-- ============================================================================= -- GDMO definitions extracted from ITU-T Rec. G.774.8 (2001) -- ============================================================================= radioSPITTPBidirectional MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM "Recommendation M.3100":trailTerminationPointBidirectional, radioSPITTPSink, radioSPITTPSource; REGISTERED AS { g774-8ObjectClass 1 }; radioSPITTPSink MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM "Recommendation M.3100":trailTerminationPointSink; CHARACTERIZED BY "Recommendation X.721":administrativeStatePackage, "Recommendation M.3100":createDeleteNotificationsPackage, "Recommendation M.3100":stateChangeNotificationPackage, "Recommendation M.3100":tmnCommunicationsAlarmInformationPackage, radioSPIPackage, radioSPITTPSinkPkg PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR radioSPITTPSinkPkgBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This managed object class represents the process of converting the incoming radio frequency signal into an internal logic level STM-N signal and the recovering of the timing from the incoming signal. The upstream connectivity pointer is NULL for an instance of this class. The aforementioned process is composed of two subfunctions, namely the RX subfunction and the Demodulation subfunction. A communicationsAlarm notification shall be issued if the RX subfunction fails. The probableCause parameter of the notification shall indicate rxFail. A communicationsAlarm notification shall be issued if the Demodulation subfunction fails. The probableCause parameter of the notification shall indicate demodulationFail. When an alarm is pending on an instance, its operationalState is disabled.";;;; CONDITIONAL PACKAGES rxLOSNotificationPackage PRESENT IF "an instance supports it", demLOSNotificationPackage PRESENT IF "an instance supports it"; REGISTERED AS { g774-8ObjectClass 2 }; radioSPITTPSource MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM "Recommendation M.3100":trailTerminationPointSource; CHARACTERIZED BY "Recommendation X.721":administrativeStatePackage, "Recommendation M.3100":createDeleteNotificationsPackage, "Recommendation M.3100":stateChangeNotificationPackage, "Recommendation M.3100":tmnCommunicationsAlarmInformationPackage, radioSPIPackage, radioSPITTPSourcePkg PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR radioSPITTPSourcePkgBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This managed object class represents the process of converting an outgoing internal logic level STM-N signal into a radio frequency signal. The downstream connectivity pointer is NULL for an instance of this class. The aforementioned process is composed of two subfunctions, namely the TX subfunction and the Modulation subfunction. A communicationsAlarm notification shall be issued if the TX subfunction fails. The probableCause parameter of the notification shall indicate txFail. A communicationsAlarm notification shall be issued if the Modulation subfunction fails. The probableCause parameter of the notification shall indicate modulationFail. When an alarm is pending on an instance, its operationalState is disabled.";; ATTRIBUTES atpcImplemented GET;;; CONDITIONAL PACKAGES atpcPackage PRESENT IF "the ATPC is implemented and an instance supports it", txLOSNotificationPackage PRESENT IF "an instance supports it", modLOSNotificationPackage PRESENT IF "an instance supports it"; REGISTERED AS { g774-8ObjectClass 3 }; atpcPackage PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES atpcEnabled GET-REPLACE; REGISTERED AS { g774-8Package 1 }; radioSPIPackage PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES radioSPITTPId GET, radioFrequency GET, "Recommendation G.774":stmLevel GET; REGISTERED AS { g774-8Package 2 }; rxLOSNotificationPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR rxLOSNotificationPackageBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "A communicationsAlarm notification shall be issued if a loss of the incoming signal for the RX subfunctions is detected. The probableCause parameter of the notification shall indicate rxLOS. The rxLOS probableCause in the communicationsAlarm notification should be used only when the distinction between the fail of the RX subfunction and the loss of the incoming signal can be carried out with sufficient degree of confidence.";; REGISTERED AS { g774-8Package 3 }; demLOSNotificationPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR demLOSNotificationPackageBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "A communicationsAlarm notification shall be issued if a loss of the incoming signal for the Demodulation subfunctions is detected. The probableCause parameter of the notification shall indicate demLOS. The demLOS probableCause in the communicationsAlarm notification should be used only when the distinction between the fail of the Demodulation subfunction and the loss of the incoming signal can be carried out with sufficient degree of confidence.";; REGISTERED AS { g774-8Package 4 }; txLOSNotificationPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR txLOSNotificationPackageBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "A communicationsAlarm notification shall be issued if a loss of the OUTgoing signal for the TX subfunctions is detected. The probableCause parameter of the notification shall indicate txLOS. The txLOS probableCause in the communicationsAlarm notification should be used only when the distinction between the fail of the TX subfunction and the loss of the incoming signal can be carried out with sufficient degree of confidence.";; REGISTERED AS { g774-8Package 5 }; modLOSNotificationPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR modLOSNotificationPackageBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "A communicationsAlarm notification shall be issued if a loss of the OUTgoing signal for the Modulation subfunctions is detected. The probableCause parameter of the notification shall indicate modLOS. The modLOS probableCause in the communicationsAlarm notification should be used only when the distinction between the fail of the Modulation subfunction and the loss of the incoming signal can be carried out with sufficient degree of confidence.";; REGISTERED AS { g774-8Package 6 }; atpcImplemented ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX SDHRadioTpASN1.Boolean; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR atpcImplementedBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute