-- ============================================================================= -- ITU-T Rec. G.774.10 (2001) -- ============================================================================= --<GDMO.Document "ITU-T Rec. G.774.10 (2001)">-- -- "Imported" Alises - references to other documents with non-standard names --<GDMO.Alias "ITU-T Rec. G.774 (2001)" -- "Recommendation G.774">-- --<GDMO.Alias "ITU-T Rec. G.774.3 (2001)" -- "Recommendation G.774-03">-- --<GDMO.Alias "ITU-T Rec. G.774.9 (2001)" -- "Recommendation G.774-09">-- --<GDMO.Alias "ITU-T Rec. M.3100 (1995)" -- "Recommendation M.3100:1995">-- auSquelchTable MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM "Recommendation X.721 | ISO/IEC 10165-2":top; CHARACTERIZED BY "Recommendation M.3100":attributeValueChangeNotificationPackage, auSquelchTablePkg PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR auSquelchTableBeh; ATTRIBUTES auNumber GET, auTable GET;;; REGISTERED AS {g774-10MObjectClass 1}; auSquelchTableBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This object class represents routing information to be used for squelching purposes. Each instance of this object identifies a single administrative unit (AU) in the NE for both the east and west sides of the NE."; msSPRProtectionGroup MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM "Recommendation G.774-03":protectionGroupR1; CHARACTERIZED BY "Recommendation G.774-03": protectionSwitchExercisePkg, msSPRProtectionGroupPkg PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR msSPRProtectionGroupBeh; ATTRIBUTES "Recommendation X.721":administrativeState GET-REPLACE, "Recommendation G.774-03":protectionGroupType PERMITTED VALUES SDHMSSPRASN1.MSSPRProtectionGroupType, "Recommendation G.774-03":revertive PERMITTED VALUES SDHMSSPRASN1.True; ACTIONS "Recommendation G.774-03":invokeProtection msSPRLockoutTypeParameter, "Recommendation G.774-03":releaseProtection msSPRLockoutTypeParameter; NOTIFICATIONS "Recommendation G.774-03":protectionSwitchReportingR1 msSPRProtectionStatusParameter;;; CONDITIONAL PACKAGES "Recommendation M.3100":tmnCommunicationsAlarmInformationPackage PRESENT IF "an instance supports reporting protection protocol failures via communicationsAlarms", "Recommendation M.3100":alarmSeverityAssignmentPointerPackage PRESENT IF "the tmnCommunicationsAlarmInformationPackage is present", wtrSpanPkg PRESENT IF "an instance represents a four fiber MS SPR with a single wait to restore time for both high-speed spans and the enhancedWtrSpanPkg is not present", enhancedWtrSpanPkg PRESENT IF "an instance represents a four fiber MS SPR with a separate wait to restore time for each high-speed span and the wtrSpanPkg is not present"; REGISTERED AS {g774-10MObjectClass 2}; msSPRProtectionGroupBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS *An msSPRProtectionGroup object instance contains four msSPRProtectionUnit objects to define a MS Shared Protection Ring (SPR) protection switching relationship for two or four fiber MS SPR architectures. If the ring has a four-fiber architecture, either the wtrSpanPkg or enhancedWtrSpanPkg must be present. The administrativeState attribute is used to manage the participation of the protection group in the APS protocol. This capability can be used to avoid spurious switches when a ring is being initialized or modified. When the administrativeState is unlocked, the protection group participates fully in the APS protocol. When the administrativeState is locked, the protection group does not respond to incoming switch requests (either via K-bytes or management request); the outgoing K-bytes shall be defaulted as specified in Recommendation G.841. When the administrativeState is set to shuttingDown, the protectionGroup shall transition to the locked administrativeState when all switches at the node have cleared (i.e. when no protected traffic is using protecting bandwidth). If the tmnCommunicationsAlarmPkg is present, a communicationsAlarm notification shall be issued if the protection architecture cannot write or detect and process the contents of the APS channel appropriately. The probableCause parameter of the notification shall indicate msSPRApsChannelProcessingFailure. If the tmnCommunicationsAlarmPkg is present, a communicationsAlarm notification shall be issued if APS trouble defects are declared in an. APS trouble defects include Default K Bytes, Inconsistent APS Codes, Node ID Mismatch, and Improper APS Codes. The probableCause parameter of the notification shall indicate msSPRDefaultKBytes, msSPRInconsistentApsCodes, msSPRNodeIdMismatch, or msSPRImproperApsCodes. The inherited protectionGroupType attribute shall always have the value "colon," since a two-fiber MS SPR represents a 1:1 protection scheme, and a four fiber MS SPR represents a 2:1 protection scheme. The inherited waitToRestoreTime attribute specifies the Wait To Restore (WTR) time for ring protection switches, since only ring switches are common to both two and four fiber MS SPRs. If the MS SPR is four fiber, the waitToRestoreTimeSpan attribute (in the wtrSpanPkg conditional package) or the enhancedWaitToRestoreTimeSpan attribute (in the enhancedWtrSpanPkg conditional package) specifies the WTR time for span switches. The inherited revertive attribute specifies shall always have the value "True", since MS SPRs are required to operate in the revertive mode. The invokeProtection action, which is inherited from the protectionGroupR1 object class, can be used to request a lockout (i.e., lockout of one or more protection units in a msSPRProtectionGroup), a forced switch (span or ring), or a manual switch (span or ring) on one or more msSPRProtectionUnit instances contained in the msSPRProtectionGroup object. The msSPRProtectionUnit instances involved in the protection switch must be indicated explicitly in the action argument. The releaseProtection action inherited from the protectionGroupR1 object class can be used to release a lockout (i.e., release lockout of one or more protection units in a msSPRProtectionGroup), a forced switch (span or ring), or a manual switch (span or ring) on one or more msSPRProtectionUnit instances contained in the msSPRProtectionGroup object. The msSPRProtectionUnit instances involved in the protection release must be indicated explicitly in the action argument. The invokeExercise action can be used to initiate an exercise (ring for two fiber, ring or span for four fiber). The msSPRProtectionUnit instances involved in the protection exercise must be indicated explicitly in the action argument. The protectionSwitchReportingR1 notification is emitted from the msSPRProtectionGroup object to report any protection switching events as described in the msSPRProtectionStatusParameter, such as a protection switch (forced (span or ring) switch, manual (span or ring) switch, or automatic (span or ring) switch), protection release (release of forced (span or ring) switch, manual (span or ring) switch, or automatic (span or ring) switch), lockout, or release of lockout. A change in the value of the administrativeState or operationalState shall cause a stateChange notification (inherited) to be emitted. A change in the value of the following attributes, provided the attribute is present in the managed object, and the attributeValueChange notification is supported, shall cause an attributeValueChange notification: waitToRestoreTime (inherited), waitToRestoreTimeSpan, enhancedWaitToRestoreTimeSpan.