A.2.51 Z location access address zLocationAccessAddress ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX X790ASN1Module.LocationAddress; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; REGISTERED AS {x790Attribute 51}; --A.2.52 A location access hours aLocationAccessHours ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX X790ASN1Module.LocationAccessHours; REGISTERED AS {x790Attribute 52}; --A.2.53 Z location access hours zLocationAccessHours ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX X790ASN1Module.LocationAccessHours; REGISTERED AS {x790Attribute 53}; --A.2.54 A location access person aLocationAccessPerson ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX X790ASN1Module.PersonReach; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; REGISTERED AS {x790Attribute 54}; --A.2.55 Z location access person zLocationAccessPerson ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX X790ASN1Module.PersonReach; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; REGISTERED AS {x790Attribute 55}; --A.2.56 Maintenance org contact name maintenanceOrgContactName ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX X790ASN1Module.PersonReach; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; REGISTERED AS {x790Attribute 56}; --A.2.57 Maintenance org contact ptr maintenanceOrgContactPtr ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX X790ASN1Module.MaintenanceOrgContactPtr; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; REGISTERED AS {x790Attribute 57}; --A.2.58 Maintenance org contact time maintenanceOrgContactTime ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX X790ASN1Module.MaintenanceOrgContactTime; MATCHES FOR ORDERING; REGISTERED AS {x790Attribute 58}; --A.2.59 Maint service charge maintServiceCharge ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX X790ASN1Module.MaintServiceCharge; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; REGISTERED AS {x790Attribute 59}; --A.2.60 Managed object access from time managedObjectAccessFromTime ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX X790ASN1Module.ManagedObjectAccessFromTime; MATCHES FOR ORDERING; REGISTERED AS {x790Attribute 60}; --A.2.61 Managed object access hours managedObjectAccessHours ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX X790ASN1Module.ManagedObjectAccessHours; REGISTERED AS {x790Attribute 61}; --A.2.62 Managed object access to time managedObjectAccessToTime ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX X790ASN1Module.ManagedObjectAccessToTime; MATCHES FOR ORDERING; REGISTERED AS {x790Attribute 62}; --A.2.63 This clause is not used managedObjectInstance ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX X790ASN1Module.ManagedObjectInstanceAliasList; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; REGISTERED AS {x790Attribute 63}; --A.2.64 Managed object instance alias list managedObjectInstanceAliasList ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX X790ASN1Module.ManagedObjectInstanceAliasList; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, SET-INTERSECTION, SET-COMPARISON; REGISTERED AS {x790Attribute 64}; --A.2.65 Manager contact person managerContactPerson ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX X790ASN1Module.PersonReach; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; REGISTERED AS {x790Attribute 65}; --A.2.66 Manager contact object ptr managerContactObjectPtr ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX X790ASN1Module.ManagerContactObjectPtr; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; REGISTERED AS {x790Attribute 66}; --A.2.67 Manager search key1 managerSearchKey1 ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX X790ASN1Module.ManagerSearchKey; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; REGISTERED AS {x790Attribute 67}; --A.2.68 Manager search key2 managerSearchKey2 ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX X790ASN1Module.ManagerSearchKey; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; REGISTERED AS {x790Attribute 68}; --A.2.69 Manager search key3 managerSearchKey3 ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX X790ASN1Module.ManagerSearchKey; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; REGISTERED AS {x790Attribute 69}; --A.2.70 Manager search key list managerSearchKeyList ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX X790ASN1Module.ManagerSearchKeyList; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, SET-INTERSECTION, SET-COMPARISON; REGISTERED AS {x790Attribute 70}; -- operationalState attribute is imported from Recommendation X.721 --A.2.71 Outage duration outageDuration ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX X790ASN1Module.OutageDuration; REGISTERED AS {x790Attribute 71}; --A.2.72 perceived trouble severity perceivedTroubleSeverity ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX X790ASN1Module.PerceivedTroubleSeverity; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; REGISTERED AS {x790Attribute 72}; --A.2.73 Preferred priority preferredPriority ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX X790ASN1Module.PreferredPriority; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; REGISTERED AS {x790Attribute 73}; --A.2.74 Received time receivedTime ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX X790ASN1Module.ReceivedTime; MATCHES FOR ORDERING; REGISTERED AS {x790Attribute 74}; --A.2.75 Related trouble report list relatedTroubleReportList ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX X790ASN1Module.RelatedTroubleReportList; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, SET-INTERSECTION, SET-COMPARISON; REGISTERED AS {x790Attribute 75}; --A.2.76 Repair activity repairActivityID ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX X790ASN1Module.RepairActivityID; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; REGISTERED