specifies whether the ATPC capability is present or not. A value of TRUE indicates that the ATPC capability is present and a value of FALSE indicates that the ATPC capability is not present.";; REGISTERED AS {g774-8Attribute 1}; atpcEnabled ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX SDHRadioTpASN1.Boolean; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR atpcEnabledBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute specifies whether the ATPC device is currently allowed to work or not. A value of TRUE indicates that the ATPC device is allowed to work and a value of FALSE indicates that the device is not allowed to work (i.e. the transmit power has a fixed value)." ;; REGISTERED AS {g774-8Attribute 2}; radioFrequency ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX SDHRadioTpASN1.RadioFrequency; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR radioFrequencyBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute is used to specify the carrier radio frequencies and optionally the related polarization states associated to instances of radioSPITTPSink, radioSPITTPSource and radioSPITTPBidirectional managed object Classes. It also indicates if each specified radio frequency is used at transmit or receive side. Frequency value are expressed in MHz. For instances of radioSPITTPSink (radioSPITTPSource) managed object Class, the FrequencyUsage sub-field can take only the receive (transmit) value.";; REGISTERED AS {g774-8Attribute 3}; radioSPITTPId ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX SDHRadioTpASN1.NameType; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR radioSPITTPIdBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute is used as a RDN for naming instances of the radioSPITTP object classes.";; REGISTERED AS {g774-8Attribute 4}; radioSPITTPSink-managedElement NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS radioSPITTPSink AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS "Recommendation M.3100":managedElement AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE radioSPITTPId; BEHAVIOUR radioSPITTPSink-managedElementBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The subordinate managed object may be automatically instantiated when the superior managed object is instantiated, according to the make-up and mode of operation of the equipment.";; REGISTERED AS { g774-8NameBinding 1}; radioSPITTPSource-managedElement NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS radioSPITTPSource AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS "Recommendation M.3100":managedElement AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE radioSPITTPId; BEHAVIOUR radioSPITTPSource-managedElementBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The subordinate managed object may be automatically instantiated when the superior managed object is instantiated, according to the make-up and mode of operation of the equipment.";; REGISTERED AS { g774-8NameBinding 2}; rsCTPSink-radioSPITTPSink NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS "Recommendation G.774":rsCTPSink AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS radioSPITTPSink AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE "Recommendation G.774":rsCTPId; BEHAVIOUR rsCTPSink-radioSPITTPSinkBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The subordinate managed object may be automatically instantiated when the superior managed object is instantiated, according to the make-up and mode of operation of the equipment.";; REGISTERED AS {g774-8NameBinding 3}; rsCTPSource-radioSPITTPSource NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS "Recommendation G.774":rsCTPSource AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS radioSPITTPSource AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE "Recommendation G.774":rsCTPId; BEHAVIOUR rsCTPSource-radioSPITTPSourceBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The subordinate managed object may be automatically instantiated when the superior managed object is instantiated, according to the make-up and mode of operation of the equipment.";; REGISTERED AS {g774-8NameBinding 4}; sdhRadioProtectionGroup MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM "Recommendation G.774.03":protectionGroupR1; CHARACTERIZED BY sdhRadioProtectionGroupPkg PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR sdhRadioProtectionGroupBeh; ATTRIBUTES rpsSummaryStatus GET, "Recommendation G.774.03":protectionSwitchMode GET, hitless GET; NOTIFICATIONS "Recommendation G.774.03":protectionSwitchReportingR1 radioProtectionStatusParameter;;; CONDITIONAL PACKAGES "Recommendation G.774.03":protectionMismatchStatusPkg PRESENT IF "An APS protocol is used", radioHoldOffTimePkg PRESENT IF "the hitless functionality is not present and an instance supports it", singleExercisePkg PRESENT IF "an instance supports it", exerciseOnOffPkg PRESENT IF "an instance supports it"; REGISTERED AS {g774-8ObjectClass 4 } ; sdhRadioProtectionGroupBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This object class is used to model all radio protection schemes envisaged for the Radio Protection Switch function. This object class is the focal point for management operations and notifications related to management of the protection system. The protectionMismatchStatus indicates a mismatch between the provisioned protectionGroupType of this protectionGroup and the provisioned protectionGroupType of the far-end. It also indicates mismatch of uni-directional versus bi-directional switch provisioning between the two protection groups. Actual signal flow across any specific transport entity is reflected by the connectivity pointers of the TPs involved in the protection scheme represented by an instance of this class. For instances of this managed object class the REPLACE operation on the attributes revertive, waitToRestoreTime and protectionGroupType is not mandatorily required. When the exerciseOnOffPkg package is present, it is possible to start and to stop the exercise procedure on the RPS acting on the exerciseOn boolean attribute. When the exerciseOn attribute is TRUE, possible malfunctioning of the exercise procedure shall be signalled setting the 'degraded' component in the availabilityStatus attribute. If the attributeValueChangeNotification package is present, then changes to the exerciseOn and radioHoldOffTime (if they are present) shall cause an attributeValueChange notification to be emitted. The protectionUnit sub-field of the