*; msSPRProtectionUnit MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM "Recommendation G.774-03":protectionUnit; CHARACTERIZED BY "Recommendation G.774-03":lastAttemptResultPkg, msSPRProtectionUnitPkg PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR msSPRProtectionUnitBeh; ATTRIBUTES "Recommendation G.774-03":reliableResourcePointer PERMITTED VALUES SDHMSSPRASN1.SDHMSResourcePointer GET, "Recommendation G.774-03":unreliableResourcePointer PERMITTED VALUES SDHMSSPRASN1.SDHMSResourcePointer GET, msSPRProtectionStatus GET, ringPU GET;;; CONDITIONAL PACKAGES fourFiberPUPkg PRESENT IF "an instance supports a four fiber MS SPR", "Recommendation G.774-03": extraTrafficControlPkg PRESENT IF "extra traffic may be suspended and resumed"; REGISTERED AS {g774-10MObjectClass 3}; msSPRProtectionUnitBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This object class is specific to MS Shared Protection Ring (SPR) protection systems. Instances of this object class represent a relationship between a protectedTTP and an unprotectedCTP. If this is a protecting protection unit, the reliableResourcePointer points to a protectedTTP for extra traffic or NULL if there is no extra traffic. When a SPR node enters the pass through state (either full or partial), the unprotectedCTP upstream and downstream connectivity pointers managed by the two protecting msSPRProtectionUnit protection units (on either side of the node) shall be updated to point to each other. The ringPU attribute points to the msSPRProtectionUnit that would be involved in a ring switch (or release), or the associated msSPRProtectionUnit on the other (or opposite) side of the SPR node. This attribute is applicable to both two and four fiber SPRs. The spanPU attribute (in the fourFiberPUPkg) points to the msSPRPotectionUnit that would be involved in a span switch (or release), or the associated msSPRPotectionUnit on the same side of the SPR node. This attribute is applicable only to four fiber SPRs."; nutTable MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM "Recommendation X.721 | ISO/IEC 10165-2":top; CHARACTERIZED BY "Recommendation M.3100":attributeValueChangeNotificationPackage, nutTablePkg PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR nutTableBeh; ATTRIBUTES nutTableId GET, nutChannelList GET-REPLACE ADD-REMOVE;;; REGISTERED AS {g774-10MObjectClass 4}; nutTableBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This object class contains information to identify the channels that have been provisioned for Non-preemptible Unprotected Traffic (NUT), and identifies which type of switching (span or ring) is prohibited by the NUT. In a 2-fiber ring, span switches are always unavailable, and the corresponding component of the syntax shall be absent. A change in the value of the nutChannelList attribute shall cause an attributeValueChange notification to be emitted."; ripTable MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM "Recommendation X.721 | ISO/IEC 10165-2":top; CHARACTERIZED BY "Recommendation M.3100":attributeValueChangeNotificationPackage, ripTablePkg PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR ripTableBeh; ATTRIBUTES ripTableId GET, ripChannelList GET; ACTIONS updateRipTable;;; REGISTERED AS {g774-10MObjectClass 5}; ripTableBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This object class represents the RIP table in a secondary interconnection node. This table indicates the protection channels that are used to carry secondary circuits in dual-homed interconnection schemes, and the primary node and terminating node for each of those channels. The table is updated as a result of the updateRipTable action. A change in the value of the ripChannelList shall cause an attributeValueChange notification to be emitted."; sdhMSSPRProtectionCoordinator MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM "Recommendation G.774-09":protectionCoordinator; CHARACTERIZED BY sdhMSSPRProtectionCoordinatorPkg PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR sdhMSSPRProtectionCoordinatorBeh; ACTIONS "Recommendation G.774-09":establishProtection msSPRProtectionGroupConfigParameter msSPRConfigurationError;;; CONDITIONAL PACKAGES changeSPRConfigurationPkg PRESENT IF "the network element supports modification of SPR configuration (number of fibers, NUT, RIP, extra traffic) without traffic disruption"; REGISTERED AS {g774-10MObjectClass 6}; sdhMSSPRProtectionCoordinatorBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This object class is used specifically to configure SDH MSSPR protection schemes. Only one instance can be created in one NE. When the establishProtection action is successfully performed, the following objects are created: one msSPRProtectionGroup instance, 4 msSPRProtectionUnit instances, one sPRingManager instance, and one squelchTable instance are created as specified by the action information. If appropriate, an instance of nutTable and/or ripTable is also created. The unreliableResourcePointer of each msSPRProtectionUnit will point to the unprotectedCTP indicated by the unreliableObjects field of the action information. The reliableResourcePointer will point to the protectedTTP connected to the unprotectedCTP, unless the protectionUnit is protecting and extra traffic is not required or not supported (in this case the reliableResourcePointer is NULL). Since the protectionGroupType of msSPRProtectionGroup is always 'colon', the protectionGroupType field of the argument of the establishProtection action shall always be 'colon' or not present in the argument. Since the MS-SPR protection scheme is always revertive, the revertive field os the establishProtection action shall always be true; the waitToRestoreTime field shall specify the wait to restore time for ring switches. The priority field of the argument