-- ============================================================================= -- GDMO definitions extracted from ITU-T Rec. G.774.5 (2001) -- ============================================================================= au4SupervisedCTPBidirectionalR1 MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM "Recommendation G.774":au4CTPBidirectionalR1, au4SupervisedCTPSinkR1, au4SupervisedCTPSource; CHARACTERIZED BY vc3-4SupervisionBidirectionalPackage; REGISTERED AS {g774-05MObjectClass 19 }; au4SupervisedCTPSinkR1 MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM "Recommendation G.774":au4CTPSinkR1; CHARACTERIZED BY vc3-4SupervisionSinkPackageR1; REGISTERED AS {g774-05MObjectClass 20 }; au4SupervisedCTPSource MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM "Recommendation G.774": au4CTPSource; CHARACTERIZED BY vc3-4SupervisionSourcePackage; REGISTERED AS {g774-05MObjectClass 3}; au3SupervisedCTPBidirectionalR1 MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM "Recommendation G.774":au3CTPBidirectionalR1, au3SupervisedCTPSinkR1, au3SupervisedCTPSource; CHARACTERIZED BY vc3-4SupervisionBidirectionalPackage; REGISTERED AS {g774-05MObjectClass 21 }; au3SupervisedCTPSinkR1 MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM "Recommendation G.774":au3CTPSinkR1; CHARACTERIZED BY vc3-4SupervisionSinkPackageR1; REGISTERED AS {g774-05MObjectClass 22 }; au3SupervisedCTPSource MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM "Recommendation G.774": au3CTPSource; CHARACTERIZED BY vc3-4SupervisionSourcePackage; REGISTERED AS {g774-05MObjectClass 6}; tu3SupervisedCTPBidirectionalR1 MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM "Recommendation G.774":tu3CTPBidirectionalR1, tu3SupervisedCTPSinkR1, tu3SupervisedCTPSource; CHARACTERIZED BY vc3-4SupervisionBidirectionalPackage; REGISTERED AS {g774-05MObjectClass 23 }; tu3SupervisedCTPSinkR1 MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM "Recommendation G.774":tu3CTPSinkR1; CHARACTERIZED BY vc3-4SupervisionSinkPackageR1; REGISTERED AS {g774-05MObjectClass 24 }; tu3SupervisedCTPSource MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM "Recommendation G.774": tu3CTPSource; CHARACTERIZED BY vc3-4SupervisionSourcePackage; REGISTERED AS {g774-05MObjectClass 9}; tu2SupervisedCTPBidirectionalR1 MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM "Recommendation G.774":tu2CTPBidirectionalR1, tu2SupervisedCTPSinkR1, tu2SupervisedCTPSource; CHARACTERIZED BY vc11-2SupervisionBidirectionalPackage; REGISTERED AS {g774-05MObjectClass 25 }; tu2SupervisedCTPSinkR1 MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM "Recommendation G.774":tu2CTPSinkR1; CHARACTERIZED BY vc11-2SupervisionSinkPackageR1; REGISTERED AS {g774-05MObjectClass 26 }; tu2SupervisedCTPSource MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM "Recommendation G.774": tu2CTPSource; CHARACTERIZED BY vc11-2SupervisionSourcePackage; REGISTERED AS {g774-05MObjectClass 12}; tu12SupervisedCTPBidirectionalR1 MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM "Recommendation G.774":tu12CTPBidirectionalR1, tu12SupervisedCTPSinkR1, tu12SupervisedCTPSource; CHARACTERIZED BY vc11-2SupervisionBidirectionalPackage; REGISTERED AS {g774-05MObjectClass 27 }; tu12SupervisedCTPSinkR1 MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM "Recommendation G.774":tu12CTPSinkR1; CHARACTERIZED BY vc11-2SupervisionSinkPackageR1; REGISTERED AS {g774-05MObjectClass 28 }; tu12SupervisedCTPSource MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM "Recommendation G.774": tu12CTPSource; CHARACTERIZED BY vc11-2SupervisionSourcePackage; REGISTERED AS {g774-05MObjectClass 15}; tu11SupervisedCTPBidirectionalR1 MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM "Recommendation G.774":tu11CTPBidirectionalR1, tu11SupervisedCTPSinkR1, tu11SupervisedCTPSource; CHARACTERIZED BY vc11-2SupervisionBidirectionalPackage; REGISTERED AS {g774-05MObjectClass 29 }; tu11SupervisedCTPSinkR1 MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM "Recommendation G.774":tu11CTPSinkR1; CHARACTERIZED BY vc11-2SupervisionSinkPackageR1; REGISTERED AS {g774-05MObjectClass 30 }; tu11SupervisedCTPSource MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM "Recommendation G.774": tu11CTPSource; CHARACTERIZED BY vc11-2SupervisionSourcePackage; REGISTERED AS {g774-05MObjectClass 18}; vc11-2SupervisionBidirectionalPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR vc11-2SupervisionBidirectionalPackageBehaviour; REGISTERED AS {g774-05Package 1}; vc11-2SupervisionBidirectionalPackageBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS * A communicationAlarm notification