protectionSwitchReportingInfo has no meaning in protectionSwitchReporting notification emitted by instances of this managed object class. The conditions for emitting the protectionSwitchReporting notifications are specified in the behaviour of the radioProtectionStatusParameter parameter."; sdhRadioProtectionUnit MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM "Recommendation G.774.03":protectionUnit; CHARACTERIZED BY sdhRadioProtectionUnitPkg PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR sdhRadioProtectionUnitBeh ; ATTRIBUTES "Recommendation G.774.03":channelNumber GET, radioProtectionStatus GET, "Recommendation G.774.03":reliableResourcePointer PERMITTED VALUES SDHRadioProtASN1.SDHRadioResourcePointer, "Recommendation G.774.03":unreliableResourcePointer PERMITTED VALUES SDHRadioProtASN1.SDHRadioResourcePointer ;;; CONDITIONAL PACKAGES "Recommendation G.774.03":extraTrafficControlPkg PRESENT IF " extra traffic may be suspended and resumed " , privilegedChannelPkg PRESENT IF "an instance supports it and the instance is protecting"; REGISTERED AS {g774-8ObjectClass 5 } ; sdhRadioProtectionUnitBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This object class is specific to SDH Radio Protection Systems. Instances of this object class are used to represent the assignment between an unreliable resource (termination point) and a reliable resource (termination point) for the purpose of protection of the transport entity involved in any particular RPS protection scheme. If this is a protecting protection unit , the reliableResourcePointer points to the protected termination point for extra traffic or NULL if there is no extra traffic. The channelNumber attribute value represents the number of the channel used by the automatic protection switching protocol, if any."; msTcCTPBidirectional MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM "Recommendation G.774":msCTPBidirectional, msTcCTPSource, msTcCTPSink ; CHARACTERIZED BY msTcCTPBidirectionalPkg PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR msTcCTPBidirectionalBeh ;;; REGISTERED AS {g774-8ObjectClass 6 } ; msTcCTPBidirectionalBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The msTcCTPBidirectional object class is a class of objects that represents either the bidirectional protected resources or the bidirectional unprotected resources in a tandem connection made up of one or more link connections at multiplex section layer. If a bidirectional SDH Radio Protection Switching function is present, this object class shall be supported." ; msTcCTPSink MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM "Recommendation G.774": msCTPSink ; CHARACTERIZED BY "Recommendation M.3100": crossConnectionPointerPackage, msTcCTPSinkPkg PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR msTcCTPSinkBeh ;;; REGISTERED AS {g774-8ObjectClass 7 } ; msTcCTPSinkBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The msTcCTPSink object class is a class of objects that represents either the protected or the unprotected resources in a tandem connection made up of one or more link connections at multiplex section layer. An instance of this object class defines the tandem connection end-point which terminates a multiplex section connection. An instance of this object class is pointed to by a reliableResourcePointer attribute or by an unreliableResourcePointer attribute in an instance of the protectionUnit object class according if it represents a protected or an unprotected tandem connection respectively. The crossConnectionObjectPointer attribute in an instance of this object class points to its associated sdhRadioProtectionUnit instance which has the reliableResourcePointer or unreliableResourcePointer attribute pointing back to the instance of this object class. If an instance of this object class represents a protected tandem connection, then the downStreamConnectivityPointer points to either null or its associated msTcCTP object instance(s) representing the unprotected tandem connection(s). If an instance of this object class represents an unprotected tandem connection, then the downStreamConnectivityPointer points to either null or its associated msTcCTP or msTcTTP object instance representing the protected tandem connection. When a signal is switched to another unit, the value of the pointer is updated." ; msTcCTPSource MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM "Recommendation G.774": msCTPSource ; CHARACTERIZED BY "Recommendation M.3100": crossConnectionPointerPackage, msTcCTPSourcePkg PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR msTcCTPSourceBeh ;;; REGISTERED AS {g774-8ObjectClass 8 } ; msTcCTPSourceBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The msTcCTPSource object class is a class of objects that represents either the protected resources or the unprotected resources in a tandem connection made up of one or more link connections at multiplex section layer. An instance of this object class defines the tandem connection end-point which originates a multiplex section connection. An instance of this object class is pointed to by a reliableResourcePointer attribute or by an unreliableResourcePointer attribute in an instance of the sdhRadioProtectionUnit object class according if it represents a protected or an unprotected tandem connection respectively. The crossConnectionObjectPointer attribute in an instance of this object class points to its associated sdhRadioProtectionUnit instance which has the reliableResourcePointer or unreliableResourcePointer attribute pointing back to the instance of this object class. If an instance of this object class represents a protected tandem connection, then the upStreamConnectivityPointer points to either null or its associated msTcCTP object instance representing the unprotected tandem connection. If an instance of this object class represents an unprotected tandem connection, then the upStreamConnectivityPointer points to either null or its associated msTcCTP or msTcTTP object instance representing the protected tandem connection. When a signal is switched to another unit, the value of the pointer is updated." ; msTcTTPBidirectional MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM "Recommendation G.774": msTTPBidirectional, msTcTTPSource, msTcTTPSink ; CHARACTERIZED BY msTcTTPBidirectionalPkg PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR msTcTTPBidirectionalBeh ;;; REGISTERED AS {g774-8ObjectClass 9 } ; msTcTTPBidirectionalBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The