AS {x790Attribute 76}; --A.2.77 Repair activity list repairActivityList ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX X790ASN1Module.RepairActivityList; REGISTERED AS {x790Attribute 77}; --A.2.78 Repeat report repeatReport ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX X790ASN1Module.RepeatReport; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; REGISTERED AS {x790Attribute 78}; --A.2.79 Responsible person name responsiblePersonName ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX X790ASN1Module.PersonReach; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; REGISTERED AS {x790Attribute 79}; --A.2.80 Responsible person ptr responsiblePersonPtr ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX X790ASN1Module.ResponsiblePersonPtr; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; REGISTERED AS {x790Attribute 80}; --A.2.81 Restored time restoredTime ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX X790ASN1Module.RestoredTime; MATCHES FOR ORDERING; REGISTERED AS {x790Attribute 81}; --A.2.82 Service alias list serviceAliasList ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX X790ASN1Module.ServiceAliasList; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, SET-INTERSECTION, SET-COMPARISON; REGISTERED AS {x790Attribute 82}; --A.2.83 Service description serviceDescription ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX X790ASN1Module.ServiceDescription; REGISTERED AS {x790Attribute 83}; --A.2.84 Service location list serviceLocationList ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX X790ASN1Module.ServiceLocationList; REGISTERED AS {x790Attribute 84}; -- The Service Identifier is the distinguishing attribute of the CNM Service -- managed object class. It is assigned by the service provider at the time the -- service is delivered to the customer. The Service ID may include a -- combination of the Service Alias attribute and the Service Type attribute (or -- some other attribute) to guarantee that the Service ID is unique. --A.2.85 Service Id serviceId ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX X790ASN1Module.ServiceId; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR serviceIDBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The Service ID is an attribute type whose distinguished value can be used as an RDN when naming an instance of the Management Operations Schedule object class";; REGISTERED AS { x790Attribute 85}; -- The Service Type attribute identifies the category of service (e.g. POTS, -- CENTREX, private line) --A.2.86 Service type serviceType ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX X790ASN1Module.ServiceType; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR serviceTypeBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The service Type attribute identifies the distinguishing characteristics of a Service";; REGISTERED AS {x790Attribute 86}; -- The Supported Service Name List attribute type specifies the services -- supported by a given managed object -- --A.2.87 Supported service name list supportedServiceNameList ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX X790ASN1Module.ObjectList; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR supportedServiceNameListBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The Supported Service Name List attribute type specifies the services supported by a given managed object";; REGISTERED AS {x790Attribute 87}; -- supportedbByObjectList attribute is imported from Recommendation M.3100 --A.2.88 Suspect object list suspectObjectList ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX X790ASN1Module.SuspectObjectList; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, SET-INTERSECTION, SET-COMPARISON; REGISTERED AS {x790Attribute 88}; --A.2.89 Telephone number list telephoneNumberList ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX X790ASN1Module.TelephoneNumberList; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, SET-COMPARISON, SET-INTERSECTION; REGISTERED AS {x790Attribute 89}; --A.2.90 Trouble clearance person troubleClearancePerson ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX X790ASN1Module.PersonReach; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; REGISTERED AS {x790Attribute 90}; --A.2.91 Trouble detection time troubleDetectionTime ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX X790ASN1Module.TroubleDetectionTime; MATCHES FOR ORDERING; REGISTERED AS {x790Attribute 91}; --A.2.92 Trouble found troubleFound ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX X790ASN1Module.TroubleFound; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; REGISTERED AS {x790Attribute 92}; --A.2.93 Trouble location troubleLocation ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX X790ASN1Module.TroubleLocation; REGISTERED AS {x790Attribute 93}; --A.2.94 Tr constrained to single value attr id list tRConstrainedToSingleValueAttrIDList ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX X790ASN1Module.AttributeIDList; REGISTERED AS {x790Attribute 94}; --A.2.95 Trouble report format object ptr troubleReportFormatObjectPtr ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX X790ASN1Module.TroubleReportFormatObjectPtr; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; REGISTERED AS {x790Attribute 95}; --A.2.96 Tr format id tRFormatID ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX X790ASN1Module.TRFormatID; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; REGISTERED AS {x790Attribute 96}; --A.2.97 Trouble report id troubleReportID ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX X790ASN1Module.NamingString; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; REGISTERED AS {x790Attribute 97}; --A.2.98 Tr must be present attr id list tRMustBePresentAttrIDList ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX