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Software, Data and Validation examples for ionospheric and tropospheric radio wave propagation and radio noise


Study Group 3 templates for the submission of digital data sets and computer programs​

InformativeionosphericP.684, P.368LF-MFCalculation of LF-MF field strength and phase with parabolic model4SoftwareCalculation of LF-MF field strength and phase with parabolic
InformativeionosphericP.1239ITU-R ionospheric characteristicsITU-R ionospheric characteristics2SoftwareITU-R ionospheric
InformativeionosphericHFDatabank D2 - HF field strength value measurements in Germany1DataDatabank D2 - HF field strength value measurements in
InformativeionosphericLF-MFLF-MF skywave databank1DataLF-MF skywave databank.aspx
InformativeionosphericP.533, P.1239ITURHFPROPSoftware for the prediction of the performance of HF circuits based on Recommendation ITU-R P.53314.3SoftwareITU-R-HF_14.3.zipMD5Sum: 7CBF3FA7023C3B87F8035294CD7995A3
InformativeionosphericP.533HFHF sky-wave propagation (available from the web site of U.S. Department of Commerce NTIA-ITS)SoftwareHF sky-wave propagation (available from the web site of U.S. Department of Commerce NTIA-ITS).html
InformativetroposphericRain scatter (SCAT)Rain scatter (SCAT)1SoftwareRain scatter (SCAT).zip
InformativetroposphericP.1546Field strength valuesTabulated values for the field strength curves of Rec. ITU-R P.15466DataTabulated field strength values.xls
InformativetroposphericP.526Diffraction lossUTD formulation for diffraction loss due to finitely conducting wedge15SoftwareUTD formulation for diffraction loss due to finitely conducting
InformativetroposphericP.837Characteristics of precipitation for propagation modellingAnnex 1: Prediction method for a given annual probability and
InformativetroposphericP.526-15, P.452-18, P.1812-7, P.2001-5Diffraction prediction methodValidation examples for the delta Bullington diffraction prediction method13.2Validation exampleValidation examples for the delta Bullington diffraction prediction method.docx
InformativetroposphericP.453Radio RefractivityRadio Refractivity – Elevated and surface duct
InformativetroposphericP.452Point-to-point (interference)Excel implementation of a prediction procedure for the evaluation of interference between stations on the surface of the Earth at frequencies above about 0.1 GHz et
InformativetroposphericP.368Ground-wave propagation curves for frequencies between 10 kHz and 30 MHzM-script implementation for the calculation of the field strength and basic transmission losses based on the LFMF-smoothEarth model1SoftwareM-script implementation for the calculation of the field strength and basic transmission losses based on the LFMF smooth Earth
InformativetroposphericP.528Propagation curves for aeronautical mobile and radionavigation servicesExecutable software to generate basic transmission loss values and field strength curves of Rec. ITU-R P.5285.0.1SoftwareR19-WP3K-C-0264!N06-P1!
InformativetroposphericP.528Propagation curves for aeronautical mobile and radionavigation servicesM-script software implementation of Rec. ITU-R P.5285SoftwareMatlab implementation of Recommendation ITU-R P.528-5 - Ver
InformativetroposphericP.1546Path general propagation methodM-file script implementation of a method for point-to-area predictions for terrestrial services in the frequency range 30 MHz to 3 000 MHz6.2SoftwareR19-WP3K-C-0264!N05-P1!
InformativetroposphericP.1546Validation examplesValidation examples for software implementations of Recommendation ITU-R P.15466.2Validation exampleR19-WP3K-C-0264!N05-P2!
InformativetroposphericP.368Ground-wave propagation method for frequencies between 10 kHz and 30 MHzExecutable for the calculation of the field strength and basic transmission losses based on the LFMF-smoothEarth model10SoftwareR19-WP3L-C-0072!P2!
InformativetroposphericP.618Joint probability of attenuation exceededPython implementation of an estimation of the joint probability for two stations in a diversity configuration, Section of Rec. ITU-R P.618-1414.2241_v2SoftwareP_618_14_joint_prob_py.zipSee README file
InformativetroposphericP.618Joint probability of attenuation exceededM-file script implementation of an estimation of the joint probability for two stations in a diversity configuration, Section of Rec. ITU-R P.618-1414.2241_v2SoftwareP_618_14_joint_prob_m.zipSee README file
InformativetroposphericP.1144Numerical integrationGaussian quadrature points and weights for numerical integration12DataGaussian quadrature points and weights for numerical
InformativetroposphericP.1812Path specific propagation methodM-file script implementation of a path-specific propagation prediction method for point-to-area terrestrial services in the VHF and UHF bands6.1SoftwareR19-WP3K-C-0335!N02-P1!