msTcTTPBidirectional object class is a class of objects that represents the bidirectional protected resources in a tandem connection made up of one or more link connections at multiplex section layer. If a bidirectional SDH Radio Protection Switching function is present, this object class shall be supported." ; msTcTTPSink MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM "Recommendation G.774": msTTPSink ; CHARACTERIZED BY "Recommendation M.3100": crossConnectionPointerPackage, msTcTTPSinkPkg PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR msTcTTPSinkBeh ;;; REGISTERED AS {g774-8ObjectClass 10 } ; msTcTTPSinkBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The msTcTTPSink object class is a class of objects that represents the protected resources in a tandem connection made up of one or more link connections at multiplex section layer. An instance of this object class defines the tandem connection end-point which terminates a multiplex section trail. An instance of this object class is pointed to by a reliableResourcePointer attribute in a instance of the sdhRadioProtectionUnit object class. The crossConnectionObjectPointer attribute in an instance of this object class points to its associated sdhRadioProtectionUnit instance which has the reliableResourcePointer attribute pointing back to the instance of this object class. The upStreamConnectivityPointer in an instance of this object class points to either null or its associated msTcCTP object instance representing the unprotected tandem connection. It indicates the actual signal flow and when a signal is switched to another unit, the pointer is updated. If the attributeValueChangeNotification package is present, then a change in the value of supportedByObjectList shall cause an attributeValueChangeNotification." ; msTcTTPSource MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM "Recommendation G.774": msTTPSource ; CHARACTERIZED BY "Recommendation M.3100": crossConnectionPointerPackage, msTcTTPSourcePkg PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR msTcTTPSourceBeh ;;; REGISTERED AS {g774-8ObjectClass 11 } ; msTcTTPSourceBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The msTcTTPSource object class is a class of objects that represents the protected resources in a tandem connection made up of one or more link connections at multiplex section layer. An instance of this object class defines the tandem connection end-point which originates a multiplex section trail. An instance of this object class is pointed to by a reliableResourcePointer attribute in a instance of the sdhRadioProtectionUnit object class. The crossConnectionObjectPointer attribute in an instance of this object class points to its associated sdhRadioProtectionUnit instance which has the reliableResourcePointer attribute pointing back to the instance of this object class. The downStreamConnectivityPointer in an instance of this object class points to either null or its associated msTcCTP object instance(s) representing the unprotected tandem connection(s). It indicates the actual signal flow and when a signal is switched to another unit, the pointer is updated. If the attributeValueChangeNotification package is present, then a change in the value of supportedByObjectList shall cause an attributeValueChangeNotification." ; au4HopcCTPBidirectional MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM "Recommendation G.774": au4CTPBidirectionalR1, au4HopcCTPSource, au4HopcCTPSink ; CHARACTERIZED BY au4HopcCTPBidirectionalPkg PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR au4HopcCTPBidirectionalBeh ;;; REGISTERED AS {g774-8ObjectClass 12 } ; au4HopcCTPBidirectionalBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The au4HopcCTPBidirectional object class is a class of objects that represents either the bidirectional protected resources or the bidirectional unprotected resources in a High Order Path Connection protected by an RPS function. If a bidirectional SDH Radio Protection Switching function, acting as high order path connection protection, is present, this object class shall be supported."; au4HopcCTPSink MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM "Recommendation G.774": au4CTPSinkR1 ; CHARACTERIZED BY "Recommendation M.3100" : crossConnectionPointerPackage, au4HopcCTPSinkPkg PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR au4HopcCTPSinkBeh ;;; REGISTERED AS {g774-8ObjectClass 13 } ; au4HopcCTPSinkBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The au4HopcCTPSink object class is a class of objects that represents either the protected or the unprotected resources in a High Order Path Connection protected by an RPS function. An instance of this object class defines the path connection end-point which terminates a High Order Path Connection. An instance of this object class is pointed to by a reliableResourcePointer attribute or by an unreliableResourcePointer attribute in an instance of the sdhRadioProtectionUnit object class according if it represents a protected or an unprotected path connection respectively. The crossConnectionObjectPointer attribute in an instance of this object class points to its associated sdhRadioProtectionUnit instance which has the reliableResourcePointer or unreliableResourcePointer attribute pointing back to the instance of this object class. If an instance of this object class represents a protected path connection, then the downStreamConnectivityPointer points to either null or to its associated au4HopcCTP object instance(s) representing the unprotected path connection(s). If an instance of this object class represents an unprotected path connection, then the downStreamConnectivityPointer points to either null or to its associated au4HopcCTP or to the vc4HopcTTP object instance representing the protected path connection. When a signal is switched to another unit, the value of the downStreamConnectivityPointer is updated." ; au4HopcCTPSource MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM "Recommendation G.774": au4CTPSource ; CHARACTERIZED BY "Recommendation M.3100": crossConnectionPointerPackage, au4HopcCTPSourcePkg PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR au4HopcCTPSourceBeh ;;; REGISTERED AS {g774-8ObjectClass 14 } ; au4HopcCTPSourceBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The au4HopcCTPSource object class is a class of objects that represents either the protected resources or the unprotected resources in a High Order Path Connection protected by an RPS function. An instance of this