of the establishProtection action shall not be present in the argument. Additional information specific to the MS SPR is conveyed via the parameters attached to the establishProtection action. To avoid spurious protection switches, the msSPRProtectionGroup is created with the administrativeState set to locked. UnprotectedCTPs and protectedTTPs are always instantiated for multiplex sections that can potentially be included in a protection group irrespective of whether protection is actually present or not. When a section is not part of a protection group, the crossConnectionObjectPointer of the unprotectedCTP and protectedTTP point to the managedElement. When protection is established, the crossConnectionObjectPointer points to the assocaited msSPRProtectionUnit. When it is possible, unprotectedCTPs and protectedTTPs may be created/deleted as a result of the establish/dismiss actions. Deletion of msSPR protection schemes is accomplished via the dismissProtection action. When this action is successfully performed the sPRingManager and all associated objects are deleted. The changeSPRConfiguration action is used to migrate between two fiber and four fiber configurations, or to add or remove NUT or RIP capability, without deleting all the other objects associated with the protection scheme. The result of this action is that the protection group and associated units are deleted and recreated with the appropriate conditional packages present."; sPRingManager MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM "Recommendation X.721 | ISO/IEC 10165-2":top; CHARACTERIZED BY "Recommendation M.3100":attributeValueChangeNotificationPackage, "Recommendation M.3100":createDeleteNotificationsPackage, sPRingManagerPkg PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR sPRingManagerBeh; ATTRIBUTES sPRingManagerId GET, directionTable GET, nodeNumber GET, protectionGroupPointer GET, ringId GET-REPLACE, ringMap GET, sPRingApplication GET;;; CONDITIONAL PACKAGES manualSPRConfigurationPkg PRESENT IF "the direction table, node number, and ring map can be modified by a manager", restoreExtraTrafficPkg PRESENT IF "configuration of extra traffic restoration is supported"; REGISTERED AS {g774-10MObjectClass 7}; sPRingManagerBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This object class is used to characterize a single shared protection ring, providing a pointer to the msSPRProtectionGroup object, and containing instances of any other objects needed to support the ring (e.g. nutTable, ripTable, squelchTable). The directionTable attribute identifies the TTPs on the east and west sides of the node over the relevant ring. This table is used to assist in populating the squelchTable. The nodeNumber attribute indicates the node number within the ring for this node. The ringMap attribute indicates the sequence of nodes around the ring. The ringId provides an identifier that should be provisioned with the same value in each node on the ring. The sPRingApplication attribute indicates whether the ring operates in classic mode or transoceanic mode. A change in the value of the following attributes shall cause an attributeValueChange notification to be emitted: directionTable, nodeNumber, ringId, ringMap."; squelchTable MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM "Recommendation X.721 | ISO/IEC 10165-2":top; CHARACTERIZED BY "Recommendation M.3100":attributeValueChangeNotificationPackage, "Recommendation M.3100":createDeleteNotificationsPackage, squelchTablePkg PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR squelchTableBeh; ATTRIBUTES squelchTableId GET, currentSquelchingList GET; ACTIONS updateSquelchTable;;; REGISTERED AS {g774-10MObjectClass 8}; squelchTableBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This object class serves as the head of the naming tree for each entry in the squelch table. Entries are managed as separate objects; the contents of these objects can be modified using the updateSquelchTable action. The currentSquelchingList holds information regarding which channels are currently being squelched. A change in the value of the currentSquelchingList attribute shall case an attributeValueChange notification to be emitted."; changeSPRConfigurationPkg PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR changeSPRConfigurationPkgBeh; ACTIONS changeSPRConfiguration; REGISTERED AS {g774-10Package 1}; changeSPRConfigurationPkgBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This package provides an action that allows the manager to make changes to the SPR functions without disruption of existing service (provided that the requested changes are compatible with the existing service). The allowable changes are: migration from two-fiber to four-fiber operation and vice versa; enabling and disabling non-user preemptible traffic; enabling and disabling ring interworking on protection; and enabling and disabling extra traffic."; enhancedWtrSpanPkg PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR enhancedWtrSpanPkgBeh; ATTRIBUTES enhancedWaitToRestoreTimeSpan GET-REPLACE; REGISTERED AS {g774-10Package 2}; enhancedWtrSpanPkgBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This package provides additional information necessary to support four fiber MS SPR protection architectures with separate wait to restore times for each span. The enhancedWaitToRestoreTimeSpan attribute specifies the wait to restore time for a span switch for each span. A change in the value of the enhancedWaitToRestoreTimeSpan attribute shall cause an attributeValueChange notification to be emitted."; fourFiberPUPkg PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR fourFiberPUPkgBeh; ATTRIBUTES spanPU GET; REGISTERED AS {g774-10Package 3}; fourFiberPUPkgBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This package provides additional information necessary to support four fiber MS SPR protection architectures. The spanPU attribute in this package indicates which corresponding protection unit in the protection group will be involved in a span switch or span switch release. "; manualSPRConfigurationPkg PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR manualSPRConfigurationPkgBeh; ATTRIBUTES directionTable GET-REPLACE, nodeNumber GET-REPLACE, ringMap GET-REPLACE; REGISTERED AS {g774-10Package 4}; manualSPRConfigurationPkgBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This package provides the ability to configure the values of the directionTable, nodeNumber, and ringMap attributes. It is used when autodiscovery of this information is not supported."; restoreExtraTrafficPkg PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR restoreExtraTrafficPkgBeh; ATTRIBUTES restoreExtraTraffic DEFAULT VALUE SDHMSSPRASN1.booleanTrueDefault GET-REPLACE; REGISTERED AS {g774-10Package 5}; restoreExtraTrafficPkgBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The restoreExtraTraffic attribute indicates whether extra traffic is to be automatically re-established after the completion of a normal protection switching session (i.e. after traffic is restored on the protected facility). The value TRUE indicates that the automatic restoration should occur."; wtrSpanPkg PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR wtrSpanPkgBeh; ATTRIBUTES waitToRestoreTimeSpan GET-REPLACE; REGISTERED AS {g774-10Package 6}; wtrSpanPkgBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This package provides additional information necessary to support four fiber MS SPR protection architectures with a single wait to restore time for both high-speed spans. The waitToRestoreTimeSpan attribute specifies the wait to restore time for a span switch. A change in the value of the waitToRestoreSpan attribute shall cause an attributeValueChange notification to be emitted."; auTable ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX SDHMSSPRASN1.SquelchTableEntry; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR auTableBeh; REGISTERED AS {g774-10Attribute 1}; auTableBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS *This attribute specifies the current squelch table for an individual AU. The value of this attribute is updated automatically as a result of the updateSquelchTable action. The table is divided into East and West, which can be determined by referencing the directionTable attribute of the sPRingManager object. The aNode and zNode fields indicate the source and destination of the circuit, respectively (or NULL if no circuit using the channel in that direction). If an AU is part of a contiguously concatenated signal, but is not the first AU in that concatenated signal, it shall still be represented in the AU Squelch Table. The information for all of the concatenated channels shall be the same, with the exception of the "concatenated" field; the first channel shall indicate the number of concatenated AU channels, while all others simply indicate that they are concatenated to a previous channel.*; auNumber ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX SDHMSSPRASN1.NameType; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, ORDERING; BEHAVIOUR auNumberBeh; REGISTERED AS {g774-10Attribute 2}; auNumberBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The auNumber attribute is an attribute type whose distinguished value can be used as an RDN when naming an instance of the auSquelchTable managed object class. This attribute identifies the AU number of the working AU in an STM-N system. The value shall be the integer that represents the position of the AU in temporal order. The first AU shall be numbered one. If M working AUs are available, the range of possible values for this shall attribute be 1 through M."; currentSquelchingList ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX SDHMSSPRASN1.CurrentSquelchingList; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, SET-COMPARISON, SET-INTERSECTION; BEHAVIOUR currentSquelchingListBeh; REGISTERED AS {g774-10Attribute 3}; currentSquelchingListBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute contains a list of termination points and their associated cross-connection objects that are currently being squelched. If the AU is not cross-connected (i.e. hardwired), the cross-connection object choice is not used. "; directionTable ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX SDHMSSPRASN1.DirectionTable; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR directionTableBeh; REGISTERED AS {g774-10Attribute 4}; directionTableBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute specifies the direction table. It specifies msTTP object instances for both the East and West high speed sides of the sdhNE. East implies the side of the network element that is associated with the direction of the (n+1)th node in the ring indicated in the sequence of the ring map; West implies the side of the network element that is associated with the direction of the (n-1)th node in the ring indicated in the sequence of the ring map, where the nth node is the node in which the table resides. Note that n-1 and n+1 indicate the element in the sequence, not the actual number of the node. The last node in the sequence is the (n-1)th node of the first node in the sequence. Likewise, the first node in the sequence is the (n+1)th node to the last node in the sequence. "; enhancedWaitToRestoreTimeSpan ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX SDHMSSPRASN1.EnhancedWaitToRestoreSpan; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR enhancedWaitToRestoreTimeSpanBeh; REGISTERED AS {g774-10Attribute 5}; enhancedWaitToRestoreTimeSpanBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute indicates the wait to restore time, in seconds, for a span switch. The value is specified separately for the east and west spans."; msSPRProtectionStatus ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX SDHMSSPRASN1.MSSPRProtectionStatus; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, SET-COMPARISON, SET-INTERSECTION; BEHAVIOUR msSPRProtectionStatusBeh; REGISTERED AS {g774-10Attribute 6}; msSPRProtectionStatusBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute is used to indicate the status of the MS SPR protection switch in a msSPRProtectionUnit object instance. This attribute is set-valued because some requests are allowed to be pending. The following rule shall be followed: only one of the values lockout, forcedSwitch (span or ring), or manualSwitch (span or ring) can be present at the same time, either local or remote. It is also possible to have two or more pending automatic switch (span or ring) requests. The msSPRProtectionStatus attribute of a msSPRProtectionUnit that provides protection is used to hold the protection request that is actually performed on that msSPRProtectionUnit. The following is a list of all the possible status values of the msSPRProtectionStatus attribute for a protected msSPRProtectionUnit object instance: - No Request: No switch request is present on the unit. - Manual Ring Switch to Protecting Complete: The unit has completed a manual ring switch. - Manual Span Switch to Protecting Complete: The unit has completed a manual span switch (Four-Fiber Rings only). - Release failed: A switch has been released or pre-empted and a time-out occurs while waiting for a