shall be issued if a far end receive failure (V5 Byte) is detected. The probableCause parameter of the notification shall indicate FERF (Far End Receive Failure). If monitoring is suspended due to monitorActive an existing far end receive failure is cleared and removed from the current problem list. If the (inherited) attributes monitorActive and generatorEnabled have the value TRUE and the upstreamConnectivityPointer has the value NULL (not connected), the originated supervisory unequipped VC can indicate in the V5 byte a far end receive failure according to the conditions given in the functional specification (Recommendation G.783: signal label mismatch, path trace mismatch, AIS or loss of pointer). *; vc11-2SupervisionSinkPackageR1 PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR vc11-2SupervisionSinkPackageR1Behaviour; ATTRIBUTES monitorActive GET-REPLACE, "Recommendation G.774": v5SignalLabelExpected GET-REPLACE, "Recommendation G.774": v5SignalLabelReceive GET, j2PathTraceExpected REPLACE-WITH-DEFAULT DEFAULT VALUE SDHCSASN1.defaultNull GET-REPLACE, j2PathTraceReceive GET; REGISTERED AS {g774-05Package 7 }; vc11-2SupervisionSinkPackageR1Behaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS *If a SDH-CTP has to be created and the underlying resource is able to provide connection supervision, a supervised CTP should be created. The attribute monitorActive of supervised CTPs does only influence the behaviour related to connection supervision. A SET-operation of monitorActive to TRUE may be rejected dependent from the dynamic situation of the specific network element. In case of rejection the "invalidAttributeValue" error should be returned. If the attribute monitorActive has the value TRUE, then the path overhead is monitored. A communicationAlarm notification shall be issued if the signal label received (V5 Byte) does not match the signal label expected. The probableCause parameter of the notification shall indicate signal label mismatch. A communicationAlarm notification shall be issued if the path trace received (J2 Byte) does not match the path trace expected. The probableCause parameter of the notification shall indicate path trace mismatch. If monitoring is suspended due to monitorActive, all outstanding alarms related to the connection supervision (see above) are cleared and removed from the current problem list. In this state the attributes v5SignalLabelReceive and j2PathTraceReceive may contain values which do not reflect the received signal and no alarms (see before) are emitted. If the attribute monitorActive has the value FALSE during a part of a PM period, the performance data is not reliable. This should be indicated by the attribute suspectIntervalFlag of a possibly contained currentData object. If the network element supports LCS with restricted capability, the local initial value of the attribute monitorActive should be FALSE. *; vc11-2SupervisionSourcePackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR vc11-2SupervisionSourcePackageBehaviour; ATTRIBUTES generatorEnabled GET-REPLACE, j2PathTraceSend GET-REPLACE; REGISTERED AS {g774-05Package 3}; vc11-2SupervisionSourcePackageBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS * If an SDH-CTP has to be created and the underlying resource is able to provide connection supervision, a supervised CTP should be created. The attribute generatorEnabled of supervised CTPs does only influence the behaviour related to connection supervision. A SET-operation of generatorEnabled to TRUE may be rejected dependent from the dynamic situation of the specific network element. In case of rejection, the "invalidAttributeValue" error should be returned. If the supervised CTP is not connected (the upstreamConnectivityPointer has the value NULL) and the attribute generatorEnabled has the value TRUE, then a supervisory unequipped signal with the current value of j2PathTraceSend is originated. If the supervised CTP is connected (the upstreamConnectivityPointer does not have the value NULL), this package does not influence the transmitted VC (independent from generatorEnabled). If the network element supports LCS with restricted capability, the local initial value of the attribute generatorEnabled should be FALSE. *; vc3-4SupervisionBidirectionalPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR vc3-4SupervisionBidirectionalPackageBehaviour; REGISTERED AS {g774-05Package 4}; vc3-4SupervisionBidirectionalPackageBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS * A communicationAlarm notification shall be issued if a far end receive failure (G1 Byte) is detected. The probableCause parameter of the notification