object class defines the path connection end-point which originates a High Order Path Connection. An instance of this object class is pointed to by a reliableResourcePointer attribute or by an unreliableResourcePointer attribute in an instance of the sdhRadioProtectionUnit object class according if it represents a protected or an unprotected path connection respectively. The crossConnectionObjectPointer attribute in an instance of this object class points to its associated sdhRadioProtectionUnit instance which has the reliableResourcePointer or unreliableResourcePointer attribute pointing back to the instance of this object class. If an instance of this object class represents a protected path connection then the upStreamConnectivityPointer points to either null or to its associated au4HopcCTP object instance representing the unprotected path connection. If an instance of this object class represents an unprotected path connection, then the upStreamConnectivityPointer points to either null or to its associated au4HopcCTP or to the vc4HopcTTP object instance representing the protected path connection. When a signal is switched to another unit, the value of the upStreamConnectivityPointer is updated." ; vc4HopcTTPBidirectional MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM "Recommendation G.774": vc4TTPBidirectionalR1, vc4HopcTTPSource, vc4HopcTTPSink ; CHARACTERIZED BY vc4HopcTTPBidirectionalPkg PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR vc4HopcTTPBidirectionalBeh ;;; REGISTERED AS {g774-8ObjectClass 15 } ; vc4HopcTTPBidirectionalBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The vc4HopcTTPBidirectional object class is a class of objects that represents the bidirectional protected resources in a High Order Path Connection protected by an RPS function. If a bidirectional SDH Radio Protection Switching function, acting as high order path connection protection, is present, this object class shall be supported." ; vc4HopcTTPSink MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM "Recommendation G.774": vc4TTPSinkR1 ; CHARACTERIZED BY "Recommendation M.3100": crossConnectionPointerPackage, vc4HopcTTPSinkPkg PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR vc4HopcTTPSinkBeh ;;; REGISTERED AS {g774-8ObjectClass 16 } ; vc4HopcTTPSinkBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The vc4HopcTTPSink object class is a class of objects that represents the protected resources in a High Order Path Connection protected by an RPS function. An instance of this object class defines the path end-point which terminates a High Order trail. An instance of this object class is pointed to by a reliableResourcePointer attribute in a instance of the sdhRadioProtectionUnit object class. The crossConnectionObjectPointer attribute in an instance of this object class points to its associated sdhRadioProtectionUnit instance which has the reliableResourcePointer attribute pointing back to the instance of this object class. The upStreamConnectivityPointer in an instance of this object class points to either null or to its associated au4HopcCTP object instance representing the unprotected path connection. It indicates the actual signal flow and, when a signal is switched to another unit, it is updated. If the attributeValueChangeNotification package is present, then a change in the value of supportedByObjectList shall cause an attributeValueChangeNotification." ; vc4HopcTTPSource MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM "Recommendation G.774": vc4TTPSourceR1 ; CHARACTERIZED BY "Recommendation M.3100": crossConnectionPointerPackage, vc4HopcTTPSourcePkg PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR vc4HopcTTPSourceBeh ;;; REGISTERED AS {g774-8ObjectClass 17 } ; vc4HopcTTPSourceBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The vc4HopcTTPSource object class is a class of objects that represents the protected resources in a High Order Path Connection protected by an RPS function. An instance of this object class defines the path end-point which originates a high order trail. An instance of this object class is pointed to by a reliableResourcePointer attribute in a instance of the sdhRadioProtectionUnit object class. The crossConnectionObjectPointer attribute in an instance of this object class points to its associated sdhRadioProtectionUnit instance which has the reliableResourcePointer attribute pointing back to the instance of this object class. The downStreamConnectivityPointer in an instance of this object class points to either null or to its associated au4HopcCTP object instance(s) representing the unprotected tandem connection(s). It indicates the actual signal flow and when a signal is switched to another unit, it is updated. If the attributeValueChangeNotification package is present, then a change in the value of supportedByObjectList shall cause an attributeValueChangeNotification." ; radioUnprotectedCTPBidirectional MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM "Recommendation M.3100": connectionTerminationPointBidirectional, radioUnprotectedCTPSource, radioUnprotectedCTPSink; CHARACTERIZED BY radioUnprotectedCTPBidirectionalPkg PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR radioUnprotectedCTPBidirectionalBeh;;; REGISTERED AS {g774-8ObjectClass 18 }; radioUnprotectedCTPBidirectionalBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The radioUnprotectedCTPBidirectional object class is a class of objects that represents the bidirectional unprotected resources in a protection scheme involving RPS function."; radioUnprotectedCTPSink MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM "Recommendation M.3100":connectionTerminationPointSink; CHARACTERIZED BY "Recommendation M.3100":crossConnectionPointerPackage, radioUnprotectedCTPSinkPkg PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR radioUnprotectedCTPSinkBeh; ATTRIBUTES radioUnprotectedCTPId GET;;; REGISTERED AS {g774-8ObjectClass 19 }; radioUnprotectedCTPSinkBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The radioUnprotectedCTPSink object class is a class of objects that represents the unprotected resources in a protection scheme involving RPS function. An instance of this object class is pointed to by the unreliableResourcePointer attribute in an instance of the sdhRadioProtectionUnit object class. The crossConnectionObjectPointer attribute in an instance of this object class points to its associated sdhRadioProtectionUnit object instance which has the unreliableResourcePointer attribute pointing