release of associated bridges, or the near-end switch. - Automatic Ring Switch (SF) Pending: The unit has a Signal Fail condition present and the protecting unit for a ring switch is unavailable. - Automatic Ring Switch (SD) Pending: The unit has a Signal Degrade condition present and the protecting unit for a ring switch is unavailable. - Automatic Ring Switch (SF) Complete: The unit has completed an automatic ring switch to the protecting unit due to a Signal Fail condition. - Automatic Span Switch (SF) Complete: The unit has completed an automatic span switch to the protecting unit due to a Signal Fail condition. - Automatic Ring Switch (SD) Complete: The unit has completed an automatic ring switch to the protecting unit due to a Signal Degrade condition. - Automatic Span Switch (SD) Complete: The unit has completed an automatic span switch to the protecting unit due to a Signal Degrade condition. - Automatic Ring Switch (SF) Present, Operate Failed: An automatic ring switch (due to a Signal Fail condition) request is in progress and a time-out occurs while waiting for completion. - Automatic Span Switch (SF) Present, Operate Failed: An automatic span switch (due to a Signal Fail condition) request is in progress and a time-out occurs while waiting for completion (Four-Fiber Ring only). - Automatic Ring Switch (SD) Present, Operate Failed: An automatic ring switch (due to a Signal Degrade condition) request is in progress and a time-out occurs while waiting for completion. - Automatic Span Switch (SD) Present, Operate Failed: An automatic span switch (due to a Signal Degrade condition) request is in progress and a time-out occurs while waiting for completion (Four-Fiber Ring only). - Force Ring Switch Complete, Automatic Ring Switch (SF) Pending: The unit has completed a Force ring switch. Additionally, the unit has an automatic ring switch (SF) pending. - Force Ring Switch Complete, Automatic Span Switch (SF) Pending: The unit has completed a Force ring switch. Additionally, the unit has an automatic span switch (SF) pending (Four-Fiber Ring only). - Force Span Switch Complete, Automatic Ring Switch (SF) Pending: The unit has completed a Force span switch. Additionally, the unit has an automatic ring switch (SF) pending (Four- Fiber Ring only). - Force Span Switch Complete, Automatic Span Switch (SF) Pending: The unit has completed a Force span switch. Additionally, the unit has an automatic span switch (SF) pending (Four-Fiber Ring only). - Force Ring Switch Complete, Automatic Ring Switch (SD) Pending: The unit has completed a Force ring switch. Additionally, the unit has an automatic ring switch (SD) pending. - Force Ring Switch Complete, Automatic Span Switch (SD) Pending: The unit has completed a Force ring switch. Additionally, the unit has an automatic span switch (SD) pending (Four-Fiber Ring only). - Force Span Switch Complete, Automatic Ring Switch (SD) Pending: The unit has completed a Force span switch. Additionally, the unit has an automatic ring switch (SD) pending (Four-Fiber Ring only). - Force Span Switch Complete, Automatic Span Switch (SD) Pending: The unit has completed a Force span switch. Additionally, the unit has an automatic span switch (SD) pending (Four-Fiber Ring only). - Automatic Ring Switch Complete, Wait-to-Restore: The unit has completed an automatic ring switch to the protecting unit, and has entered the wait to restore state. - Automatic Span Switch Complete, Wait-to-Restore: The unit has completed an automatic span switch to the protecting unit (Four-Fiber Ring only), and has entered the wait to restore state. - Force Ring Switch complete: The unit has completed a Force ring switch to the protecting unit. - Force Span Switch complete: The unit has completed a Force span switch to the protecting unit (Four-Fiber Ring only). - Protected Unit Lockout Completed: The unit has been locked out from the protecting unit. - Protected Unit Lockout Complete, Operate Failed: The unit has been locked out from the protecting unit, and, the previously completed switch could not be released within the expected time-out. When the switch is released, the operate failed status is removed. The following allowable msSPRProtectionStatus values are associated with each protecting unit: - No Request: No switch request is present on the unit. - Manual Ring Switch to Protecting Complete: The protected unit has completed a manual ring switch. - Manual Span Switch to Protecting Complete: The protected unit has completed a manual span switch (Four-Fiber Rings only). - Automatic Ring Switch (SF) Complete to Protecting Unit: The protected unit has completed an automatic ring switch to the protecting unit due to a Signal Fail condition. - Automatic Span Switch (SF) Complete to Protecting Unit: The protected unit has completed an automatic span switch to the protecting unit due to a Signal Fail condition (Four-Fiber Ring only). - Automatic Ring Switch (SD) Complete to Protecting Unit: The protected unit has completed an automatic ring switch to the protecting unit due to a Signal Degrade condition. - Automatic Span Switch (SD) Complete to Protecting Unit: The protected unit has completed an automatic span switch to the protecting unit due to a Signal Degrade condition (Four-Fiber Ring only). - Automatic Ring Switch Complete (SF) to Protecting Unit, Protecting Unit Signal Degraded: The protected unit has completed an automatic ring switch to the protecting unit. Additionally, the protecting unit has a Signal Degrade condition present. - Automatic Span Switch Complete (SF) to Protecting Unit, Protecting Unit Signal Degraded: The protected unit has completed an automatic span switch to the protecting unit. Additionally, the protecting unit has a Signal Degrade condition present (Four-Fiber Ring only). - Automatic Ring Switch Complete (SD) to Protecting Unit, Protecting Unit Signal Degraded: The protected unit has completed an automatic ring switch to the protecting unit. Additionally, the protecting unit has a Signal Degrade condition present. - Automatic Span Switch Complete (SD) to Protecting Unit, Protecting Unit Signal Degraded: The protected unit has completed an automatic span switch to the protecting unit. Additionally, the protecting unit has a Signal Degrade condition present (Four-Fiber Ring only). - Protecting Unit Full Pass-through: The protecting unit is in full pass-through mode as a result of a ring switch elsewhere in the ring. - Protecting Unit K-byte Pass-through: The protecting unit is in K-byte pass-through mode as a result of span switches elsewhere in the ring. - Protecting Unit SD Present: The protecting unit