X790ASN1Module.AttributeIDList; REGISTERED AS {x790Attribute 98}; --A.2.99 Tr may be present attr id list tRMayBePresentAttrIDList ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX X790ASN1Module.AttributeIDList; REGISTERED AS {x790Attribute 99}; --A.2.100 Trouble report number list troubleReportNumberList ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX X790ASN1Module.TroubleReportNumberList; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, SET-INTERSECTION, SET-COMPARISON; REGISTERED AS {x790Attribute 100}; --A.2.101 Trouble report state troubleReportState ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX X790ASN1Module.TroubleReportState; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; REGISTERED AS {x790Attribute 101}; --A.2.102 Trouble report status troubleReportStatus ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX X790ASN1Module.TroubleReportStatus; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; REGISTERED AS {x790Attribute 102}; --A.2.103 Trouble report status time troubleReportStatusTime ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX X790ASN1Module.TroubleReportStatusTime; MATCHES FOR ORDERING; REGISTERED AS {x790Attribute 103}; --A.2.104 Trouble report status window troubleReportStatusWindow ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX X790ASN1Module.TroubleReportStatusWindow; REGISTERED AS {x790Attribute 104}; --A.2.105 Trouble type troubleType ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX X790ASN1Module.TroubleType; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; REGISTERED AS {x790Attribute 105}; --A.2.106 Tsp priority tspPriority ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX X790ASN1Module.TspPriority; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; REGISTERED AS {x790Attribute 106}; --A.2.107 Type text typeText ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX X790ASN1Module.TypeText; REGISTERED AS {x790Attribute 107}; --A.2.108 Unavailable service ptr unavailableServicePtr ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX X790ASN1Module.UnavailableServicePtr; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; REGISTERED AS {x790Attribute 108}; --A.3 Error messages --A.3.1 Trouble Report Already Exists troubleReportAlreadyExists PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX X790ASN1Module.TroubleReportAlreadyExists; BEHAVIOUR troubleReportAlreadyExistsBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This error is applicable only where Administrations restrict the number of trouble reports per managed object. In such cases, the manager may use the additionalTroubleInfo attribute to include information on the new trouble. The error message returns the instance of the object, optionally the managed object class and the instance of the trouble report on which a trouble already exists.";; REGISTERED AS {x790Parameter 1}; --A.3.2 Fallback Reporting fallBackReporting PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX X790ASN1Module.FallBackReporting; BEHAVIOUR callBackReportingBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "A trouble report object will not be created (although the agent may accept the trouble report and process it manually). Fallback trouble reporting is defined to be outside the scope of the information model. Since a trouble report object will not exist, none of the other services normally associated with the Trouble Report object class are supported for fallback reporting. This error will be returned in the following two cases: -- Service predesignated by agent to receive fallback reporting Agent -- partially failed or temporarily unavailable for receiving trouble reports.";; REGISTERED AS {x790Parameter 2}; --A.3.3 Can Not close canNotClose PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX X790ASN1Module.CanNotClose; BEHAVIOUR canNotCloseBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This error message is sent to the manager when the trouble report cannot be closed by the agent because it is already cleared.";; REGISTERED AS {x790Parameter 3}; --A.3.4 Trouble Report Must Be Present Attribute Missing tRMustBePresentAttributeMissing PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX X790ASN1Module.TRMustBePresentAttributeMissing; BEHAVIOUR tRMustBePresentAttributeMissingBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This error message is sent to the manager by the agent when the manager fails to provide all required attributes identified in the attribute tRMustBePresentAttrID List, the error message contains the attributeIDs of the missing attributes.";; REGISTERED AS {x790Parameter 4}; --A.3.5 Cannot Verify or Deny at This Time cannotVerifyOrDenyAtThisTime PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX X790ASN1Module.CannotVerifyOrDenyAtThisTime; BEHAVIOUR cannotVerifyOrDenyAtThisTimeBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "If the manager changes the value of the CloseOut Verification attribute before the Trouble Report Status value is clearedAwaitingCustVerification, the agent system may optionally respond with this error.";; REGISTERED AS {x790Parameter 5}; --A.3.6 Trouble Report Change Denied troubleReportChangeDenied PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX X790ASN1Module.TroubleReportChangeDenied; BEHAVIOUR troubleReportChangeDeniedBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This error message is sent to the manager when the manager attempts to change a trouble report which is not in an appropriate state to accept the change.";; REGISTERED AS {x790Parameter 6}; --A.4 Events troubleHistoryEventNotification NOTIFICATION WITH INFORMATION SYNTAX X790ASN1Module.TroubleHistoryInfo; REGISTERED AS {x790Notification 1}; troubleReportProgressNotification NOTIFICATION WITH INFORMATION SYNTAX X790ASN1Module.TroubleProgressInfo; REGISTERED AS {x790Notification 