back to the instance of this object class."; radioUnprotectedCTPSource MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM "Recommendation M.3100":connectionTerminationPointSink; CHARACTERIZED BY "Recommendation M.3100":crossConnectionPointerPackage, radioUnprotectedCTPSourcePkg PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR radioUnprotectedCTPSourceBeh; ATTRIBUTES radioUnprotectedCTPId GET;;; REGISTERED AS {g774-8ObjectClass 20 }; radioUnprotectedCTPSourceBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The radioUnprotectedCTPSource object class is a class of objects that represents the unprotected resources in a protection scheme involving RPS function. An instance of this object class is pointed to by the unreliableResourcePointer attribute in an instance of the sdhRadioProtectionUnit object class. The crossConnectionObjectPointer attribute in an instance of this object class points to its associated sdhRadioProtectionUnit object instance which has the reliableResourcePointer attribute pointing back to the instance of this object class."; radioProtectedTTPBidirectional MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM "Recommendation M.3100":trailTerminationPointBidirectional, radioProtectedTTPSource, radioProtectedTTPSink; CHARACTERIZED BY radioProtectedTTPBidirectionalPkg PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR radioProtectedTTPBidirectionalBeh;;; REGISTERED AS {g774-8ObjectClass 21}; radioProtectedTTPBidirectionalBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The radioProtectedTTPBidirectional object class is a class of objects that represents the bidirectional protected resources in a protection scheme involving RPS function."; radioProtectedTTPSink MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM "Recommendation M.3100":trailTerminationPointSink; CHARACTERIZED BY "Recommendation M.3100":crossConnectionPointerPackage, radioProtectedTTPSinkPkg PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR radioProtectedTTPSinkBeh; ATTRIBUTES radioProtectedTTPId GET;;; REGISTERED AS {g774-8ObjectClass 22}; radioProtectedTTPSinkBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The radioProtectedTTPSink object class is a class of objects that represents the protected resources in a protection scheme involving RPS function. An instance of this object class is pointed to by the reliableResourcePointer attribute in an instance of the sdhRadioProtectionUnit object class. The crossConnectionObjectPointer attribute in an instance of this object class points to its associated sdhRadioProtectionUnit instance which has the reliableResourcePointer attribute pointing back to the instance of this object class. The upstreamConnectivityPointer in an instance of this object class points to either null or its associated unprotected CTP object instance; it indicates the actual signal flow, and when a signal is switched to another unit, the value of the upstreamConnectivityPointer is updated. If the attributeValueChangeNotification package is present, then a change in the value of the supportedByObjectList shall cause an attributeValueChange notification."; radioProtectedTTPSource MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM "Recommendation M.3100":trailTerminationPointSource; CHARACTERIZED BY "Recommendation M.3100":crossConnectionPointerPackage, radioProtectedTTPSourcePkg PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR radioProtectedTTPSourceBeh; ATTRIBUTES radioProtectedTTPId GET;;; REGISTERED AS {g774-8ObjectClass 23}; radioProtectedTTPSourceBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The radioProtectedTTPSource object class is a class of objects that represents the protected resources in a protection scheme involving RPS function. An instance of this object class is pointed to by the reliableResourcePointer attribute in an instance of the sdhRadioProtectionUnit object class. The crossConnectionObjectPointer attribute in an instance of this object class points to its associated sdhRadioProtectionUnit object instance which has the reliableResourcePointer attribute pointing back to the instance of this object class. The downstreamConnectivityPointer in an instance of this object class points to either null or its associated unprotected CTP object instance(s); it indicates the actual signal flow, and when a signal is switched to another unit, the pointer is updated. If the attributeValueChangeNotification package is present, then a change in the value of the supportedByObjectList shall cause an attributeValueChange notification."; exerciseOnOffPkg PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR exerciseOnOffPkgBeh; ATTRIBUTES exerciseOn GET-REPLACE; REGISTERED AS {g774-8Package 7}; exerciseOnOffPkgBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This package is used to start or stop a continous testing of the RPS functionality."; singleExercisePkg PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR singleExercisePkgBeh; ACTIONS invokeRadioExercise; REGISTERED AS {g774-8Package 8}; singleExercisePkgBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This package is used to perform a single test operation of the RPS functionality."; privilegedChannelPkg PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES privilegedChannel GET-REPLACE; REGISTERED AS {g774-8Package 9}; radioHoldOffTimePkg PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES radioHoldOffTime GET-REPLACE; REGISTERED AS {g774-8Package 10}; hitless ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX SDHRadioProtASN1.Boolean; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY ; BEHAVIOUR hitlessBehaviour ; REGISTERED AS {g774-8Attribute 5 } ; hitlessBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute specifies whether the hitless capability is present or not. A value of TRUE indicates that the hitless capability is present in the protection system. A value of FALSE indicates that the hitless capability is not present."; radioHoldOffTime ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX SDHRadioProtASN1.Integer ; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, ORDERING ; BEHAVIOUR radioHoldOffTimeBeh ; REGISTERED AS { g774-8Attribute 6} ; radioHoldOffTimeBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute specifies the amount of 10 ms. periods, within a valid range of 0... 