has a Signal Degrade condition present. This state may also be a result improper or inconsistent APS code, default K-Bytes, or node ID mismatch. - Protecting Unit SF Present: The protecting unit has a Signal Fail condition present. This state may also be a result improper or inconsistent APS code, default K-Bytes, or node ID mismatch. - Force Ring Switch Complete to Protecting Unit: The protected unit has completed a Force ring switch to the protecting unit. - Force Span Switch Complete to Protecting Unit: The protected unit has completed a Force span switch to the protecting unit (Four-Fiber Ring only). - Force Ring Switch Complete to Protecting Unit, SD Present on Protecting Unit: The protected unit has completed a Force ring switch to the protecting unit. Additionally, there is a Signal Degrade present on the protecting unit. - Force Span Switch Complete to Protecting Unit, SD Present on Protecting Unit: The protected unit has completed a Force span switch to the protecting unit. Additionally, there is a Signal Degrade present on the protecting unit (Four-Fiber Ring only). - Protecting Unit Locked Out: The protecting unit has been locked out. - Protecting Unit Locked Out, Release failed: A release of a lockout is in progress and a time-out occurs waiting for the lockout condition to clear. "; nodeNumber ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX SDHMSSPRASN1.NodeNumber; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, ORDERING; BEHAVIOUR nodeNumberBeh; REGISTERED AS {g774-10Attribute 7}; nodeNumberBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute contains the node identifier. It is an integer with value ranging from 0 to 15. "; nutChannelList ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX SDHMSSPRASN1.NutChannelList; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, SET-COMPARISON, SET-INTERSECTION; BEHAVIOUR nutChannelListBeh; REGISTERED AS {g774-10Attribute 8}; nutChannelListBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute identifies the channels that have been provisioned for non-preemptible unprotected traffic. The NUT function can be provisioned separately for ring and span switches, and can be provisioned for protected channels only, or for both protected and protecting channels."; nutTableId ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX SDHMSSPRASN1.NameType; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR nutTableIdBeh; REGISTERED AS {g774-10Attribute 9}; nutTableIdBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The nutTableId attribute is an attribute type whose distinguished value can be used as an RDN when naming an instance of the nutTable managed object class."; protectionGroupPointer ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX SDHMSSPRASN1.NameType; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; REGISTERED AS {g774-10Attribute 10}; restoreExtraTraffic ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX SDHMSSPRASN1.BooleanType; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR restoreExtraTrafficBeh; REGISTERED AS {g774-10Attribute 11}; restoreExtraTrafficBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute indicates whether extra traffic will be restored immediately when a switch to protection is cleared."; ringId ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX SDHMSSPRASN1.RingId; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR ringIdBeh; REGISTERED AS {g774-10Attribute 12}; ringIdBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute used for identifying the MS SPR protection ring associated with the NE. All NEs of the same protection ring shall have the same ringId value for the associated ringMap. "; ringMap ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX SDHMSSPRASN1.Map; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR ringMapBeh; REGISTERED AS {g774-10Attribute 13}; ringMapBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute contains ring map information. "; ringPU ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX SDHMSSPRASN1.RelativeDistinguishedName; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR ringPUBeh; REGISTERED AS {g774-10Attribute 14}; ringPUBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute identifies which protection unit will be associated with a ring switch or ring switch release in a MS SPR architecture. "; ripChannelList ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX SDHMSSPRASN1.RipChannelList; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, SET-COMPARISON, SET-INTERSECTION; BEHAVIOUR ripChannelListBeh; REGISTERED AS {g774-10Attribute 15}; ripChannelListBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The ripChannelList identifies the protection channels that are being used for RIP circuits. It also identifies the primary interconnection node and terminating node for each RIP circuit."; ripTableId ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX SDHMSSPRASN1.NameType; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR ripTableIdBeh; REGISTERED AS {g774-10Attribute 16}; ripTableIdBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The ripTableId attribute is an attribute type whose distinguished value can be used as an RDN when naming an instance of the ripTable managed object class."; spanPU ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX SDHMSSPRASN1.RelativeDistinguishedName; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR spanPUBeh; REGISTERED AS {g774-10Attribute 17}; spanPUBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute identifies which protection unit will be associated with a span switch or span switch release in a MS SPR architecture."; sPRingApplication ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX SDHMSSPRASN1.SPRingApplication; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR sPRingApplicationBeh; REGISTERED AS {g774-10Attribute 18}; sPRingApplicationBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute indicates the application of the SPR scheme. This determines how the ring responds to failures. Possible values are classic or transoceanic."; sPRingManagerId ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX SDHMSSPRASN1.NameType; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, ORDERING, SUBSTRINGS; BEHAVIOUR sPRingCoordinatorIdBeh; REGISTERED AS {g774-10Attribute 19}; sPRingCoordinatorIdBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute used for naming instances of the sPRingManager object class. If the string choice of the syntax is used, then matching on substrings is permitted. If the number choice of the syntax is used, then matching on ordering