2}; --A.5 Name Bindings account-account NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS account; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS account; WITH ATTRIBUTE accountName; REGISTERED AS {x790NameBinding 1}; account-network NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS account; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS "Rec. M.3100 : 1992":network AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE accountName; REGISTERED AS {x790NameBinding 2}; contact-account NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS contact; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS account; WITH ATTRIBUTE contactID; REGISTERED AS {x790NameBinding 3}; contact-network NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS contact; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS "Rec. M.3100 : 1992":network AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE contactID; REGISTERED AS {x790NameBinding 4}; contact-service NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS contact; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS service; WITH ATTRIBUTE contactID; REGISTERED AS {x790NameBinding 5}; contact-system NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS contact; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS "Rec. X.721|ISO/IEC 10165-2 : 1992":system; WITH ATTRIBUTE contactID; REGISTERED AS {x790NameBinding 6}; cnmService-account NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS cnmService; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS account; WITH ATTRIBUTE serviceId; REGISTERED AS {x790NameBinding 7}; eventForwardingDiscriminator-account NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS "Rec. X.721|ISO/IEC 10165-2 : 1992":eventForwardingDiscriminator; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS account; WITH ATTRIBUTE "Rec. X.721|ISO/IEC 10165-2 : 1992":discriminatorId; CREATE WITH-REFERENCE-OBJECT, WITH-AUTOMATIC-INSTANCE-NAMING; DELETE ONLY-IF-NO-CONTAINED-OBJECTS; REGISTERED AS {x790NameBinding 8}; telecommunicationsTroubleReport-account NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS telecommunicationsTroubleReport; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS account; WITH ATTRIBUTE troubleReportID; CREATE WITH-AUTOMATIC-INSTANCE-NAMING, WITH-REFERENCE-OBJECT troubleReportAlreadyExists fallBackReporting tRMustBePresentAttributeMissing; REGISTERED AS {x790NameBinding 9}; telecommunicationsTroubleReport-cnmService NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS telecommunicationsTroubleReport; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS cnmService; WITH ATTRIBUTE troubleReportID; CREATE WITH-AUTOMATIC-INSTANCE-NAMING, WITH-REFERENCE-OBJECT troubleReportAlreadyExists fallBackReporting tRMustBePresentAttributeMissing; REGISTERED AS {x790NameBinding 10}; telecommunicationsTroubleReport-network NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS telecommunicationsTroubleReport; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS "Rec. M.3100 : 1992":network AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE troubleReportID; CREATE WITH-AUTOMATIC-INSTANCE-NAMING, WITH-REFERENCE-OBJECT troubleReportAlreadyExists fallBackReporting tRMustBePresentAttributeMissing; REGISTERED AS {x790NameBinding 11}; telecommunicationsTroubleReport-system NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS telecommunicationsTroubleReport; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS "Rec. X.721|ISO/IEC 10165-2 : 1992":system; WITH ATTRIBUTE troubleReportID; CREATE WITH-AUTOMATIC-INSTANCE-NAMING, WITH-REFERENCE-OBJECT troubleReportAlreadyExists fallBackReporting tRMustBePresentAttributeMissing; REGISTERED AS {x790NameBinding 12}; log-account NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS "Rec. X.721|ISO/IEC 10165-2 : 1992":log; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS account; WITH ATTRIBUTE "Rec. X.721|ISO/IEC 10165-2 : 1992":logId; REGISTERED AS {x790NameBinding 13}; log-cnmService NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS "Rec. X.721|ISO/IEC 10165-2 : 1992":log; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS cnmService; WITH ATTRIBUTE "Rec. X.721|ISO/IEC 10165-2 : 1992":logId; REGISTERED AS {x790NameBinding 14}; repairActivity-telecommunicationsTroubleReport NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS repairActivity; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS telecommunicationsTroubleReport; WITH ATTRIBUTE repairActivityID; REGISTERED AS {x790NameBinding 15}; troubleHistoryRecord-log NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS troubleHistoryRecord; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS "Rec. X.721|ISO/IEC 10165-2 : 1992":log; WITH ATTRIBUTE "Rec. X.721|ISO/IEC 10165-2 : 1992":logRecordId; DELETE; REGISTERED AS {x790NameBinding 16}; troubleReportFormatDefn-network NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS troubleReportFormatDefn; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS "Rec. M.3100 : 1992":network AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE tRFormatID; REGISTERED AS {x790NameBinding 17}; troubleReportFormatDefn-system NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS troubleReportFormatDefn; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS "Rec. X.721|ISO/IEC 10165-2 : 1992":system; WITH ATTRIBUTE tRFormatID; REGISTERED AS {x790NameBinding 18}; providerTroubleReport-network NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS providerTroubleReport; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS "Rec. M.3100 : 1992":network AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE troubleReportID; REGISTERED AS {x790NameBinding 19}; -- ============================================================================= -- Formatted by OpenT2 Version on Fri Aug 20 11:20:49 2004