InformativetroposphericP.1812Validation examplesValidation examples for software implementations of Recommendation ITU-R P.18126.1Validation exampleR19-WP3K-C-0335!N02-P2!
InformativetroposphericP.2001Wide range propagation modelM-file script implementation of a general purpose wide-range terrestrial propagation model in the frequency range 30 MHz to 50 GHz4.1SoftwareR19-WP3M-C-0449!N28-P1!
InformativetroposphericP.2001Wide range propagation modelValidation examples for software implementations of Recommendation ITU-R P.20014.1Validation exampleR19-WP3M-C-0449!N28-P2!
InformativetroposphericP.2108, P.2109Calculation of clutter and building entry lossImplementations of the calculation methods for clutter and building entry losses2SoftwareClutter and BEL workbook_V2.xlsx
InformativetroposphericP.372Radio noiseM-file script for processing white Gaussian noise measurements1SoftwareP.372_M-file script for processing white Gaussian noise measurements.docx
InformativetroposphericP.452Validation examplesValidation examples for software implementation of Recommendation ITU-R P.45218.0Validation exampleValidation examples for Recommendation ITU-R P.452-18 - Ver
InformativetroposphericP.452Point-to-point (interference)M-file script implementation of a prediction procedure for the evaluation of interference between stations on the surface of the Earth at frequencies above about 100 MHz18.0SoftwareMatlab implementation of Recommendation ITU-R P.452-18 - Ver
InformativetroposphericP.2146Sea surface bistatic scatteringM-file script implementation of the sea surface bistatic
InformativetroposphericP.837Rainfall rate exceeded for a given probability of the average year and a given locationExcel implementation of Recommendation ITU-R P.837-6, Annex 16.1SoftwareP_837-6_Annex_1.ZIP
InformativetroposphericP.838Specific attenuation model for rain for use in prediction methodsExcel implementation of Recommendation ITU-R
InformativetroposphericP.839Rain height model for prediction methodsExcel implementation of Recommendation ITU-R
InformativetroposphericP.453-14, P.618-14, P.676-13, P.836-6, P.837-7, P.838-3, P.839-4, P.840-9, P.1510-1, P.1511-3, P.1623-1, P.1815-1, P.2145-0Earth-space prediction methodsValidation examples for parts of Recs. ITU-R P.453-14, P.618-14, P.676-13, P.836-6, P.837-7, P.838-3, P.839-4, P.840-9, P.1510-1, P.1511-3, P.1623-1, P.1815-1, P.2145-08.3.0Validation exampleCG-3M3J-13-ValEx-Rev8.3.0.xlsx
NormativeionosphericP.534Method for calculating sporadic-E field strengthDigital maps of the sporadic E critical frequency, exceeded for annual average time percentages of 50%, 10%, 1% and 0.1%6DataP.534 _ Method for calculating sporadic-E field strength.html
NormativeionosphericP.531Ionospheric propagation data and prediction methods required for the design of satellite services and systemsElectron density distribution (NeQuick2)12SoftwareP.531 _ Ionospheric propagation data and prediction methods required for the design of satellite networks and systems_08-2023.html
NormativeionosphericP.531Ionospheric propagation data and prediction methods required for the design of satellite services and systemsIonospheric scintillations (GISM)5.1SoftwareP.531 _ Ionospheric propagation data and prediction methods required for the design of satellite networks and systems_GISM.html
NormativetroposphericP.839Rain height model for prediction methods0 degree isotherm height (in km and above mean sea level)4Data0 degree isotherm height (in km and above mean sea level).html
NormativetroposphericP.678Characterization of the natural variability of propagation phenomenaClimatic ratio3DataClimatic ratio.html
NormativetroposphericP.837Characteristics of precipitation for propagation modellingAnnex 1: Maps of monthly total rainfall7DataAnnex1.html
NormativetroposphericP.837Characteristics of precipitation for propagation modellingAnnex 2: Conversion of rain rate statistics with different integration time 7SoftwareAnnex2.html
NormativetroposphericP.1510Mean surface temperatureAnnex 1: Annual and Monthly maps1DataRec. P.1510-1 Supplement.html
NormativetroposphericP.834Meteorological parametersCoefficients required to calculate excess radio path length9DataCoefficients required to calculate excess radio path length.html
NormativetroposphericP.836Water vapour: surface density and total columnar contentAnnual and monthly surface water vapour density and total columnar content6DataAnnual and monthly surface water vapour density and total solumnar content.html
NormativetroposphericP.836Topographical altitude digital mapTopographical altitudes for surface density and total columnar content6DataTopographical altitudes for surface density and total columnar content.html
NormativetroposphericP.681Mixed propagation conditionsPhysical-statistical wideband model for mixed propagation conditions11.4SoftwareP.681 _ Propagation data required for the design systems in the land mobile-satellite service.html