10 s., which represents the time to wait before performing a protection switch after detection of an automatic switching initiation defect on either the protecting or protected protectionUnit. The switch is performed only if the defect is still present after the holdOffTime has expired."; rpsSummaryStatus ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX SDHRadioProtASN1.RPSSummaryStatus; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR rpsSummaryStatusBeh; REGISTERED AS {g774-8Attribute 7 }; rpsSummaryStatusBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This single structured attribute represents the whole status of the RPS function. The statusOfRxProtectionSwitches sub-field allows to know the whole status of the bridges in the Rx side. This is achieved by listing all the protecting protection units which are carrying an extra traffic or traffic from a protected unit. If a protecting unit is not listed, it is intended to be free. The channelStatus sub-field allows to know information about the highest priority automatic switch request currently active on this protection unit instance together with the last operator switch command accepted (if any) for each protection unit. This is achieved by listing all the protection units which have the value of the channelASRequest sub-field different from 'noOne' and the value of radioSwitchStatus sub-field different from noRequest. If a protection unit is not listed, the status shall be considered (noOne, noRequest)."; exerciseOn ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX SDHRadioProtASN1.Boolean; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR exerciseOnBeh; REGISTERED AS {g774-8Attribute 8 }; exerciseOnBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute is used to start/stop the exercise procedure on a RPS function. If the value is TRUE the procedure is activated, otherwise it is deactivated."; privilegedChannel ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX SDHRadioProtASN1.Privileged; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR privilegedChannelBeh; REGISTERED AS {g774-8Attribute 9 }; privilegedChannelBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute is used to indicate if the protected channel defined in the value of the attribute is permanently bridged in the TX side (in absence of any switching requests) to this protecting channel. A NULL value indicates that there is no bridge active."; radioProtectionStatus ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX SDHRadioProtASN1.RadioProtectionStatus; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR radioProtectionStatusBeh; REGISTERED AS {g774-8Attribute 10 } ; radioProtectionStatusBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute is used to indicate the status of the radio protection switching in a protectionUnit instance. The protectionUnitStatus sub-field contains information about the highest priority automatic switch request currently active on this protection unit instance together with the last operator switch command accepted (if any). The associatedChannel sub-field indicates with the value 'itself' that there is no switch performed. In case of switch presence, the fromPU value is used for a protecting unit to indicate the protected unit which has been switched from; the toPU value is used for a protected unit to indicate the protecting unit which has been switched to. The requestSource sub-field, when present, indicates if the switch request has been forwarded locally or remotely."; radioUnprotectedCTPId ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX SDHRadioProtASN1.NameType; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR radioUnprotectedCTPIdBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute is used as a RDN for naming instances of the radioUnprotectedCTP object classes.";; REGISTERED AS { g774-8Attribute 11 }; radioProtectedTTPId ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX SDHRadioProtASN1.NameType; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR radioProtectedTTPIdBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute is used as a RDN for naming instances of the radioProtectedTTP object classes.";; REGISTERED AS { g774-8Attribute 12 }; invokeRadioExercise ACTION BEHAVIOUR invokeRadioExerciseBeh ; MODE CONFIRMED ; WITH INFORMATION SYNTAX SDHRadioProtASN1.InvokeRadioExerciseArg ; WITH REPLY SYNTAX SDHRadioProtASN1.InvokeRadioExerciseReply ; REGISTERED AS { g774-8Action 1} ; invokeRadioExerciseBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The invokeRadioExercise action can be used to request a protection exercise routine to be performed on one or more protectionUnit instances contained in the protectionGroup object. The action argument contains indications of the protected and protecting protectionUnits to which the request applies. If a protecting protectionUnit is identified in the protectedUnit field or if a protected protectionUnit is identified in the protectingUnit field, the action fails. The protectionEntity field may be absent, indicating that the request applies to all contained protectionUnits. A single exercise consists in initiating a switching process without actually switching and, therefore, involves one protected and one protecting protectionUnit. For an exercised protected protectionUnit, the exercise result contains the list of each protecting protectionUnit to which the switching process has been applied together with the respective obtained result. For an exercised protecting protectionUnit, the exercise result contains the list of each protected protectionUnit to which the switching process has been applied together with the respective obtained result. While an exercise is in progress the value of the radioProtectionStatus attribute for both the involved protected and protecting units shall indicate No Request, on the contrary the exercise result will indicate a denied value."; radioProtectionStatusParameter PARAMETER CONTEXT EVENT-INFO; WITH SYNTAX SDHRadioProtASN1.RadioProtectionStatusParameter; BEHAVIOUR radioProtectionStatusParameterBeh; REGISTERED AS {g774-8Parameter 1 } ; radioProtectionStatusParameterBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This parameter is included in the additional info parameters of the protection switching reporting notification. The protectionSwitchReporting notification is emitted from the sdhRadioProtectionGroup object only in the following cases: a) when a failed protection switch request (an automatic request that cannot be satisfied) occurs and the severity of the alarm causing the request is highBER or signalFail. b) as a consequence of invoked or released switch requests sent by operator commands and successfully