ITU/IDA - 2010 Workshop on the efficient use of the spectrum/orbit resource
(Singapore, 17-18 June 2010)
The access to the orbit/spectrum resource, a crucial asset for satellite companies and countries, is becoming more and more challenging. Struggle for this satellite spectrum asset is particularly intense for newcomers to the business, for smaller companies operating existing satellite services, and for anybody seeking to introduce new types of satellite applications (e.g. broadband services). The ITU Radiocommunication Bureau is currently making concerted efforts to draw the attention of all satellite players to the fact that prosperity of the satellite business may be threatened by any abuse of the regulatory regime allowing access to the spectrum/orbit resource that could deny operation of real satellite networks.
During the final roundtable of the Workshop on efficient use of Spectrum/Orbit resources held in Geneva on 6 May 2009, participants recognized that to rise to the above challenges would require the combined efforts of all members of ITU. Thus far, there had only been few forums in which all those with an interest in the effective and efficient use of the spectrum/orbit resource could get together to discuss the issue. Participants concluded that exchanges of views of this kind should be pursued and enlarged, so as to promote and encourage the development of proposals for enhancing access to and the efficient and effective use of the spectrum/orbit resource.