NormativetroposphericP.840Attenuation due to clouds and fogAnnual and monthly statistics (mean, standard deviation and CCFD) of integrated cloud liquid water content (Parts 01 to 13)9DataP.840 _ Attenuation due to clouds and fog.html
NormativetroposphericP.840Integrated cloud liquid water contentAnnual statistics of integrated cloud liquid water content approximated by a log-normal distribution (Part 14)9DataP.840 _ Attenuation due to clouds and fog_2.html
NormativetroposphericP.617Propagation prediction techniques and data required for the design of trans-horizon radio-relay systemsClimatic zone map5DataP.617 _ Propagation prediction techniques and data required for the design of trans-horizon radio-relay systems.html
NormativetroposphericP.453Radio RefractivityMonthly and annual radio refractivity gradient in the lowest (65 m) and 1 km layers of the atmosphere14DataP.453 _ The radio refractive index_ its formula and refractivity dataV14.html
NormativetroposphericP.453Radio RefractivityRadio Refractivity - Wet term of surface refractivity14DataP.453 _ The radio refractive index_ its formula and refractivity dataV3.html
NormativetroposphericP.528Propagation curves for aeronautical mobile and radionavigation servicesTabulated values for the field strength curves of Rec. ITU-R P.5285DataTabulated values for the field strength curves of Rec. ITU-R P.528.html
NormativetroposphericP.528Propagation prediction for aeronautical mobile and radionavigation servicesSoftware code to generate basic transmission loss values and curves of Rec. ITU-R P.5285SoftwareSoftware code to generate basic transmission loss values and curves of Rec. ITU-R P.528.html
NormativetroposphericP.2148Digital maps related to surface wind speed statistics Digital maps of the worldwide average annual statistics of wind speed at a height of 10 m above the surface of the Earth0DataDigital maps of the worldwide average annual statistics of wind speed at a height of 10 m above the surface of the Earth.html
NormativetroposphericP.2145Digital maps related to the calculation of gaseous attenuation and related effectsMonthly and annual maps for total (barometric) pressure, surface temperature and surface water vapour density, integrated water vapour content and annual statistics of integrated water vapour content approximated by a Weibull distribution0DataMonthly and annual maps for total (barometric) pressure, surface temperature and surface water vapour density, integrated water vapour content and annual statistics of integrated water vapour content approximated by a Weibull distribution.html
NormativetroposphericP.368Ground-wave propagation method for frequencies between 10 kHz and 30 MHzSoftware code for the calculation of the field strength and basic transmission losses based on the LFMF-smoothEarth model10SoftwareSoftware code for the calculation of the field strength and basic transmission losses based on the LFMF-smoothEarth model.html
NormativetroposphericP.452Point-to-point (interference)Atmospheric radio refractivity maps used to predict anomalous propagation18DataAtmospheric radio refractivity maps used to predict anomalous propagation_V18.html
NormativetroposphericP.1812A path-specific propagation prediction method for point-to-area terrestrial services in the VHF and UHF bandsAverage sea level surface refractivity and average annual difference in values of refractivity7DataAverage sea level surface refractivity and average annual difference in values of refractivity_V7.html
NormativetroposphericP.2001Wide range propagation modelDigital map files for the wide range propagation model in Recommendation ITU-R P.20015DataDigital map files for the wide range propagation model in Recommendation ITU-R P.2001_V5.html
NormativetroposphericP.530Propagation data and prediction methods required for the design of terrestrial line-of-sight systemsLogarithm of the geoclimatic factor and the average worst month refractivity increase with height over the lowest 75 m of the atmosphere18DataP.530 _ Propagation data and prediction methods required for the design of terrestrial line-of-sight systems.html
NormativetroposphericP.1511TopographyTopography (0.08333° resolution)3DataP.1511 _ Topography for Earth-space propagation modelling.html
NormativetroposphericP.1511TopographyUndulation in the 2008 version of the U.S. National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency Earth Gravitational Model)3DataP.1511 _ Topography for Earth-space propagation modelling_2.html
Normativetroposphericp.835Pressure, Temperature, Water Vapour and Geometric height dataMeteorological parameters Pressure, Temperature and Water Vapour data and geometric heights for atmospheric vertical profiles7DataMeteorological parameters Pressure, Temperature and Water Vapour data and geometric heights for atmospheric vertical profiles.html