accepted. c) when a hardware forcing is performed or released locally on the NE. d) when a previously invoked manual switch is released by an automatic switch request."; augSink-msTcTTPSink NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS "Recommendation G.774":augSink AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS msTcTTPSink AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE "Recommendation G.774":augId ; BEHAVIOUR augSink-msTcTTPSinkBeh; REGISTERED AS {g774-8NameBinding 5 } ; augSink-msTcTTPSinkBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The subordinate managed objects are instantiated when the radio protection switching function is present."; augSource-msTcTTPSource NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS "Recommendation G.774":augSource AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS msTcTTPSource AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE "Recommendation G.774": augId ; BEHAVIOUR augSource-msTcTTPSourceBeh; REGISTERED AS {g774-8NameBinding 6 } ; augSource-msTcTTPSourceBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The subordinate managed objects are instantiated when the radio protection switching function is present."; msTcCTPSink-rsTTPSink NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS msTcCTPSink AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS "Recommendation G.774":rsTTPSink AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE "Recommendation G.774": msCTPId ; BEHAVIOUR msTcCTPSink-rsTTPSinkBeh; REGISTERED AS {g774-8NameBinding 7 } ; msTcCTPSink-rsTTPSinkBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The subordinate managed objects are instantiated when the radio protection switching function is present. Instances of this object may also be instantiated when other types of tandem connection protections in multiplex section layer are present."; msTcCTPSource-rsTTPSource NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS msTcCTPSource AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS "Recommendation G.774": rsTTPSource AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE "Recommendation G.774": msCTPId ; BEHAVIOUR msTcCTPSource-rsTTPSourceBeh; REGISTERED AS {g774-8NameBinding 8 } ; msTcCTPSource-rsTTPSourceBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The subordinate managed objects are instantiated when the radio protection switching function is present. Instances of this object may also be instantiated when other types of tandem connection protections in multiplex section layer are present."; msTcTTPSink-sdhNE NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS msTcTTPSink AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS "Recommendation G.774":sdhNE; WITH ATTRIBUTE "Recommendation G.774": msTTPId ; BEHAVIOUR msTcTTPSink-sdhNEBeh; REGISTERED AS {g774-8NameBinding 9 } ; msTcTTPSink-sdhNEBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The subordinate managed objects are instantiated when the radio protection switching function is present. Instances of this object may also be instantiated when other types of tandem connection protections in multiplex section layer are present."; msTcTTPSource-sdhNE NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS msTcTTPSource AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS "Recommendation G.774":sdhNE; WITH ATTRIBUTE "Recommendation G.774":msTTPId ; BEHAVIOUR msTcTTPSource-sdhNEBeh; REGISTERED AS {g774-8NameBinding 10 } ; msTcTTPSource-sdhNEBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The subordinate managed objects are instantiated when the radio protection switching function is present. Instances of this object may also be instantiated when other types of tandem connection protections in multiplex section layer are present."; vc4HopcTTPSink-sdhNE NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS vc4HopcTTPSink AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS "Recommendation G.774":sdhNE; WITH ATTRIBUTE "Recommendation G.774": vc4TTPId ; BEHAVIOUR vc4HopcTTPSink-sdhNEBeh; REGISTERED AS {g774-8NameBinding 11 } ; vc4HopcTTPSink-sdhNEBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The subordinate managed objects are instantiated when the radio protection switching function is present. Instances of this object may also be instantiated when other types of tandem connection protections in multiplex section layer are present."; vc4HopcTTPSource-sdhNE NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS vc4HopcTTPSource AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS "Recommendation G.774":sdhNE; WITH ATTRIBUTE "Recommendation G.774": vc4TTPId ; BEHAVIOUR vc4HopcTTPSource-sdhNEBeh; REGISTERED AS {g774-8NameBinding 12 } ; vc4HopcTTPSource-sdhNEBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The subordinate managed objects are instantiated when the radio protection switching function is present. Instances of this object may also be instantiated when other types of tandem connection protections in multiplex section layer are present."; au4HopcCTPSink-augSink NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS au4HopcCTPSink AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS "Recommendation G.774":augSink AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE "Recommendation G.774": au4CTPId ; BEHAVIOUR au4HopcCTPSink-augSinkBeh; REGISTERED AS {g774-8NameBinding 13 } ; au4HopcCTPSink-augSinkBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The subordinate managed objects are instantiated when the radio protection switching function is present. Instances of this object may also be instantiated when other types of tandem connection protections in multiplex section layer are present."; au4HopcCTPSource-augSource NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS au4HopcCTPSource AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS "Recommendation G.774":augSource AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE "Recommendation G.774": au4CTPId ; BEHAVIOUR au4HopcCTPSource-augSourceBeh; REGISTERED AS {g774-8NameBinding 14 } ; au4HopcCTPSource-augSourceBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The subordinate managed objects are instantiated when the radio protection switching function is present. Instances of this object may also be instantiated when other types of tandem connection protections in multiplex section layer are present."; -- ============================================================================= -- Formatted by OpenT2 Version on Fri Aug 20 11:20:49 2004