Radiocommunication |
November 2008
Issue No.2 |
together |
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Director, ITU Radiocommunication Bureau,
Mr. Valery Timofeev
-- The
year 2008 has been largely piloted by implementation of the
results of the World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-07) and
the Radiocommunication Assembly (RA-07). As we enter the last
quarter of 2008,
I would like to describe here the major
achievements of the ITU Radiocommunication Sector in the current
Directly related to the implementation of the WRC-07 results
have been the publication of the WRC-07 Final Acts, the 2008
Edition of the Radio Regulations and the implementation of the
emergency frequency database called upon by Resolution 647
(WRC-07), and the software developments to reflect the
conference decisions on space and terrestrial services,
particularly for the FSS Plan of RR Appendix 30B. In addition,
BR has been working on the integration of the GE-06 Agreement
into the Terrestrial Radiocommunication Systems (TerRaSys).
ITU-R Study Groups have been heavily involved with initiating
the new study period and in particular with implementing the new
Study Group structure adopted by RA-07. Preparation for CPM-11
has been kicked off with the involvement of several ITU-R
groups ..
ITU BR Director Mr Valery Timofeev speaks at the Forum session:
"The wireless future" at ITU Telecom Africa 2008 - Photo
credits: ITU/J.M.Ferr�
Mark your calendar!
World Radiocommunication Seminar 2008 --
with the use of the radio-frequency spectrum and the satellite orbits,
and, in particular, with the application of the provisions of the ITU
Radio Regulations. WRS-08
will cover the international frequency management aspects of the
terrestrial and space services, including the related work of the ITU-R
Study Groups. Special attention will be given to the decisions of
the 2007 World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-07).
publications news --
Publications constitute an essential reference source for all
those wishing to remain abreast of the rapid and complex changes
occurring in the world of international radiocommunications,
such as government agencies, public and private
telecommunication operators, manufacturers, scientific or
industrial bodies, international organizations, consultancies,
universities, technical institutions, etc. Recent ITU-R
regulatory and conference publications are the '2008 Edition of
the Radio Regulations' and the 'WRC-07 Final Acts'. A number
of ITU-R Handbooks are also soon to be published ...
Heritage of Radio --
26 September 2008, the ITU recognized the site named "Pierre Berg�re" in
Salvan, for its invaluable contribution in the heritage of
telecommunications, thanks to experiments of wireless communications
Guglielmo Marconi did in that location of Switzerland ..
'Long-term efficiency of the
space regulatory framework'
Satellite technology
offers effective technical and economic solutions for the establishment
of state-of-the-art telecommunication networks, providing trunk
telephony and data, direct digital radio and TV and broadband services
to fixed and mobile user terminals. Satellites are also key
elements in emergency telecommunications, meteorology, global
positioning systems, environmental monitoring and communication
services, that ensure safety of life on land, at sea and in the skies.
Accordingly, the demand for satellite capacity has grown, and with it,
the demand for use of the orbit/spectrum resource. As the options
for such use are limited by a combination of technical and economic
factors, the problem of resource scarcity has arisen, along with the
concern that the development of new satellite applications and networks
may be held back. The successful introduction of any radio system
thus depends on the availability of radio frequency spectrum as a
valuable common resource ..
'IMT-Advanced' -- 'International
Mobile Telecommunications-Advanced ' systems are mobile systems that
include the new capabilities of IMT that go beyond those of IMT-2000.
Such systems provide access to a wide range of telecommunication
services including advanced mobile services, supported by mobile and
fixed networks, which are increasingly packet-based. ITU-R Working Party
5D has been coordinating efforts of government and industry and
private sector in the development of a global broadband multimedia
international mobile telecommunication system, known as IMT. Since
2000, the world has seen the introduction of the first family of
standards derived from the IMT concept. ITU estimates that
worldwide mobile cellular subscribers are likely to reach the 4 billion
mark before the end of this year of which IMT systems technology will
constitute a substantial part considering that already in May 2007,
there were more than 1 billion IMT-2000 subscribers in the world! ..
'3D Television' -- ITU-R
Study Group 6 has agreed on a �new Study Question� on 3D
Television which will be submitted for approval by the ITU-R
Membership and calls for proposals for worldwide agreements
on 3D Television. In the past, the ITU Radiocommunication
Sector (ITU-R) has approved many ground-breaking
Recommendations for the broadcasting community - some
examples are for �standard definition� digital television
(Rec. ITU-R BT.601 which is the basis for digital
television throughout the world); formats for higher
resolution television (Rec. ITU-R BT.709, Rec. ITU-R
BT.1543, and methods for quality evaluation (Rec. ITU-R
BT.500). It is now turning to �3D Television�
ITU Council 2008 -- The
2008 session of the Council
will take place at ITU Headquarters in Geneva from Wednesday
12 November to Friday 21 November 2008. Council 2008 will
deal with some important ITU-R issues, including the
decision on the date, venue and agenda of
WRC-11, satellite
cost recovery and financial implications of
WRC-07 decisions. The opening of the
Council will be followed by a
High-Level Segment (HLS
2008: 12-13 November) designed to provide Ministers from
Member States of Council and Councillors with an opportunity
to exchange views on issues of strategic importance to the
Union and on emerging trends in the Sector. HLS 2008
includes sessions on
ICTs and climate change and
cybersecurity. |
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2008 |
Become a Member of ITU-R Sector! |
Scientific Industrial
Organizations (SIO)
Recognized Operating Agencies (ROA)
joined our Sector since the last issue of the ITU-R e-Flash, reaching a total
ITU-R Sector Members.
The latest ITU-R Sector Members that have
joined are:
Telecommunication Technology & Industry Holding Co., Ltd.,
Beijing/China (SIO)
Free TV
Australia Ltd, Mosman, NSW 2088, Australia (SIO)
Next Wave
Wireless Inc., Washington, DC/United States (SIO)
Intellect-Telecom, 109044 Moscow/Russia (SIO)
TDF Group,
TDF/F-57078 Metz Cedex 3 (SIO)
Iletişim Hizmetleri A.Ş, Turkcell Maltepe Plaza, 34880
Istanbul/Turkey, (ROA/Operator)
Technologies, Hanoi/Viet Nam (SIO)
Corporation, Hanoi/Viet Nam (ROA)
ITU-R Sector Members |
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International Telecommunication Union
Radiocommunication Sector
Place des Nations
CH-1211 Geneva 20
Telephone : +41 22 730 5111
Telefax GR3 : +41 22 733 7256
GR4 : +41 22 730 6500