is permitted."; squelchTableId ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX SDHMSSPRASN1.NameType; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, ORDERING, SUBSTRINGS; BEHAVIOUR squelchTableIdBeh; REGISTERED AS {g774-10Attribute 20}; squelchTableIdBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute is used for naming instances of the squelchTable object class. If the string choice of the syntax is used, then matching on substrings is permitted. If the number choice of the syntax is used, then matching on ordering is permitted. "; waitToRestoreTimeSpan ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX SDHMSSPRASN1.WaitToRestoreSpan; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, ORDERING; BEHAVIOUR waitToRestoreTimeSpanBeh; REGISTERED AS {g774-10Attribute 21}; waitToRestoreTimeSpanBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute specifies the amount of time, in seconds, to wait after a fault that caused a span switch in a four fiber MS SPR clears before restoring traffic to the protected protection unit that initiated the switching."; changeSPRConfiguration ACTION BEHAVIOUR changeSPRConfigurationBeh; MODE CONFIRMED; PARAMETERS msSPRConfigurationError, "Recommendation G.774-09":removeProtectionError; WITH INFORMATION SYNTAX SDHMSSPRASN1.ChangeSPRConfigInfo; REGISTERED AS {g774-10Action 1}; changeSPRConfigurationBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This action is used to change the following aspects of the configuration of a shared protection ring: Two fiber to four fiber and vice versa. For four fiber configurations, there is additionally a choice between normal mode (single wait to restore time for both spans) and enhanced mode (separate wait to restore time for east and west spans). Enable or disable extra traffic Enable or disable Non-preemptible Unprotected Traffic (NUT) Enable or disable Ring Interworking on Protection (RIP) When the action is successfully performed, and either the number of fibers or the extra traffic configuration is changed, the existing protection group and contained protection units are deleted, and then recreated with the appropriate conditional packages present. No other objects related to the SPR or the traffic it carries are disturbed by this process. When the action is successfully performed, and the NUT or RIP configuration is changed, a nutTable and/or ripTable managed object instance is created or deleted as appropriate. No other objects related to the SPR or the traffic it carries are disturbed by this process. This action fails if the requested configuration is not supported by the network element or is otherwise invalid."; updateRipTable ACTION BEHAVIOUR updateRipTableBeh; MODE CONFIRMED; WITH INFORMATION SYNTAX SDHMSSPRASN1.UpdateRIPTableInfo; WITH REPLY SYNTAX SDHMSSPRASN1.UpdateRIPTableReply; REGISTERED AS {g774-10Action 2}; updateRipTableBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This action provides the means for updating the contents of the Ring Interworking on Protection (RIP) information in a node. The update fails if the primary or terminating node is not in the ringMap, or if the channel is not available for RIP (e.g. because it has already been provisioned for NUT)."; updateSquelchTable ACTION BEHAVIOUR updateSquelchTableBeh; MODE CONFIRMED; WITH INFORMATION SYNTAX SDHMSSPRASN1.UpdateSquelchTableInfo; WITH REPLY SYNTAX SDHMSSPRASN1.UpdateSquelchTableReply; REGISTERED AS {g774-10Action 3}; updateSquelchTableBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This action provides the means for updating the contents of the squelch information in a node. An update fails if the aNode or zNode is not in the ringMap, if the network element does not support the loAccess configuration requested, or if the squelching information for the channel cannot be configured as requested because the channel is concatenated to another channel."; msSPRConfigurationError PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX SDHMSSPRASN1.MSSPRConfigurationError; BEHAVIOUR msSPRConfigurationErrorBeh; REGISTERED AS {g774-10Parameter 1}; msSPRConfigurationErrorBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This parameter is included in the error parameter of the CMIP APDU when the establishProtection or changeSPRConfiguration action fails due to an error that is specific to MS-SPR configuration."; msSPRLockoutTypeParameter PARAMETER CONTEXT ACTION-INFO; WITH SYNTAX SDHMSSPRASN1.RingOrSpan; BEHAVIOUR msSPRLockoutTypeBeh; REGISTERED AS {g774-10Parameter 2}; msSPRLockoutTypeBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This parameter is used in the management extension field of the invokeProtection and releaseProtection actions to define whether a lockout applies to ring switching or span switching."; msSPRProtectionGroupConfigParameter PARAMETER CONTEXT ACTION-INFO; WITH SYNTAX SDHMSSPRASN1.MSSPRProtectionGroupConfigInfo; BEHAVIOUR msSPRProtectionGroupConfigBeh; REGISTERED AS {g774-10Parameter 3}; msSPRProtectionGroupConfigBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This parameter is used in the specificPGConfiguration field of the establishProtection action received by the sdhMSSPRProtectionCoordinator object when the establishment of a msSPRProtectionGroup is requested by the management system. The information in this parameter is used for provisioning the msSPRProtectionGroup and sPRingManager objects. The fields of the information syntax are use as follows: The directionTable information is used to initialize the directionTable attribute of the sPRingManager. The directionTable information is used in conjunction with the protectionUnits information in the establishProtection action information syntax to determine the value of the spanPU and ringPU attributes of the subordinate protectionUnits. The extraTrafficConfig information, if present, is used to determine which conditional packages are included in the msSPRProtectionGroup. If this field is absent, extra traffic is not supported. The nutConfig information, if present, is used to determine if NUT is supported. If the nutChannelList is present, an instance of nutTable is also created under the sPRingManager and populated with the information from this field. The nodeNumber and ringMap fields are used to populate the nodeNumber and ringMap attributes, respectively, of the sPRingManager. If the node does not support manual configuration of this data, the nodeNumber field shall be NULL and the ringMap field shall be absent. The ringId field is used to populate the ringId attribute of the sPRingManager. The ringType field is used to set the sPRingApplication