shall indicate FERF (Far End Receive Failure). If monitoring is suspended due to monitorActive, an existing far end receive failure is cleared and removed from the current problem list. If the (inherited) attributes monitorActive and generatorEnabled have the value TRUE and the upstreamConnectivityPointer has the value NULL (not connected), the originated supervisory unequipped VC can indicate in the G1 byte a far end receive failure according to the conditions given in the functional specification (Recommendation G.783: signal label mismatch, path trace mismatch, AIS or loss of pointer). *; vc3-4SupervisionSinkPackageR1 PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR vc3-4SupervisionSinkPackageR1Behaviour; ATTRIBUTES monitorActive GET-REPLACE, "Recommendation G.774": c2SignalLabelExpected GET-REPLACE, "Recommendation G.774": c2SignalLabelReceive GET, "Recommendation G.774": j1PathTraceExpected REPLACE-WITH-DEFAULT DEFAULT VALUE SDHCSASN1.defaultNull GET-REPLACE, j1PathTraceReceive GET; REGISTERED AS {g774-05Package 8 }; vc3-4SupervisionSinkPackageR1Behaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS * If a SDH-CTP has to be created and the underlying resource is able to provide connection supervision, a supervised CTP should be created. The attribute monitorActive of supervised CTPs does only influence the behaviour related to connection supervision. A SET-operation of monitorActive to TRUE may be rejected dependent from the dynamic situation of the specific network element. In case of rejection the "invalidAttributeValue" error should be returned. If the attribute monitorActive has the value TRUE, then the path overhead is monitored. A communicationAlarm notification shall be issued if the signal label received (C2 Byte) does not match the signal label expected. The probableCause parameter of the notification shall indicate signal label mismatch. A communicationAlarm notification shall be issued if the path trace received (J1 Byte) does not match the path trace expected. The probableCause parameter of the notification shall indicate path trace mismatch. If monitoring is suspended due to the attribute monitorActive, all outstanding alarms related to the connection supervision (see above) are cleared and removed from the current problem list. In this state the attributes c2SignalLabelReceive and j1PathTraceReceive may contain values which do not reflect the received signal and no alarms (see before) are emitted. If the attribute monitorActive has the value FALSE during a part of a PM period, the performance data is not reliable. This should be indicated by the attribute suspectIntervalFlag of a possibly contained currentData object. If the network element supports HCS with restricted capability, the local initial value of the attribute monitorActive should be FALSE. *; vc3-4SupervisionSourcePackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR vc3-4SupervisionSourcePackageBehaviour; ATTRIBUTES generatorEnabled GET-REPLACE, j1PathTraceSend GET-REPLACE; REGISTERED AS {g774-05Package 6}; vc3-4SupervisionSourcePackageBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS * If an SDH-CTP has to be created and the underlying resource is able to provide connection supervision, a supervised CTP should be created. The attribute generatorEnabled of supervised CTPs does only influence the behaviour related to connection supervision. A SET-operation of generatorEnabled to TRUE may be rejected dependent from the dynamic situation of the specific network element. In case of rejection, the "invalidAttributeValue" error should be returned. If the supervised CTP is not connected (the upstreamConnectivityPointer has the value NULL) and the attribute generatorEnabled has the value TRUE, then a supervisory unequipped signal with the current value of j1PathTraceSend is originated. If the supervised CTP is connected (the upstreamConnectivityPointer does not have the value NULL), this package does not influence the transmitted VC (independent from generatorEnabled). If the network element supports HCS with restricted capability, the local initial value of the attribute generatorEnabled should be FALSE. *; generatorEnabled ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX SDHCSASN1.Boolean; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; REGISTERED AS {g774-05Attribute 1}; monitorActive ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX SDHCSASN1.Boolean; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; REGISTERED AS {g774-05Attribute 2}; j1PathTraceReceive ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX SDHCSASN1.PathTraceRS; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR j1PathTraceReceiveBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS * This attribute is used to indicate the value of the incoming J1 VC Path Trace byte message.*;; REGISTERED AS {g774-05Attribute 3}; j1PathTraceSend ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX SDHCSASN1.PathTraceRS; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR j1PathTraceSendBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS * This attribute is used to indicate the value of the outgoing J1 VC Path Trace byte message.*;; REGISTERED AS {g774-05Attribute 4}; j2PathTraceExpected ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX SDHCSASN1.PathTrace; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR j2PathTraceExpectedBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS * This attribute is used to specify the value of the expected J2 VC Path Trace byte message. If the value of this attribute is set to NULL then any Received Path Trace shall be considered to match.*;; REGISTERED AS {g774-05Attribute 5}; j2PathTraceReceive ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX SDHCSASN1.PathTraceRS; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR j2PathTraceReceiveBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS * This attribute is used to indicate the value of the incoming J2 VC Path Trace byte message.*;; REGISTERED AS {g774-05Attribute 6}; j2PathTraceSend ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX SDHCSASN1.PathTraceRS; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR j2PathTraceSendBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS * This attribute is used to indicate the value of the outgoing J2 VC Path Trace byte message.*;; REGISTERED AS {g774-05Attribute 7}; pathTerminationCurrentData-au4SupervisedCTPSinkR1 NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS "Recommendation G.774.01":pathTerminationCurrentData AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS au4SupervisedCTPSinkR1 AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE "Recommendation X.739":scannerId; CREATE WITH-REFERENCE-OBJECT, WITH-AUTOMATIC-INSTANCE-NAMING; DELETE DELETES-CONTAINED-OBJECTS; REGISTERED AS {g774-05NameBinding 7}; pathTerminationCurrentData-au3SupervisedCTPSinkR1 NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS "Recommendation G.774.01":pathTerminationCurrentData AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS au3SupervisedCTPSinkR1 AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE "Recommendation X.739": scannerId; CREATE WITH-REFERENCE-OBJECT, WITH-AUTOMATIC-INSTANCE-NAMING; DELETE DELETES-CONTAINED-OBJECTS; REGISTERED AS {g774-05NameBinding 8}; pathTerminationCurrentData-tu3SupervisedCTPSinkR1 NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS "Recommendation G.774.01":pathTerminationCurrentData AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS tu3SupervisedCTPSinkR1 AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE "Recommendation X.739": scannerId; CREATE WITH-REFERENCE-OBJECT, WITH-AUTOMATIC-INSTANCE-NAMING; DELETE DELETES-CONTAINED-OBJECTS; REGISTERED AS {g774-05NameBinding 9}; pathTerminationCurrentData-tu2SupervisedCTPSinkR1 NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS "Recommendation G.774.01":pathTerminationCurrentData AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS tu2SupervisedCTPSinkR1 AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE "Recommendation X.739": scannerId; CREATE WITH-REFERENCE-OBJECT, WITH-AUTOMATIC-INSTANCE-NAMING; DELETE DELETES-CONTAINED-OBJECTS; REGISTERED AS {g774-05NameBinding 10}; pathTerminationCurrentData-tu12SupervisedCTPSinkR1 NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS "Recommendation G.774.01":pathTerminationCurrentData AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS tu12SupervisedCTPSinkR1 AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE "Recommendation X.739": scannerId; CREATE WITH-REFERENCE-OBJECT, WITH-AUTOMATIC-INSTANCE-NAMING; DELETE DELETES-CONTAINED-OBJECTS; REGISTERED AS {g774-05NameBinding 11}; pathTerminationCurrentData-tu11SupervisedCTPSinkR1 NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS "Recommendation G.774.01":pathTerminationCurrentData AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS tu11SupervisedCTPSinkR1 AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE "Recommendation X.739": scannerId; CREATE WITH-REFERENCE-OBJECT, WITH-AUTOMATIC-INSTANCE-NAMING; DELETE DELETES-CONTAINED-OBJECTS; REGISTERED AS {g774-05NameBinding 12}; -- ============================================================================= -- Formatted by OpenT2 Version on Fri Aug 20 11:20:49 2004