attribute of the sPRingManager, and to control instantiation of the spanSwitchPkg and enhancedSpanSwitchPkg in the msSPRProtectionGroup, and the fourFiberPU package in the msSPRProtectionUnit. This field also provides the initial values for the span wait to restore attributes. The ripConfig field, if present, indicates if RIP is supported. If the ripChannelList is present an instance of ripTable is also created under the sPRingManager and populated with the information from this field."; msSPRProtectionStatusParameter PARAMETER CONTEXT EVENT-INFO; WITH SYNTAX SDHMSSPRASN1.MSSPRProtectionStatusParameter; BEHAVIOUR msSPRProtectionStatusParameterBeh; REGISTERED AS {g774-10Parameter 4}; msSPRProtectionStatusParameterBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This parameter is included in the additional information field of the protection switch reporting notification. It includes a set of all changed protection status values and the associated protection units. This notification is sent by the protection group according to the following rules. There are several cases: The switch from protected to protecting or protecting to protected has been done without preempting an existing switch. In this case the old and new values of the Protection Status attribute of the protecting protection unit shall be reported in the notification by means of the oldProtectionStatus and newProtectionStatus parameters respectively. A switch is performed by preempting an existing one. In this case the old and new values of the Protection Status attribute of the protecting protection unit shall be reported in the notification by means of the oldProtectionStatus and newProtectionStatus parameters respectively. An auto-switch condition exists on a protection unit, but the auto-switch cannot be served due to the unavailability of the protection unit that otherwise protects it. In this case, the oldProtectionStatus and newProtectionStatus parameters refer to the protection status attribute value of the protection unit on which the auto-switch condition arises. The exception is when the protection unit is already forced or locked out, in which case no notification is sent. A protected protection unit has been locked out or released from lockout without modifying any existing switch. In this case the oldProtectionStatus and newProtectionStatus parameters refer to the protection status attribute value of the protected protection unit which has been locked out. A protecting protection unit has been locked out or released from lockout without modifying the existing switch. In this case the oldProtectionStatus and newProtectionStatus parameters refer to the protection status attribute value of the protecting protection unit which has been locked out. A protecting protection unit has move to or from the full passthrough or K-byte passthrough state. In this case the oldProtectionStatus and newProtectionStatus parameters refer to the protection status attribute value of the protecting protection unit that has changed state. The protectionSwitchReportingR1 is not sent when the automatic switch condition is toggling between SD, SF and WTR condition. While in the lockout of forced switch state, no notification is sent except for ending of release failure."; auSquelchTable-squelchTable NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS auSquelchTable AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS squelchTable AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE auNumber; BEHAVIOUR auSquelchTable-squelchTableBeh; REGISTERED AS {g774-10NameBinding 1}; auSquelchTable-squelchTableBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "An instance of subordinate object class is automatically instantiated as a result of the initial provisioning of squelching information for an AU channel via the updateSquelchTable action. "; nutTable-sPRingManager NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS nutTable AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS sPRingManager AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE nutTableId; BEHAVIOUR nutTable-sPRingManagerBeh; REGISTERED AS {g774-10NameBinding 2}; nutTable-sPRingManagerBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "An instance of the subordinate object class is automatically instantiated when an MS SPR that supports NUT is established, or when the configuration of an existing MS SPR is modified to support NUT. The subordinate object class is deleted when the MS SPR is dismissed, or when the configuration is modified such that the MS SPR no longer supports NUT."; ripTable-sPRingManager NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS ripTable AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS sPRingManager AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE ripTableId; BEHAVIOUR ripTable-sPRingManagerBeh; REGISTERED AS {g774-10NameBinding 3}; ripTable-sPRingManagerBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "An instance of the subordinate object class is automatically instantiated when an MS SPR that supports RIP is established, or when the configuration of an existing MS SPR is modified to support RIP. The subordinate object class is deleted when the MS SPR is dismissed, or when the configuration is modified such that the MS SPR no longer supports RIP."; sPRingManager-managedElement NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS sPRingManager AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS "Recommendation M.3100":managedElement AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE sPRingManagerId; BEHAVIOUR sPRingManager-managedElementBeh; REGISTERED AS {g774-10NameBinding 4}; sPRingManager-managedElementBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "An instance of the subordinate object class is automatically instantiated when an SPR is set up (e.g., via actions of a protectionCoordinator). The instance is deleted when the SPR is removed."; squelchTable-sPRingManager NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS squelchTable AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS sPRingManager AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE squelchTableId; BEHAVIOUR squelchTable-sPRingManagerBeh; REGISTERED AS {g774-10NameBinding 5}; squelchTable-sPRingManagerBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "Instances of the subordinate object class are automatically instantiated an MS-SPR protection scheme is set up, and deleted when the protection scheme is deleted."; -- ============================================================================= -- Formatted by OpenT2 Version on Fri Aug 20 11:20:49 2004